


Crocheting and Knitting

This category is devoted to the ancient arts of fabric crafting. Knitting and crocheting are interrelated hand crafts that offer the unique oppotunity to wear the results of one's imagination. Questions about beginning and advanced techniques, yarns, threads, and patterns will be found in this category.

500 Questions

How do you hdc?

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Hdc is the abreviation for half double crochet. When you double crochet you wrap wool around the hook before you push the hook through the stitch to pull up a loop. After you pull up the loop you have three loops on your hook. Usually you will then pull a loop through two of the loops and pull a second loop through the remaining two loops. With the half double crochet you will pull one loop through all three loops.

What does tbl mean in knitting instructions?

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It means "through back leg." When you look at a stitch on a knitting needle, imagine it is a cowboy sitting on a horse and the tip of the needle is the horse's nose. One leg is closer to you, and one is further away. For most knitters (in the U.S. and western Europe), it is the cowboy's right, or front leg that is leading, and the leg on the other side of the needle (back leg) is closer to the horse's tail than the front leg. It is important to notice whether your cowboy is sitting this way because it will effect the result of the tbl maneuver if he isn't. Usually (in the U.S. and western Europe) you insert the needle into the front leg when knitting. This produces a normal stitch. If you insert the needle through the back loop, it will produce a twisted stitch. This is sometimes used for decoration, or for tightening an area that tends to be loose. Hold the needles nose-to-nose and insert the right needle into the stitch that way. That will put you through the back leg and produce the twisted stitch.

What weight yarn is Bernat Sesame equal to?

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Bernat Satin is medium (or worsted) weight. It can also be classified as a 4 on a scale of 0 to 6, 0 being lace weight and 6 being super bulky weight. Hope that helps. :-)

How many lbs of yarn for a double crochet blanket for twin bed?

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You would need to specify the hook size, yarn name and thickness.

Yarns vary enormously in how far they go. Try making a six inch square, weighing it on good kitchen scales and estimating from there.

How do you say knitting in French?

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It depends on the context! First of all, it depends on whether "stitch" is a noun or a verb.

If it's a noun:

- "un point" if you're talking about sewing fabrics;

- "une maille" if you're talking about knitting;

- "un point de suture" if the context is medical (stitches following surgery, etc.);

- "un point de côté" if you're talking about a sharp pain in your side (e.g. after running too much).

If it's a verb:

- "coudre" if you're talking about sewing fabrics;

- "suturer" if you're talking about sewing up a wound.

Where can you find any bernat berella 4 yarn?

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you are out of luck.. berella does not make that shade anymore. you can check their site

i would try eBay. I've been able to pick up discontinued yarns there. i also believe you can put up a query there to see if anyone has it..

How old is knitting?

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The oldest "modern" knitting (formed on two sticks by pulling loops through loops) is 'Coptic socks' from Egypt, dating to around 1000 AC.

How do you find the start when knitting in a circle?

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Usually one has a "tail" of yarn from the cast-on stitches when you start. It helps to note the beginning at the cast-on process, and put a slip marker there to mark the beginning of the row. The "tail" is a great way to remember where you started, so when you begin a piece, take the time to put your marker on your needles. If you have "lost" your way, very carefully look at your piece near that tail. You should see where the stitches are slightly "off"...that's where your "start" of the row is. Happy knitting!! When both knitting and crocheting in the round, I would mark the beginning of my row with a stitch marker. This can be either a small scrap of yarn in a different color than your working in or a stitch marker that you purchase in the store. Depending upon the pattern I might move the marker to the first stitch of the most recently completed row - or - I might leave the original marker in place and simply add new markers as I add rows.

Without bringing scissors may I bring a crochet hook and yarn?

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I am assuming you mean on board a plane. Some airlines allow wooden or plastic crochet hooks, not metal, while others do not allow them at all. I would call the specific airline you plan to use and ask for their policy.

Crochet single crochet one row and double next?

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That is a long stitch. Just count 4 rows down and insert your hook in the stitch in line with the stitch on your present row but on the row 4 rows down. You will have to work very loosely and pull up your golden loop so that your stitches on the present row remain even and your work doesn't pull in.

Should one knit into the front or back of a stitch when the previous row contained both knit and purl stitches?

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There are at least two ways to interpret this question. Taken literally, you're talking about whether to insert the needle into the stitch knit-wise (from front to back) vs purl-wise (from back to front).

Whether to knit into the front or back of a stitch is not related to what stitches occurred in the row below, but to what stitches you want to create in the current row. If you wish to make a knit stitch, insert the needle from front to back into the stitch to be worked. If you wish to make a purl stitch, insert the needle from the back to the front. You are allowed to put purl stitches on top of knit stitches and vice versa. It all depends on what pattern or effect you are looking for. For example, many garments begin with a couple of inches of ribbing, such as 1 x 1 ribbing which is done by alternately knitting a stitch, then purling the next stitch. On following rows you simple knit those stitches that were previously knit and purl those stitches that were previously purled. But at the end of the ribbed cuff, hem, or neck, you will need to switch from ribbing to stockinette or some other pattern stitch. Switching to stockinette would mean knitting all the stitches all the way across, even if some of them had been purled in a previous row. ----- The other way to interpret the question is whether you knit into the leg of the stitch that sits in front of or behind the needle, rather than whether you insert the needle from the front of the work or the back of the work.

