

Harlem Renaissance

Originally called "The New Negro Movement", it was a period during the 1920s and 1930s when African American culture, including art and literature, made great strides intellectually.

500 Questions

What are the two elements of structure in the poem Wealth by Langston hughes?

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In Langston Hughes' poem "Wealth," the two elements of structure are free verse and repetition. The poem does not adhere to a specific rhyme scheme or meter, representing a modernist approach to poetry. The repetition of the phrase "I tell you" throughout the poem emphasizes the speaker's message about true wealth being found in intangible qualities rather than material possessions.

What year did African American artists musicians and writers launch the Harlem renaissance?

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The Harlem Renaissance began in the 1920s, specifically in the year 1920. This cultural movement in the United States, focused in Harlem, New York City, was a time of great artistic and intellectual achievement for African American artists, musicians, and writers.

What writers where associated with what is now referred to as the American renaissance?

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Writers associated with the American Renaissance include Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Herman Melville. These writers were part of a literary movement in the mid-19th century that focused on American themes of individualism, nature, and the search for truth.

Who were 5 major people of the renaissance?

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Some major figures of the Renaissance were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Gutenberg, and William Shakespeare. Each made significant contributions in art, science, literature, and technology during this period of cultural awakening in Europe.

What is James Weldon Johnson parents name?

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James Weldon Johnson's parents were James Johnson, a waiter and chef, and Helen Louise Dillet, a schoolteacher.

Is there figurative language in 'Acceptance' the poem by Langston Hughes?

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Yes, there is figurative language in "Acceptance" by Langston Hughes. The use of the metaphor "Life is for the living" and personification of Life asking for "your soul" are examples of figurative language in the poem.

Who were considered the Harlem renaissance writers?

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Asked by KarenFung

Some of the key writers of the Harlem Renaissance include Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Claude McKay, and Countee Cullen. These writers contributed significantly to African American literature and culture during the 1920s and 1930s.

What is the meaning of Po' Boy Blues by Langston Hughes?

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"Po' Boy Blues" by Langston Hughes is a poem that explores the struggles and hardships faced by African Americans in a society that discriminates against them. The poem conveys a sense of hopelessness and despair, as well as the desire for freedom and equality. Through vivid imagery and a poignant tone, Hughes captures the essence of the African American experience during that time.

What impact did James weldon Johnson make on others?

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James Weldon Johnson made a significant impact as a civil rights activist, author, and educator. He inspired others through his powerful writings, advocacy for racial equality, and leadership in organizations like the NAACP. His work helped raise awareness of the experiences of African Americans and contributed to the advancement of civil rights in the United States.

What is the subject of Poem by Langston Hughes?

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The subject of the poem by Langston Hughes can vary depending on the specific poem being referred to, as Hughes wrote on a wide range of themes such as racism, identity, dreams, and African American experiences. It is best to specify which poem to provide a more precise answer.

What is the meaning of cubes by Langston Hughes?

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"Cubes" by Langston Hughes is a poem that explores themes of identity, oppression, and the struggle for freedom. Through the metaphor of cubes being confined and constrained, Hughes reflects on the experience of African Americans in a racially segregated society and the desire to break free from societal limitations. The poem suggests a longing for liberation and the inherent resilience of the human spirit.

What are Maya Angelou's contributions to the Harlem Renaissance?

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Maya Angelou's contributions to the Harlem Renaissance include her work as a poet, author, and civil rights activist, which helped to amplify the voices of African Americans during this cultural movement. Her poems and writings reflected the unique experiences and struggles of black Americans, resonating with the themes of identity, equality, and empowerment characteristic of the Harlem Renaissance. Angelou's work continues to be celebrated for its impact on African American literature and culture.

What are 3 well - known woman writers?

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Three well-known women writers are Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, and Toni Morrison. Jane Austen is known for her novels like "Pride and Prejudice," Virginia Woolf for her experimental writing style in works like "Mrs. Dalloway," and Toni Morrison for her powerful storytelling in books such as "Beloved."

What were Langston Hughes' goal as a young person?

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As a young person, Langston Hughes aimed to become a successful writer and poet, expressing the experiences and voice of African Americans. He sought to use his poetic talent as a form of cultural and political expression for the Black community, advocating for social justice and equality through his work.

How did W E B Dubois become famous?

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W.E.B. Du Bois became famous for his influential work on race relations in the United States. He was a prominent civil rights activist, sociologist, and scholar who co-founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and was a leading voice in the fight against racial discrimination. His work, including the publication of "The Souls of Black Folk," helped shape the civil rights movement and advance the cause of racial equality.

Do arna bontemps have siblings?

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Yes, Arna Bontemps had siblings. He had seven siblings - three brothers and four sisters.

Why Booker T Washington was called a fool?

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Booker T. Washington may have been called a fool by some because he advocated for a conciliatory approach towards racial segregation and discrimination, which was seen as accepting the status quo rather than demanding equality. Some critics felt that his emphasis on vocational training and economic uplift for African Americans overlooked the importance of political rights and social equality.

What commercial has Langston Hughes poem I too?

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The commercial featuring Langston Hughes' poem "I, Too" is by Proctor & Gamble as part of their "My Black is Beautiful" campaign. This powerful ad showcases the struggles faced by African Americans and emphasizes the message of empowerment and pride in one's identity. The poem highlights the importance of equality and representation in society.

What are all names of Langston hughes siblings?

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Langston Hughes had three siblings: Gwyn, Dorothy, and Carrie.

Who was called the father of the Harlem Renaissance?

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Asked by Wayne17brown

The poet and writer Langston Hughes is often referred to as the "father of the Harlem Renaissance." He played a significant role in the cultural and artistic movement, which celebrated African American culture and influence in the 1920s and 1930s. Hughes's works, including poems, essays, and plays, reflected the spirit and experiences of African Americans during that time.

Who were some important figures in the Harlem renaissances?

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Some important figures in the Harlem Renaissance were Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Duke Ellington, and Louis Armstrong. These individuals made significant contributions to literature, music, and art during this period, which was a cultural and intellectual movement that celebrated African American heritage and creativity.

What is the meaning of the poem preference by Langston hughes?

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"Preference" by Langston Hughes explores how racism and discrimination affect individuals' lives and opportunities. The poem depicts the struggles and complexities faced by African Americans in a society that perpetuates inequality and prejudice. Hughes uses powerful imagery and language to highlight the challenges of navigating a world where one's worth is judged based on race.

Who are the characters in Harlem Summer?

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"Harlem Summer" is a novel by Walter Dean Myers that follows the lives of a group of young people living in Harlem during the 1920s. Some of the main characters include Mark Purvis, Angel and Billy. Mark is a talented saxophonist, while Angel and Billy are childhood friends who get caught up in some dangerous situations.

Who or what is the baby in Langston Hughes life is fine?

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In Langston Hughes's poem "Life is Fine," the baby can symbolize innocence, joy, and new beginnings in the midst of struggle and hardship. The baby represents hope and possibility for a better future, even in the face of adversity.