

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche was a 19th c. German philosopher, cultural critic, and poet, who wrote extensively on religion, morality, contemporary culture, philosophy and science. He was greatly influential to the philosophical schools of existentialism, postmodernism, and post-structuralism.

339 Questions

What was Friedrich Nietzsche's view on women?

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Nietzsche's view on women was complex and often controversial. While he did express some sexist and derogatory views about women in his writings, he also believed in the potential for women to achieve greatness and power. Overall, his views on women were not consistent and evolved throughout his works.

What does Nietzsche's Philosophy have to do with call of the wild?

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Nietzsche's philosophy, particularly his idea of the "will to power," can be seen in Jack London's "Call of the Wild" through the themes of strength, struggle, and survival. The novel explores the primal instincts and inner struggle for dominance in the harsh environment of the Yukon wilderness, echoing Nietzsche's emphasis on individualism, self-overcoming, and the pursuit of power. The protagonist Buck's transformation and adaptation to the wild can be interpreted as a reflection of Nietzsche's ideals of personal growth and asserting one's will.

Friedrich Nietzsche suggests that egoism is the law of?

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Asked by Goodwineboi

Friedrich Nietzsche suggests that egoism is the law of nature and that individuals should prioritize their own well-being and self-interest above all else. He believed that embracing one's own desires and needs would lead to personal growth and fulfillment, ultimately shaping a strong and independent individual.

How do you pronounce Nietzsche?

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His full name is pronounced: frē'drĭkh vĭl'hĕlm nē'chə

Why does Nietzsche deny that human conscience emerge in the criminal?

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Nietzsche believed that human conscience, or moral judgment, does not necessarily arise from a sense of guilt or wrongdoing as seen in criminals. Rather, he argued that conscience is shaped by societal values, beliefs, and power dynamics. Therefore, he rejects the idea that criminals have a different or lack of conscience, but rather that their actions may stem from a different set of values or circumstances.

What actors and actresses appeared in Nietzsche - 2003?

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The 2003 film "Nietzsche" was directed by none other than László Nemes. This particular movie is a short, coming in at just under 30 minutes. The focus of the film is on the titular character, Friedrich Nietzsche, a renowned and influential thinker.

Why is nietzsche famous?

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Friedrich Nietzsche is famous for his existentialist philosophy which questioned traditional values and morals, advocating for individualism and self-overcoming. His works also explored the concepts of the will to power, the ubermensch (superman), and the eternal recurrence, influencing fields such as philosophy, literature, psychology, and even popular culture.

What was written by Friedrich Nietzsche in 1888?

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In 1888, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote "Ecce Homo," a book that reflects on his life, philosophy, and his views on morality and religion.

Friedrich Nietzsche If you tell a lie often enough?

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Friedrich Nietzsche believed that if a lie is repeated often enough, it can eventually be accepted as truth by those who hear it repeatedly. This concept highlights the influence of persuasion and manipulation in shaping collective beliefs and perceptions. Nietzsche cautioned against blindly accepting commonly held beliefs and encouraged critical thinking and questioning of established truths.

What nietzsche means when he recommends that you lie creatively?

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When Nietzsche recommends lying creatively, he is suggesting that individuals should use their imagination and creativity to interpret and shape reality in a way that aligns with their own values and desires. This can involve embracing a form of self-expression and self-affirmation that allows individuals to assert their own perspectives and beliefs in the face of societal norms or constraints.

What was written on Friedrich Nietzsche's gravestone?

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Friedrich Nietzsche's gravestone is inscribed with "FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE. 1844-1900."

What does oates imply about nature in her reference to Nietzsche William Butler Yeats and Wallace Stevens?

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By referencing Nietzsche, Yeats, and Stevens in relation to nature, Oates implies that nature serves as a source of inspiration, contemplation, and reflection for these thinkers. Each of them engaged with nature in unique ways, drawing upon its beauty, power, and complexity to explore philosophical, spiritual, and artistic themes in their work. Oates likely suggests that nature holds a profound significance as a subject of exploration and creative expression for these influential figures.

Why did friedrich nietzsche reject organized religion going so far as to declare that god is dead?