When you wrap the yarn around the needle, you might wrap it counter-clockwise if you are a western knitter (Western Europe and the U.S.), or clock-wise if you are an eastern knitter (Asia). Some knitters wrap CCW on the knits and CW on the purls (called "combination" knitting) because this is the most ergonomic technique.

How you wrap the stitch determines how the stitch is placed on the needle. For most American/European knitters the stitch is placed so that the "leading leg" or the branch of the stitch closer to the tip of the needle, is in front of the needle, and the trailing leg is behind the needle. If you knit into the front (leading) leg, you will get a flat stitch. But if you knit into the back (trailing) leg, you will get a twisted stitch.

It can be tempting to simply say "always knit into the front of the stitch," but as you can see that would only be true for half of the world's knitters. It is more accurate to say "knit into the leading leg for a flat stitch or the trailing leg for a twisted stitch." This is always true, regardless of whether the stitch being knit is a purl stitch or a knit stitch and regardless of the knitter's style of knitting.

Each row is treated as a whole new beginning. The stitch would be made the same way each time no matter where you make it, according to what the pattern says. Some advanced knitters do prefer to start and end every row with the same stitch, regardless of what the pattern says because it makes a kind of seam which makes stitching a garment together.

How do you add a new skein of yarn to the one you are knitting with?

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* There is no 'cast on' in crocheting. 'Cast on' is a knitting term. Crochet is generally started with a simple loop repeated to form a chain. * You don't cast on exactly because you have only one stitch at a time on the hook. In knitting it is called casting on because you are putting a whole row of stitches on a needle. Instead in crochet we make a "foundation chain." Determine the number of stitches you want in a row and make a chain of that many stitches. If you plan to do single crochet, add one additional chain to count as the first single crochet of the second row after you turn. For a row of half double crochet, make it two extra chains and for a double crochet, make it three extra chains.

How do you knit c4b and c4f?

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C4B means "cable four back" and is a cable worked over four stitches. Assuming you knit from right to left you place two stitches on your cable needle (or another temporary stitch holder), hold it behind your work, knit two stitches and then knit the two stitches you placed on the cable needle.

What size would a milliliter crochet hook be?

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Crochet hooks come in various sizes. To figure out a project that you might want to crochet, find the project, see what size yarn is needed, and then check with the pattern, and see what the pattern requires for a hook size.

As a general rule "steel" hooks are used for thread-weight "yarn" and those hooks run from 0.6 mm to around 3.0mm. You know that you have a "steel" hook, because it has a number on it, in addition to a size given in mm. 'Steel' hooks run from size 14 (0.6mm) to 00 (double zero, and 3.0mm)

Then the "aluminum" hooks run from around 2.0mm all the way up to 16.0mm or larger. An aluminum hook can be easily identified because there is a letter on the hook, along with the mm sizing. So, 'aluminum' hooks run from B (2.25mm) to S (19.0mm). I guess there could be an "A" size, but it would be around the same as a size Zero or Double Zero in 'steel' hooks.

Where can you buy an Annie cole pattern for hand knitted cotton bedspreads?

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You can find Annie Cole's bedspread patterns at local bedding stores. Some stores have them such as Ann's linen's or bed bath and beyond.

What is loop yarn?

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Loopy yarn can be yarn with loopsembeddedin the yarn lengths.

How do you calculate fabrics yards from gsm?

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Easy formula for calculate gsm as below,

GSM= (EPI/Warp count*1.1)+(PPI/Weft count*1.04)*23.5

Suppose: Fabric is 20x20/60x60


(60/20x1.1)+(60/20x1.04)x23.5 =(3.3+3.12)x23.5=6.42x23.5=150.87

So, GSM is 150.87maximum

Hopefully you get it.


Sharif, Merchandiser (Marketing), Sattar Textile Mills Ltd, Bangladesh.

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What does lp mean in crochet?

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It's not a standard term, but probably loops.

How long does it take to do crochet braids?

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The length of time to put in micro braids varies depending on the thickness and length of the hair. It can take anywhere from 4 to 12 hours.

What is the finger knitting world record?

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i have no freakinng clue... but when i find i'll it i'll be sure to telll yalll peepss...

How long should you knit a scarf?

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This is mostly a matter of opinion, as some people prefer EXTREMELY long scarves, and others prefer a short scarf. However, as a general standard, around 4 - 4 1/2 feet is good, depending on the scarf's thickness.


Absolutely true. If you are making a scarf for charity purposes, they may have specific guidelines. Scarves for military personnel must also follow strict size guidelines.

In general terms, the prevailing theory is as long as the person is tall, but of course, preferences vary. I generally make mine 60" unless the requirement is different.

What size needle do you use to stitch up a cut?

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A small needle, size 60/8, is suitable for sewing silk.

Why do people get needles?

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Because their sugar pressure is too high and because of that they eat a lot of candy and drink juice with sugar.