


Hatshepsut is regarded by many as one of the most successful pharaohs in ancient Egypt's history. She was also one of the earliest recorded great female rulers. It appears that there was an attempt to remove her from Egyptian history, and her image has been chiseled out of many monuments and artworks.

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Why was hatshepsut signfifcance?

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As a ruler, Hatshepsut inaugurated building projects that far outstripped those of her predecessors. In Egypt proper, she launched a number of building projects. At the temple complex of Karnak, she erected a series of obelisks and built a "Palace of Ma'at," a rectangular structure that was composed of "a series of small rooms with a large central hall for the placement of the central bark [a small ceremonial boat]. The walls of the palace were covered with carved and brightly painted relief scenes of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III.

How tall was queen hatshepsut?

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Since the Ancient Egyptians were tall she was probaly 6'2

Was queen Hatshepsut cruel?

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Of course not! Queen Hatshepsut was one of the greatest Pharaohs in Egypt's history. She oversaw the expedition to Punt and re-established trade with many foreign countries. She also commissioned many new buildings and temples and added to many existing ones. After her death many of her images and her name were erased from her works. Scholars are not sure why this occurred though there are several theories;

  • It was a money saving effort on behalf of Pharaohs after her. They erased her name and put their own on her works so that they could claim the glory of the work and the praise of the people and the gods without having to build their own works
  • Thutmosis III did it to put Hatshepsut back into her place as regent and co-ruler, instead of a ruler in her own right. Furthermore by 'erasing' her he could claim that by royal succession he ruled directly in line from Thutmose II.
  • To erase the memory of a great Pharaoh who happened to be a woman, which could set an unwanted precedent for further generations.

What is the symbol of Hatshepsut?

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Pharaohs did not each have an individual "symbol", but they had hieroglyphs that spelled out all their names and titles.

In the case of the queen we called "Hatshepsut", her name was written with signs spelling out the words ht.shpswt, meaning "foremost of noble women".

What are good things that hatshepsut did for her country?

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Perhaps the most important part of Hatshepsut's legacy was her creation of a flourishing and stable Egypt through her highly successful foreign policy. Her military campaigns in both the north and the south augmented the extent of Egypt's influence on a vaster scale. The tomb inscription of Scribe Djehuty, I saw the collection of the booty of this mighty ruler from the vile Kush, who is deemed cowards' attests that Hatshepsut's military endeavors also contributed significantly to Egypt's economic prosperity.

What was hatshepsut greatest contribution?

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Hatshepsut meaning Foremost of Noble Ladies; was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. Under Hatshepsut's reign, Egypt prospered. Unlike other rulers in her dynasty, she was more interested in ensuring economic prosperity and building and restoring monuments throughout Egypt and Nubia than in conquering new lands. She built the temple Djeser-djeseru ("holiest of holy places"), which was dedicated to Amon and served as her funerary cult, and erected a pair of red granite obelisks at the Temple of Amon at Karnak, one of which still stands today. Hatshepsut also had one notable trading expedition to the land of Punt in the ninth year of her reign. The ships returned with gold, ivory and myrrh trees, and the scene was immortalized on the walls of the temple.

What did Queen Hatshepsut trade at Punt?

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In terms of trade, Hatshepsut was not blind to the need of bolstering Egypt's economy' and indeed, the Punt expedition is but the climax of her consistent trading enterprises with Lebanon, Crete, Syria, West Africa, South Africa, Aswan and the reopening of mines in Mt. Sinai. She traded Ivory, gold, silver and other goods for eating.

What was Hatshepsut's Legacy in Ancient Egypt?

