

Dewey Decimal System

Created by Melvil Dewey in 1896, the Dewey Decimal System is a classification system used by libraries to organize and file books. It consists of 10 main categories which are divided into sub-categories.

500 Questions

Was john Dewey a socialist?

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John Dewey was not a socialist in the traditional sense. Although he supported some progressive and social welfare ideas, Dewey's beliefs were rooted in pragmatism and democratic principles rather than full adherence to socialist ideology.

What is the hierarchical system of classification used in biology?

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The hierarchical system of classification in biology is called taxonomy. It starts with broad categories like domain and goes down to specific categories like species. The main levels are domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

Where decimal system is used and why?

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The decimal system is used globally as the primary numeral system for commerce, mathematics, and everyday calculations. It is based on powers of 10, making it easy to understand and work with fractions. This system's simplicity and alignment with human species' ten fingers have contributed to its wide adoption.

What topics are listed under the Dewey deciamal system what are the topics listed under numbers 300-399?

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The Dewey Decimal System categorizes topics into 10 main classes, with class 300-399 covering the social sciences. Topics in this range include sociology (300), economics (330), political science (320), law (340), education (370), and more. This classification system is used in libraries to organize books and other resources by subject.

What is the Dewey decimal number for Lego's?

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The Dewey decimal number for Lego's would be 688.72. This classification is used for books and resources related to toys made of plastic blocks, such as Lego's.

Where is health in the Dewey decimal system?

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Health is typically found in the 610-619 range of the Dewey Decimal System, specifically in the 610s section. This section covers topics related to medicine, healthcare, and wellness.

What is the Dewey decimal code for robotics?

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The Dewey Decimal Classification code for robotics is 629.892.

Who invented the dewy decimal classification system?

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Melvil Dewey, an American librarian, was the inventor of the Dewey Decimal Classification system in 1876. This system revolutionized library organization by categorizing books based on subject and assigning them a unique number for easy retrieval and shelving.

What is a dewy desemal system?

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It appears there may be a typo in your question. If you are referring to a "dewy decimal system," it is a classification system used in libraries to organize books based on subject matter. It was developed by Melvil Dewey and assigns a unique number to each book to make it easier for users to find materials.

What is clacification?

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"Clacification" seems to be a misspelling. If you meant "calcification," it refers to the accumulation of calcium salts in body tissues. In medicine, it can occur in various organs like the kidneys, arteries, or breast tissue, leading to potential health issues depending on the location and extent of calcification.

What is the Dewey decimal number for Disasters?

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The Dewey decimal number for Disasters is 363.34.

What is the Dewey decimal classification of the Prometheus myth?

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The Prometheus myth would likely be classified under the Dewey Decimal system as 292.213, which covers mythology of individual gods and goddesses in Greek mythology.

What is meaning of Dewey?

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Dewey can refer to the Dewey Decimal System, a classification system used in libraries to organize books by subject. It can also refer to the philosopher and educator John Dewey, known for his contributions to the field of education and pragmatism.

What are the 4 conflicts in Dewey decimal system?

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The four main conflicts in the Dewey Decimal System are between different classification systems (e.g., Dewey Decimal vs. Library of Congress), between traditional print resources and newer digital resources, between universal standards and local adaptations, and between subject-based categorization and interdisciplinary approaches.

What is the usual length of legend in Dewey decimal system?

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In the Dewey Decimal Classification system, a legend is typically a brief guide that explains the meaning of the numbers and symbols used in the classification scheme. The length of the legend can vary, but it is usually concise and easy to understand to help users navigate the system effectively.

What was John Dewey most noted for?

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John Dewey was most noted for his work as a philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer. He focused on the importance of experience in education, championed the notion of learning by doing, and advocated for a student-centered approach to teaching. Dewey's ideas had a significant impact on the field of education and are still influential today.

What is 1 over 19 as a decimal?

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It is: 1/19 = 0.053 rounded to 3 decimal places

What is the Dewey decimal classification for nonfiction books about spiders?

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Spiders fall under the Dewey Decimal Classification of 595.4.

What is 3.041666667 rounded up to the nearest decimal point?

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There is no such thing as the nearest decimal point - since there is only one decimal point. To the nearest whole number, the value is 3.

What are 5 guidelines for a good classification system?

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  1. Define clear criteria for categorization.
  2. Ensure categories are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive.
  3. Use consistent and logical classification principles.
  4. Keep the system flexible for future updates.
  5. Provide clear instructions and guidelines for users on how to classify items.

What is the Dewey decimal number for Greek civilization?

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The Dewey decimal number for Greek civilization is 938 in the Dewey Decimal Classification system.

What is the Dewey decimal system for subject heading Victorians?

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In the Dewey Decimal Classification system, books about the Victorians would generally fall under the category 941.081 – history of Victorian era in the United Kingdom.

Using the Dewey decimal system where would you find books about Jesus?

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Books about Jesus would typically be found in the 200s section of the Dewey Decimal System, specifically in the 232 range which covers topics related to Jesus Christ and Christianity.

What does encyclopedia stand for in the Dewey decimal?

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Encyclopedia falls under the Dewey Decimal classification 030, which covers general encyclopedias and reference works across various subjects.