



Historically, guitars are 6-stringed instruments made out of wood. Today, we also have electric guitars. Guitars are used in many musical genres.

500 Questions

How many strings has a base guitar has?

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This depends on what you mean by "how many".

If you mean how many individual pieces of string are used when stringing a racket the number would probably be one or two pieces.

If by how many you wish to know the number of times the strings cross the head or the racket, the answer would vary by racket. The number of times the strings cross is called the "string pattern". To know this information you would have to look on the racket, probably around the throat and look for a number that looks something like "16x18" that means that there are 16 crosses and 18 mains. (Crosses span the narrower part of the head and can be described as running horizontally. The mains span the longer part of the head and are can be described as running vertically.)

How do you get a good sound on a bass guitar?

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Good sound on a bass guitar depends on two things: your technique and your equipment.

Most important is your technique. Even with the best bass in the world, your sound will be bad if you have bad technique. Here are some things to think about:

1) Make sure that your left hand makes a C shape, as in curve your fingers and play on your finger tips. This also means keep your thumb planted in the center of the neck, and that your thumb and second finger are pointed at each other.

2) Check your left hand fingers and make sure that they are "behind" the fret. This means that, if you are playing on the second fret, your finger is right by the fret, but on the side that is nearer to the first fret, not the side nearer to the third fret.

3) Do not press too hard or too lightly with your left hand fingers. Make sure you are pressing just enough to make a clear note without buzzing, and no harder than what is "just enough."

4) Make sure each finger is spaced 1 fret apart. This means, if your index finger is on the 5th fret, your middle finger is on the 6th fret, your ring finger is on the 7th fret, and your pinky is on the 8th fret. Make sure that this spacing is the same in most positions. As you get closer and closer to your index finger on the 1st fret, it might feel like a huge stretch to you. If that is the case, try Index finger on the 1st fret, middle finger on the 2nd fret, and ring and pinky together on the 3rd fret.

5) Keep your left hand fingers close to the string. It is natural, for example, when you have your index finger down, that the rest of your fingers will either point off into space or get tucked behind the neck. Keep them hovering over the strings, ready to go.

6) Anchor your right hand thumb somewhere, most commonly on one of the pickups. Note that the closer your right hand is to the bridge, the brighter the sound you will get, and the closer it is to the fretboard, the deeper the sound you will get.

7) Your right hand fingers should play "through the string," meaning that if you pluck the A string, your finger should automatically find itself resting on the E string, instead of retracted back into your hand.

8) If you are standing, your bass should cross across your belly and waist. If it is lower than this, then it will cause a lot of strain on your hands and negatively affect your tone.

Note that most of the tone comes from the left hand technique, which might come as a surprise as it doesn't actually do the striking of the string.

Also important is your equipment! Here are some things to keep in mind:

1) The more you spend on your bass guitar and amplifier, typically the better sound you will get. This is not always the case, but is generally true. That said, the rest of these points will focus on what you can do already with the bass you own.

2) Make sure you take care of your bass. Keep it in its case when not in use. Try to avoid prolonged periods in heat, extreme cold, and high or low humidity, as intense weather can warp and damage your instrument.

3) Take your bass in once or twice a year for a tune up. Watch for the neck, if it seems like it's bending a lot in the middle you should get it adjusted. You can better see this if you hold your bass up in front of you, parallel the the ground with the bridge by your eyes and the tuning pegs away from you. Also, open strings should not buzz. If they do, get your bass taken in for a tune up.

4) Know what the knobs do on your bass. Some knobs are for volume, some are for tone, and others are for a balance between pickups. It can take months or even years to really understand how to work these, even on a really simple bass, so constantly play with them and keep trying to get new sounds. Hint: always start "flat" (halfway between turned all the way left and turned all the way right)

5) Know what the EQ on your bass amplifier does. Just like with the knobs on your bass, it can take months or even years to fully understand how to work this, so play with it constantly. 6) How old your strings are also affects tone. New strings will be brighter, and the more you play them the duller the sound will get. This is due to the sweat and gunk on your fingers dulling the strings. If you wash your hands regularly before you play, the strings will keep their brightness longer. Some bass players rarely change their strings, whereas others change every month or so. Slap bass in particular requires newer strings.

Tone Tips:

If your tone is too low and muddy, then cut out some low end. If your tone is too punchy, then cut out the midrange, and if your tone is too tinny and metallic, then cut out some high end. You can do this with your EQ on your bass amplifier, or with your tone knob on your bass.

Also, if you have two pickups, the one closer to the bridge will get a brighter tone, and the one closer to the fingerboard will get a lower tone.

Again, your finger placement on the string will also have an effect. Closer to the bridge and you will get a brighter, punchier tone, and closer to the fingerboard and you will get a deeper, fuller tone.


This last point has absolutely nothing to do with your technique or your equipment, and is more important than either of them, so pay attention:


This means always. Listen to your own tone when you practice and perform. Listen to the tone bassists get in your favorite recordings. Listen to live bands perform and what tone their bass player is getting. Try to emulate these tones, and listen again to your own playing to see if you're getting it. The more you listen, and the better you listen, the better understanding you're going to have about tone.