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* Her reign was both longer and better recorded than any previous female rulers. * Hatshepsut must have been a person of strong character - driving sense of purpose shown by her inscriptions indicating how she put her plans into action. * Her tenacious grasp of the throne, held long after Thutmose III should have had it, indicates an ability to deal with the interpersonal relationships and the political situation. * She was an able ruler with unusual self-confidence for an Egyptian woman of her time. * She was a very successful user of propaganda. * She chose a very able set of strong and competent officials to help her maintain 'ma'at'. * She may have had more confidence in her ability to rule the land than a young Thutmose III. This confidence could have come from prominent positions held during the reign of her husband, Thutmose II. * It was a reign of increased prosperity with an increase in better decorated tombs for officials and trade with Punt and the Near East. * Despite there being no major wars, there were several campaigns. * A period of consolidation and renewal - trip to Punt, roads repaired, temples rebuilt, turquoise mines in the Sinai reopened, quarries at Gebel el Silsila reopened. * It was a period of innovation, especially for the arts. Deir el Bahri, other engineering innovations and the invention of the hyperstyle hall. * Keimer, a historian, believes she was the first to use scarabs to carry historical or commemorative messages. * New types of temples - rock-cut temples at Beni Hasan. * Tallest obelisks cut so far. * New Design for columns eg., Hathor-headed column. * Royal sarcophagus featured a design that was the example for future burials. * These innovations reflected a climate of growth and encouragement of royal artisans. * Dyarchy reflected a team approach between Hatshepsut and Thutmose III which underlined the legacy of Hatshepsut. * There was no break in the running of the country after her death ie., a smooth transition in power took place.

How did queen Hatshepsut help the economy of Egypt?

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In terms of trade, Hatshepsut was not blind to the need of bolstering Egypt's economy' and indeed, the Punt expedition is but the climax of her consistent trading enterprises with Lebanon, Crete, Syria, West Africa, South Africa, Aswan and the reopening of mines in Mt. Sinai. She traded Ivory, gold, silver and other goods for eating.

What leadership did queen hatshepsut possess?

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Hatshepsut's legacy is also extant in the enduring architectural innovations she incorporated into her building program. The design of Djeser-Djeseru is a prime example; although there exist a few doubtful precursors of the terraced template originality of the design cannot be gainsaid.' The thematic structure of the three terraces, from her role as pharaoh, to legitimization of her rule and achievements, to the worship of the deities is indisputably her own invention, as were the ramps linking them, imitating the glory of a sun's ray. Thutmose III modeled his mortuary temple on Hatshepsut's whilst Akhenaten incorporated the design of the ramps into his own buildings. Similarly, the design of Hatshepsut's tomb, with the three successive passageways leading to the burial chamber, her royal sarcophagus, her resting stations for Amun's barque were likewise replicated by her successors. Therefore, Hatshepsut's reign was characterized by a myriad of architectural innovations that became her legacy, to be admiringly integrated into the buildings of the future generations of pharaohs.

What are some achievements of hatshepsut-?

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The greatest achievement of Queen Hatshepsut was her ability to rule Egypt during the 18th Dynasty.

What was a challenge for Queen Hatshepsut?

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Nefertiti's challenge was to make sure that her son, Tutankhamen became the next Pharaoh of Egypt after his father the Pharaoh died. The former Pharaoh's chancellor and the general of all the armies wanted very badly to become Pharaoh themselves. Nefertiti was successful in ensuring that Tutankhamen became the next Pharaoh.

We call him King Tut, today. Unfortunately, while coming home from his first battle with Egypt's enemies, his chariot hit some rocks, throwing Tut out. He broke a leg. Later, infection in the broken leg killed King Tut in his early 20s.

When was the birth and death of hatshepsut?

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Born circa 1508 B.C., Queen Hatshepsut reigned over Egypt for more than 20 years. The queen died in early February of 1458 B.C.

Who is hatshepsut and what did she do?

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Queen Hatshepsut was one of the first female pharaohs of Egypt(female pharaohs before her include Sobeknefru, etc). She expanded Egypt's wealth by rediscovering old, unused trading routes. She is famous for the amount of beautiful temples she built to the gods of Egypt.

What are some of hatshepsut strengths?

