

Golden Sun (RPG)

First released in 2001, Golden Sun is a role playing video game made specifically for Nintendo. The game is themed around fantasy and magic.

91 Questions

What are you supposed to do in the Mercury Lighthouse In Golden Sun?

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In the Mercury Lighthouse in Golden Sun, you need to solve puzzles, defeat enemies, and use Psynergy abilities to progress through the dungeon. Your main objective is to reach the top of the lighthouse to find the Mercury Djinni Mia.

Where are the three orbs in golden sun dark dawn?

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The three orbs in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn are found in different locations throughout the game. The Venus Orb is located in Tanglewood, the Mars Orb in the Ouroboros dungeon, and the Jupiter Orb in Ayuthay. Each orb is obtained by solving puzzles or defeating bosses associated with those areas.

How do you climb the Venus lighthouse at golden sun 1?

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To climb the Venus Lighthouse in Golden Sun, you'll need to solve puzzles, defeat enemies, and use Psynergy to progress. Make sure to use your Djinn wisely to enhance your abilities and navigate through the obstacles. Keep exploring to find the right paths and reach the top of the lighthouse to continue your adventure.

In the game golden sun when you are in babi light house there is a floor with 5 colored statues how do you solve this puzzle and get to the next floor?

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To solve the puzzle in Babi Lighthouse with the 5 colored statues, you need to match the colors of the statues with the colors of the candles on the floor. Once you correctly match the colors, a door will open allowing you to proceed to the next floor. Remember to observe the colors closely and make the appropriate connections.

How do you enter the Venus Lighthouse in Golden Sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

To enter the Venus Lighthouse in Golden Sun, you must first use the Reveal Psynergy to uncover hidden platforms leading to the entrance. These platforms are located in the exterior of the lighthouse. Once you navigate through the hidden platforms, you will reach the entrance of the Venus Lighthouse.

What is the scientific name for a golden sun moth?

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The scientific name for a golden sun moth is Synemon plana.

Where does the golden sun moth live?

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They don't eat. The moths are mouthless. As an adult they live for approximately 4 days. They die of starvation.

What stores can you buy game cubes?

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go to and search toys and games and then type in bedlam cube what you want to buy should come up.

What is the Transfer password on golden sun 2?

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when you have beaten Golden Sun, go to the main menu and hold L+R+left and press B. This will get you an extra option in the main menu to get your transfer password.

Are there Gameshark codes for golden sun?

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For Golden Sun 1 and 2 there are gameschark codes. I'm not sure if there are any for the 3rd game but i think so.

How do you return to Vale in Golden Sun 2?

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You need to continue your quest until you reach Kalay. Meet with Lord Hammet's wife, then the bridge north of Kalay (south of Vault) with be fixed. Then you will be able to reach Kalay

What do you do after you defeat Tret in golden sun?

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The wise one lets you ignite the beacon, an there is a golden sun. . .

When was The Golden Apples of the Sun created?

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The Golden Apples of the Sun was created in 1953.

When was Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn created?

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Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was created in 1888.

What are you supposed to do in Tree Tret on Golden Sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

You need to wrk your way to the top. There are leafs that dissapear completly once you tep on them twice. You need to strageticly crubl them to fall down a deep hole and fight Tret's evil side. Once defeated, y

What are mr golden sun lyrics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,

Please shine down on me.

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,

Hiding behind a tree

These little children are asking you

To please come out so we can play with you.

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,

Please shine down on,

please shine down on,

Please shine down on me

Where do you get the trusty staff in golden sun dark dawn?

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Asked by Wiki User

i believe you can buy it in belinsk. Either that or you find it in a treasure chest before Te Rya Village. Use the Trusty Staff to get a Mercury Djinn.

What are all of the djinn combinations for all of the different character classes on the game Golden Sun Dark Dawn?

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Asked by Wiki User

i ask that you please only add info to this question and not to get rid of any info unless it does'nt include how to cause a chracter class change on golden sun dark dawn. remember this though. you have to have all of the djinn on the character set in order for the character class change to work. here's one chracter class change i found and how to cause it to happen:

Karis-White Mage-requirements: 5 Mercury djinn and 3 Venus djinn.

Himi-Puppet Mage: 4 Mars djinn and 3 Venus djinn.

How can you get the 'phsynergy growth' in golden sun?

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You can either give a Mars Djinni to a fire adept or a Venus Djinni to an earth adept.

What is the figurative speech of madam an hour before the worshiped sun peered forth the golden window of the east?

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This is a metaphor, comparing the sun to a worshiped deity and the horizon to a golden window being opened. It creates a vivid image of the sun rising in the morning sky.

Why do you need the roc feather in golden sun dark dawn?

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You don't need it in golden sun dark dawn, It is a quest item for the next game.

Just like the shaman rod in the first 2 games.

I hope this answered ur qeustion. :)

How do you uncurse weapons in golden sun dark dawn?

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You press the magic sleigh dwarf button!!