Who invented the Bass Guitar and when?

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Today, The first bass guitar was invented by Paul Tutmarc in Seattle, Washington, USA in the early 1930's. It was known as the "Electric Bass Fiddle," and appeared in a catalog by Tutmarc's company, Audiovox, in 1935. Much smaller than the double bass, this bass was easier to carry. This bass was not fretted, however, and was not quite as popular as its descendant.

This design was innovated greatly by Leo Fender, founder of what is now known as Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. Using a telecaster-body design, Fender came out with the "Precision Bass," a.k.a. "P-Bass" in 1951. It was fretted like a guitar, which allowed players greater ease in playing in tune (hence the name: "Precision Bass"). Not only was this model easier to carry than a double bass, but it was also much easier to play in tune. This model was extremely popular and was the first bass guitar as we know it today. FML

How do you find the frets on a bass guitar?

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Frets are marked on the bass guitar the same way as they are on the electric guitar or acoustic guitar. Metal lines run across the neck. If you're talking about a fretless bass then you shouldn't have to ask this question. It would be a big mistake to try learn the fretless bass before the standard bass. The frets are in the same positions but you should instinctively know where your fingers should be before advancing to fretless

Why does tightening a guitar string raise the pitch of the string when it's played?

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It increases the frequency of the sound waves produced by by the plucked string.

Why are guitar's made of wood?

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Guitars (acoustic and electric) are made of wood because of the resonance that wood produces when a string is played. Sound travels differently through different materials, and sound can be altered after traveling through different materials.

Certain woods are known to produce better sounds than others, which is why guitars are made of certain kinds of wood - spruce, maple, etc.

What strings are used in Beethoven's string quartets?

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They use the same instruments as all string quartets: two violins, one viola, and one cello.

What kind of guitar hank Williams sr play?

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Fj45is the fj45 a electric

Do Nicki minja have any kids?

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Maybe 2 kids

''what is the energy transformation of the the guitar?

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The energy transformation takes place at the pick-ups of a guitar, and the transformation is sound (pressure) to electric.

If you are referring to an acoustic guitar, however, the transformation could be better described as Kinetic and Potential energy (the strumming motion) into sound (pressure.


Supervisor here.

I really hope I am misunderstanding your' answer but if you are saying that sound waves affect the pickups then you are not correct.

The initial energy source are your fingers picking a string. You put potential energy in the string at this point. Now the strings take over and, with the energy you gave them, affect the magnetic field that the pickups are generating with their back and forth movement. The next part is really long winded so I'll give you the simple conclusion. Now you have a signal going to the amp. The amp controls the power going to the speakers with this signal.

'What is a guitar with 4 strings called?

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bass guitar

Is henna good?

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Henna? oh yeah, its good. I do it all the time, and with touch-ups it looks great. I convince a lot of niave people that they are real. Do yourself a favor and give it a shot. it is loads of fun

What kind of guitar does Jason becker play?

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last time I saw him he played a martin acoustic, a duesenberg semi hollow, and some form of telecaster.

What kind of guitar does george harrison play on day tripper?

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He used a Epiphone Casino, seen in their Japan tour!

How do you repair a scratch on a black guitar?

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Paint and gloss (to protect it from getting scratched again)

What strings do you strum on the guitar for E minor D C and G?

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For Em, you strum all of the strings For D, you strum strings G, B, and E (or 3, 2, and 1) For C, you strum strings G, B, and E For G, the strum the same strings as D and C

What is the best guitar looper for live performances?

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In terms of the most features the Boss RC 50 is the best looper

What is the value of a yamaki custom guitar?

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The value is whatever someone is willing to pay for it. I have one as well and have been offered $1500 for it. I won't sell it. Sometimes you can pick them up for $400. People who know what they are, are willing to pay for them. Hang onto it. They are getting quite rare.

What did Michael hedges do to get famous?

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mike, as i refer to him very respectfully, was made famous, as anybody knows that appreciates talent, by his phenomenal work with 6 & 12 string acoustic guitars.

What guitar strings does mick Thompson use?

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im pretty sure he uses '11 or '10 because he has to tune to drop B and sometimes drop A brand wise im no so sure

Where can one buy a Cort guitar?

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I think its a very good brand for CHEAP guitars. I have a cort bass, and gives a nice sound. Cort makes cheap guitars that give a reasonable sound, but will also endure alot, as in they don't fall apart easily. Unlike other guitar brands such as harley benton...

How do you change the strings of a BC Rich revenge warlock guitar?

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slide them through the body like any other guitar, if its got a kahler tremolo (unique whammy bar) though youtube it , it has to do with string hooks that's all I know as I'm still after a Kerry King Warlock with a kahler on it.

How much is a fender 12 string acoustic guitar worth I have model and serial number?

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Very easy playing guitar great for beginners, or: worth $250.00