

Future Tenses

Questions and answers related to English future tenses: future basic, future progressive, future perfect and future perfect progressive.

1,575 Questions

What is the future perfect tense of awake?

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The future perfect tense of "awake" is "will have awoken."

What is the future tense of shone?

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Shone, or more commonly, shined, is the future tense of shine.

What is the future tense of soar?

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The future tense of "soar" is "will soar." For example, "The eagle will soar high in the sky."

What is the future tense of blink?

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The future tense of "blink" is "will blink." For example, "I will blink my eyes."

Do you see the future?

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I don't have the ability to predict the future. My purpose is to assist with tasks and provide information based on the data available to me.

Is 'Peter sneezed' past present or future tense?

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'Peter sneezed' is in the past tense.

What is the future tense of sleep?

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The future tense of "sleep" is "will sleep."

What is it called if you see glimpses of the future?

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If you see glimpses of the future, it is often referred to as precognition or premonition. This phenomena is believed by some to be a psychic ability that allows an individual to foresee upcoming events before they happen.

Where is a site where you can see what you look like in the future?

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Asked by Ethangrobb

There are various websites and apps like FaceApp or AgeMe that use artificial intelligence to digitally age a photo of you to show what you might look like in the future. These apps apply effects to your photo to simulate the aging process and give you a glimpse of your potential future appearance.

The kite flew high up in the sky which is the tense?

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The tense of this sentence is past tense.

What is the future tense for wake?

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The future tense of wake is will wake.

"Soon enough the sun will shine through their windows and they will all wake up."

When is the next eclips in the uk?

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The next solar eclipse visible in the UK will occur on October 25, 2022. It will be a partial eclipse, with the Moon covering around 29% of the Sun's disk as seen from the UK.

What happens if you can see into the past present and future?

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Seeing into the past, present, and future simultaneously would likely lead to profound insights and understanding of events. It could create a sense of omniscience and may offer the ability to anticipate and prevent future problems. However, it could also be overwhelming and raise ethical questions regarding free will and personal privacy.

What is the future tense of awake?

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The word awake is more often used as an adjective, as in, are you awake? than as a verb anyway, as in, awake! But if used as a verb, the future tense becomes will awaken.

Will Pangaea ever form again in the future?

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It is highly unlikely that Pangaea will reform in the future. The movement of tectonic plates is constant and will continue to shape the Earth's surface, but the specific configuration of a supercontinent like Pangaea is not expected to occur again due to the complex processes involved in plate tectonics.

What is the future tense for clean?

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Use will + verb or going + verb or present continuous to make a future sentence.

will - I will clean the house tomorrow.

going to - I am going to clean the house on Saturday.

present continuous -- I am cleaning the house on the weekend.

The past tense being "Dirty"

Will hydrologists be needed in the future?

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Yes, hydrologists will continue to be needed in the future to study and manage water resources, assess the impact of climate change on water systems, and help address water-related challenges such as floods, droughts, and water pollution. Their expertise is crucial for sustainable water management and ensuring the availability of clean water for communities.

What is the future tense for wash?

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The future tense of the verb "to wash" is "will wash" or "shall wash."

In the English language there are two types of future tense: future and future perfect. The future tense indicates some action that will occur sometime in the future. The future perfect tense indicates some action that is going to start in the future and finish farther into the future. Examples of each are below:

Future tense: I will wash. Or it can be: I shall wash.

The action will happen sometime in the future.

Future perfect tense: I will have washed.

The action will start in the future and will be completed some time further into the future.
I will wash

What is driving in future tense?

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Driving in future tense refers to the action of operating a vehicle that will happen at a later time. For example, "I will be driving to work tomorrow." It indicates a future plan or intention to engage in the activity of driving.

What is the past present and future tense of will shake?

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Present tense: will shake Past tense: shook Future tense: will shake

What is future tense for touch?

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The future tense for "touch" is "will touch."

The simple future tense refers to something that what?

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The simple future tense refers to something that will happen later or in the future. It is used to communicate actions or events that have not yet occurred but are planned or expected to happen.

How do you prepare standard 0.1 N 100 ml Na2CO3 solution?

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To prepare a 0.1 N 100 ml Na2CO3 solution, dissolve 5.3 grams of Na2CO3 in water and dilute to 100 ml. This will give you a solution with a concentration of 0.1 normal (N) for the 100 ml volume.

How is Charles still alive in X-Men days of future past?

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In "X-Men: Days of Future Past," Charles Xavier is shown to be alive despite being killed in "X-Men: The Last Stand" due to the alteration of the timeline by Wolverine's consciousness being sent back to the past. This change in the timeline prevented Charles from being killed, allowing him to survive in the new timeline.