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She builds the Djeser-Djeseru. We know it as The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. It is located at Deir el-Bahri, The Obelisks of Hatshepsut and The Red Chapel. She lived in the Palace of Ma'at. It was rectangular structure. The capital was Thebes, Amarna, and then again Thebes. In terms of trade, Hatshepsut was not blind to the need of bolstering Egypt's economy' and indeed, the Punt expedition is but the climax of her consistent trading enterprises with Lebanon, Crete, Syria, West Africa, South Africa, Aswan and the reopening of mines in Mt. Sinai. She traded Ivory, gold, silver and other goods for eating. Hatshepsut's legacy is also extant in the enduring architectural innovations she incorporated into her building program. The design of Djeser-Djeseru is a prime example; although there exists a few doubtful precursors of the terraced template originality of the design cannot be gainsaid.' The thematic structure of the three terraces, from her role as pharaoh, to legitimization of her rule and achievements, to the worship of the deities is indisputably her own invention, as were the ramps linking them, imitating the glory of a sun's ray. Thutmose III modeled his mortuary temple on Hatshepsut's whilst Akhenaten incorporated the design of the ramps into his own buildings. Similarly, the design of Hatshepsut's tomb, with the three successive passageways leading to the burial chamber, her royal sarcophagus, her resting stations for Amun's barque were likewise replicated by her successors. Therefore, Hatshepsut's reign was characterized by a myriad of architectural innovations that became her legacy, to be admiringly integrated into the buildings of the future generations of pharaohs. Extreme prosperity and renaissance in art and building projects mark the beginning of this period. Towards the end of the 19th Dynasty the increasing power of the priesthood corrupts the central government. During the 20th Dynasty tomb robbing is done by officials. The priesthood becomes hereditary and begins to assume secular power. The government breaks down.

What great temple did Hatshepsut build?

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She builds the Djeser-Djeseru. We know it as The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. It is located at Deir el-Bahri, The Obelisks of Hatshepsut and The Red Chapel. She lived in the Palace of Ma'at. It was rectangular structure. The capital was Thebes, Amarna, and then again Thebes.

What was Queen Hatshepsut daily life?

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Hatshetsup built a garden in a temple for the sun god,Ra, and started/finished many building projects.

Hatshepsut and thutmose III all similarities?

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one similarity is that they were both pharos of ancient egypt

Why was queen hatshepsut so special?

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Hatshepsut meaning Foremost of Noble Ladies; was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. Under Hatshepsut's reign, Egypt prospered. Unlike other rulers in her dynasty, she was more interested in ensuring economic prosperity and building and restoring monuments throughout Egypt and Nubia than in conquering new lands.

What technological advancements did hatshepsut have?

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Hatshepsut's legacy is also extant in the enduring architectural innovations she incorporated into her building program. The design of Djeser-Djeseru is a prime example; although there exist a few doubtful precursors of the terraced template originality of the design cannot be gainsaid.' The thematic structure of the three terraces, from her role as pharaoh, to legitimization of her rule and achievements, to the worship of the deities is indisputably her own invention, as were the ramps linking them, imitating the glory of a sun's ray. Thutmose III modeled his mortuary temple on Hatshepsut's whilst Akhenaten incorporated the design of the ramps into his own buildings. Similarly, the design of Hatshepsut's tomb, with the three successive passageways leading to the burial chamber, her royal sarcophagus, her resting stations for Amun's barque were likewise replicated by her successors. Therefore, Hatshepsut's reign was characterized by a myriad of architectural innovations that became her legacy, to be admiringly integrated into the buildings of the future generations of pharaohs.

What happened after the pharaoh hatshepsut died?

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The queen died in early February of 1458 B.C. She died of natural causes Hatshepsut was the longest reigning female pharaoh in Egypt, ruling for 20 years in the 14th century B.C. She is considered one of Egypt's most successful pharaohs. In recent years, scientists have speculated the cause of her death to be related to an ointment or salve used to alleviate a chronic genetic skin condition a treatment that contained a toxic ingredient. Testing of artifacts near her tomb has revealed traces of a carcinogenic substance.

The mummy was found long ago but it was unidentified until 2014. They found a tooth in the organ jars and it was a match. Her mummy was found at last. Her mummy was found under the instruction of Dr. Hawass.