


Coastlines determine the perimeter of a country, state, island, or city. They also form beaches.

500 Questions

What year was the first tsunami?

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The first recorded tsunami occurred in 479 BC in the Mediterranean Sea, near the ancient city of Potidaea in Greece. This event was described by the Greek historian Herodotus.

Is south Americas coastline longer than any other continent?

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Yes, South America has the second longest coastline of any continent, after Asia. The continent's coastline stretches over 15,000 miles, with countries like Brazil and Chile contributing significantly to its length.

What creates a tsunami?

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earthquakes and volcanic eruption

the earthquakes had shaken the earth causing the water to move past water level. At fist the tsunamis starts to move farther away from the shore line picking up more & more water as it goes along. Then when it is as far as it can go it rises and rises till its at its maximum height. Then the water starts moving back to the shore line rapidly. It goes past and the wave is in the air above thousands of people and their city. Then comes the down fall. All that water then lands and then starts moving back towards the ocean in that deraction. This is when all the damage happeens. The water is moving ver fast and tearing down anything in its way. (i.e. tress, houses, building & even people get dragged back and start to drown in the deep wave. Once the water returns to the ocean the tsunami is at rest but the destruction will need endless repairs.

What is the worldest longest coast line?

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Canada has the longest coastline at 243,792 km or 151,485 miles.

Note: The coastline of the country's 52,455 islands is included.

Canada has the largest coastline in the world. Its total coastline is recorded at 243,792 km or 151,485 miles. Other countries with large coastlines include Indonesia, Japan, and the Philippines.

How many miles of coastline does Columbia have?

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Colombia has around 1,800 miles (2,900 kilometers) of coastline along the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

Why is the coastline of Puget Sound so irregular?

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The irregular coastline of Puget Sound is a result of glacial activity during the last ice age. The movement of glaciers carved out deep fjords and inlets, creating the intricate network of waterways seen today. Subsequent sea level changes and erosion have further shaped the coastline over time.

Which countries are close to sea level?

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Countries that are close to sea level include the Maldives, Belgium, and the Netherlands. These countries have large areas of land that are only a few meters above sea level, making them vulnerable to sea level rise.

How did California's coastline become heavily populated?

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California's coastline became heavily populated due to factors such as the Gold Rush in the mid-1800s, the development of major cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles, and the allure of its mild climate and natural beauty. Additionally, post-World War II economic growth and the rise of the entertainment industry further fueled population growth along the coast.

What can a tsunami do to you?

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A tsunami can cause serious injury and potentially death due to drowning, blunt force trauma, and being swept away by the powerful force of the water. It can also destroy buildings and infrastructure, leading to widespread devastation and loss of livelihoods. If you are in a tsunami-prone area, it is important to heed evacuation warnings and seek higher ground immediately.

What kind of landforms are found in kerala?

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In Kerala, you can find a variety of landforms such as the Western Ghats mountain range, lush valleys, backwaters, coastal plains, and sandy beaches. The diverse geography of Kerala has contributed to its unique ecosystem and biodiversity.

What is the name of Massachusetts longest cape?

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Cape Cod is Massachusetts' longest cape. Spanning 65 miles, it curves out into the Atlantic Ocean and is a popular summer destination known for its beaches, seafood, and charming coastal towns.

What English county has two separate coastlines?

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Cumbria in northwest England has two separate coastlines along the Irish Sea to the west and the Solway Firth to the north.

What would happen if rivers did not continuously move grain-sized sediment to the coastline?

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If rivers did not continuously move grain-sized sediment to the coastline, it would lead to decreased beach nourishment and the erosion of coastlines. This could disrupt coastal ecosystems, impact sand supply for beaches, and increase vulnerability to coastal hazards such as storm surges.

Does Arkansas have a coastline?

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No, Arkansas does not have a coastline. It is a landlocked state located in the southern United States.

How many miles of coastline does NC have?

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North Carolina has approximately 301 miles of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean.

Does the tidal bore occur in the Gulf of California?

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Yes, tidal bores occur in the Gulf of California. The phenomenon is known as "el pororoca" and happens when the incoming tide meets the flow of rivers, creating a wave that can travel upstream.

Does Africa have an irregular coastline?

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Yes, Africa has an irregular coastline with many indentations, bays, and peninsulas. The continent has a diverse range of coastlines due to various geological processes and tectonic activities.

Is Brasilia on a coastline?

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No, Brasilia is not located on a coastline. It is the capital of Brazil and is situated in the central-western region of the country, away from the coast.

How wide is the Atlantic ocean from New York to England?

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The Atlantic Ocean is approximately 3,000 miles wide between New York and England.

How do you adapt to tsunamis?

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Well, humans have not really adapted to tsunamis yet. We can sometimes tell when one is going to happen and evacuate people from the regions that will be affected by it. We've put up some blockades around beaches so the water wont affect the land as bad. The best thing to do during an tsunami is to find a high ground so that you wont get swept away by the water, or so nothing will fall on you. Hope this helped.

How are tombolos are formed?

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Tombolos are formed when sand or gravel deposits accumulate and connect an offshore island to the mainland. This accumulation is typically driven by waves, currents, and sediment transport patterns. Over time, the tombolo grows and stabilizes, creating a land bridge between the island and the mainland.

How long is the Canadian Coastline?

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The Canadian coastline is approximately 202,080 kilometers long, making it the longest coastline of any country in the world. This includes the coastlines along the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Arctic Ocean.

What is the South East Essex coastline like?

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The South East Essex coastline features a mix of sandy beaches, cliffs, estuaries, and marshlands. It is known for its diverse wildlife, including various bird species and seals. Popular coastal towns like Southend-on-Sea and Leigh-on-Sea offer traditional seaside attractions, while quieter areas like Shoeburyness provide a more serene coastal experience.

Is the river severn a delta or an estuary?

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The River Severn is technically neither a delta nor an estuary. The River Severn is a tidal river that flows into the Bristol Channel. It has characteristics of both a river and an estuary, where the freshwater river meets the saltwater of the sea.

Peninsula between Ungava bay and Hudson bay?

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The peninsula between Ungava Bay and Hudson Bay is the Ungava Peninsula. It is located in northern Quebec, Canada, and is known for its rugged terrain, tundra vegetation, and being home to several Inuit communities. The region is also significant for its wildlife, including caribou, polar bears, and various bird species.