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Nietzsche rejected organized religion because he believed it limited individual freedom and hindered human potential. He famously declared that "God is dead" to suggest that the traditional concept of a divine being no longer held sway over society and that humanity must now create its own values and meaning. For Nietzsche, this meant embracing a life-affirming philosophy focused on self-reliance and personal growth.

Why did Nietzsche Sternly criticize Christianity?

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Nietzsche criticized Christianity because he saw it as promoting values that he believed were life-denying, such as meekness, humility, and self-sacrifice. He also felt that Christianity's emphasis on sin and guilt led to the repression of natural instincts and hindered individual flourishing. Nietzsche believed that Christianity weakened the human spirit and stifled creativity and self-assertion.

How many books did Nietzsche write?

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Nietzsche wrote several books during his lifetime, with his most famous works including "Thus Spoke Zarathustra," "Beyond Good and Evil," "The Genealogy of Morals," and "The Birth of Tragedy." In total, he authored around 15 major works, covering a wide range of philosophical topics.

Art is the imitation of truth according to?

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Asked by MnkukumawatKumawatgp0876

Friedrich Nietzsche said that art is the imitation truth.

Did Nietzsche encourage or discourage drinking?

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Asked by DiegoHernandezfb8253

Friedrich Nietzsche actually encouraged drinking, he did not discourage it.

In what year did Friedrich Nietzsche die?

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Friedrich Nietzsche was a professor, composer, and philologist who was criticized for his works for many years. He was plagued by health problems and later had a mental breakdown and died, at the age of 55, in 1900.

What is the title of Nietzsche's last book?

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Probably Ecce Homo, written in his last years, but not published until after his death in 1900. While there have been a number of essays and collections of notes and other works and manuscripts that have been published since his death, I believe Ecce Homo was the last book written by Nietzsche before he died.

What ideas did the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche have to say about Western ideas?

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The famous existentialist philosopher, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche seemed to have no kind words for the so-called Judaeo-Christian world and its ideals and ideas. In fact, when reading Nietzsche, one can easily come to the conclusion he hated everything about the world. In this he was a fore-runner of a later day existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre. After all, we are all thrown into this world without our consent, and have no obligation to honor anything but oneself. With that said, his view of Western values can be misleading and difficult to understand. Like Hegel, Nietzsche thinks aloud and his writings display his thinking and rethinking of a multitude of ideas. In Europe, he recalls the "Enlightenment" . To him nothing but nonsense. This is best seen in one of his famous quotes ( he is quoted perhaps more with the exceptions of Aristotle and Plato ) For Nietzsche, it can be seen that throughout immense expanses of time, the intellect has produced nothing but errors.

He had no use for other philosophers or Western leaders. He was an apocalyptic thinker and in this way he had an influence on Adolph Hitler. He too was in the school of apocalyptic thinkers. For him and for Nietzsche, all the world came to naught. This is seen in Hitler's ideas as his early military successes showed the valor of Germans. And, later after military disasters in the Soviet Union, he demanded no retreat. If his armies failed, it was because they were not true Germans.

To carry this a bit further, one can recall the "no surrender" edict for Japanese forces besieged on Iwo Jima. No surrender possible resulting in 22,000 plus Japanese soldiers being killed.

What prompted Nietzsche to become atheist?

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Nietzsche's disbelief in God was influenced by various factors, including his rejection of traditional Christian morality and the idea of a transcendent God. He believed that atheism allowed for a more authentic and liberated human experience, free from the constraints of religious dogma. Additionally, Nietzsche's exploration of existential themes and his critique of established beliefs led him to question the existence of a divine being.

God is dead Nietzsche?

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Neitzsche is dead, God.

What kind of illness did Nietzsche have?

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Asked by Diefenbaker

Friedrich Nietzsche suffered from dementia paralytica -or general paresis- as the results of contracting syphilis (STI), which left untreated (antibiotics) can cause lasting mental damages. The bacterium infects the nervous system (brain and spinal cord) that degenerates into neurosyphilis. The form of neurosyphilis Nietzsche developed typically became general paresis that progressed into dementia, then death.

How do you pronounceFriedrich Nietzsche?

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Freedrick Neecha. Commonly mispronounced in the USA as Freedrick Neechi.