

Heraldry and Coats of Arms

Heraldry is the science of devising, assigning, recording and maintaining coats of arms and other heraldic devices such as badges, crests and mottoes, for their use in identifying royalty, nobility and certain ecclesiastical authorities, as well as tracing their noble lineage and titles. Heraldry is closely associated with genealogy, knighthood, nobility and royalty, and questions included in this category relate to coats of arms, crests, heraldic badges, rolls of arms, and heraldic elements such as tinctures, charges, ordinaries and marshaling,

500 Questions

What does it mean to be in the arms of Morpheus?

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Morpheus the god of sleep. In his arms your sleep is deep and sweet.

What does the coat of arms means?

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Thomson's explanation of the symbolism was also approved by the Continental Congress: The thirteen alternating pales represents the states,

· Supporting and united by Congress, represented by the blue chief.

· The colors signify purity and innocence (white), hardiness and valor (red), and vigilance, perseverance and justice (blue).

· The olive branch and arrows represent the powers of war and peace.

· The constellation represents a new state taking its place among other sovereign powers.

· The eagle as sole supporter signifies that the United States "ought to rely on their own virtue."

· The motto is translated, "Out of many, one."

What does Japan's coat of arms represent?

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The red circle on the Japan flag represents the rising red sun

Why was heraldry necessary in the middle ages?

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They eventually became what we call "last names" or "surnames". The web site House of Names is an excellent place to go and view your family's last name history and heraldic colors or symbols. These symbols are often called "Coat of Arms". An example; The Washington family coat of arms is a white field with two large horizontal bars of red running across the center with three red stars lined horizontally above the bars. The DC license plates usually have this symbol as the city bares the family name.

What does the lion mean in the coat of arms?

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The Lion is a symbol of strength and power.

What has eight arms?

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My exwife

What does the lion and tiger coat of arm symbolise?

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Lion = Deathless Courage

Tiger = Great Fierceness + more that i didn't type, sorry

Does AnnaSophia have two arms or one arm?

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two, they used digital affects to make the illusion she only has one arm in Soul Surfer

What is the Japanese coat of arms?

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japan does not have a coat of arms