


Humanism is an approach in study, philosophy, world view or practice that focuses on human values and concerns. This category regards any type of humanism, as well as questions about famous humanists.

500 Questions

Why is humanist rhetoric an important skill?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanist rhetoric is important because it equips individuals with the ability to effectively communicate their ideas, persuade others, and engage in meaningful dialogue. It helps foster critical thinking skills, promotes empathy and understanding, and enables individuals to advocate for positive change in society. Ultimately, humanist rhetoric plays a key role in shaping public discourse and contributing to a more informed and inclusive community.

Why is your community not an ideal one?

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Asked by Wiki User

Our community may not be ideal due to a lack of inclusivity, poor communication among members, ineffective conflict resolution mechanisms, or limited opportunities for meaningful engagement. Addressing these shortcomings requires active participation, open dialogue, and a commitment to fostering a positive and supportive environment for all members.

How does humanism differ from psychodynamic theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism focuses on individual's capacity for personal growth, self-awareness, and self-fulfillment, emphasizing the role of free will and the importance of the here and now. On the other hand, psychodynamic theory emphasizes unconscious processes, childhood experiences, and the role of the unconscious mind in shaping behavior and personality. Humanism is more focused on the present and future, while psychodynamic theory is more rooted in past experiences and unconscious motivations.

Where did humanism get its inspiration?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism got its inspiration from classical Greek and Roman philosophy, which emphasized the potential of human beings to be rational, creative, and ethical. Humanism also drew from the Renaissance emphasis on individualism, secularism, and the study of the humanities such as literature, history, and art.

Which factor was emphasized by the philosophy of humanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Human potential and the importance of individual achievement and expression were emphasized by the philosophy of humanism. This movement focused on valuing human capabilities and fostering intellectual and artistic pursuits as a means to enrich society.

How did humanism influence the growth of learning-?

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Asked by Wiki User

The greatest example of Humanism was an individual - Erasmus of Rotterdam (c. 1466-1536). Humanism influenced the growth of learning by "abandoning medieval pieties in favour of a rich new vision of the individual's potential."

What was Humanism and why was it attractive?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism was a cultural and intellectual movement during the Renaissance that focused on the importance of human potential and achievement. It emphasized the importance of reason, individualism, and education, and valued classical learning and the arts. It was attractive because it offered a more optimistic and human-centered view of the world that challenged the traditional religious and feudal views of the time.

Why humanism important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism is important the the Renaissance because it gave everyone a new outlook on life, they focused more on themselver and human nature rather then religion.

Why are some people altruistic?

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Asked by Rathnashikamani

Some people are altruistic due to a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors. Evolutionarily, altruism can promote the survival of genes that are shared with relatives. Additionally, upbringing, cultural norms, and personal values can also play a role in shaping a person's altruistic tendencies.

Which of martin luthers disagreements with the catholic church do you think were most influenced by the renaissance idea of humanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Martin Luther's emphasis on individual interpretation of scripture, rejection of the authority of the Pope, and belief in the importance of a personal relationship with God were influenced by the Renaissance idea of humanism, which promoted critical thinking, individualism, and a focus on human potential and agency. These beliefs led Luther to challenge the hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church and advocate for a more direct connection between individuals and God.

How did humanism influence michelangel?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism influenced Michelangelo by inspiring his focus on the human form and the idealized representation of the human body in his sculptures and paintings. This emphasis on human anatomy and emotion can be seen in works such as the David and the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Michelangelo's humanistic approach allowed him to convey a sense of beauty, grace, and power in his art.

How did humanism affect people's thinking about Social standings?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism emphasized the value and potential of every individual, regardless of social standing. This led to a shift in thinking, where social status was no longer the sole determinant of a person's worth. Humanism encouraged the idea that individuals should be judged based on their character, talents, and actions rather than their position in society.

What is classical Greek cultural movement?

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Asked by Wiki User

The classical Greek cultural movement refers to the period in ancient Greece when there was significant advancements in art, philosophy, drama, and architecture. This period is known for producing classical works that have had a lasting impact on Western culture. Prominent figures from this time include philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, as well as playwrights like Sophocles and Euripides.

How did it humanism tried to strike a balance between human intellect and faith?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism attempted to integrate human intellect and faith by prioritizing reason, critical thinking, and empirical evidence while also acknowledging the importance of spirituality, morality, and ethical values in human life. It sought to harmonize rational inquiry with religious beliefs by emphasizing the potential for human beings to improve themselves intellectually and ethically through a combination of reason and faith.

Identify the philosophy underlying the Renaissance and how it affected art of the time.?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism was the key philosophy underlying the Renaissance, emphasizing the study of classical works and human potential. This led to a greater focus on realism, perspective, and individual expression in art. Artists portrayed human figures with more naturalism, emotion, and depth, reflecting the humanist ideals of the time.

What was the humanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism was an intellectual and cultural movement during the Renaissance that emphasized human values, potential, and achievements. It focused on the study of classical literature, art, and philosophy, and sought to apply human reason and critical thinking to understanding the world. Humanists promoted the idea that individuals had the capacity to improve themselves and society through education, scholarship, and civic engagement.

How did Erasmus influence humanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Erasmus was a Dutch humanist scholar whose works emphasized critical thinking, education, and the study of classical texts. His focus on rhetoric, exploration of ancient languages, and promotion of individual moral responsibility helped shape the humanist movement by encouraging a more human-centered approach to knowledge and learning. Erasmus also critiqued corruption in the church and advocated for reform, aligning with humanist ideals of striving for a more ethical and intellectual society.

What did renaissance humanism emphasize?

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Asked by Wiki User

Renaissance humanism emphasized the importance of individualism, reason, and critical thinking. It also promoted the study of classical literature, art, and philosophy as a way to understand human nature and the world. Additionally, humanism prioritized the idea of using education to improve oneself and society.

What was the ideal of renaissance humanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Renaissance humanism emphasized the value of individual achievement and potential, celebrating human intellect, creativity, and capacity for greatness. It focused on the study of classical texts and the belief in the power of education to cultivate well-rounded, virtuous individuals. Humanists promoted the idea that humans are capable of shaping their own destinies through reason and knowledge.

What are the 5 beliefs of humanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanism emphasizes reason, ethics, and the search for human fulfilment. Its core beliefs include the value of critical thinking, human agency and responsibility, the importance of compassion and empathy, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, and the promotion of human dignity and equality.

What is important to screws?

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Asked by Wiki User

Screws are important for securing objects together by creating a strong bond. They come in various sizes and types to accommodate different materials and applications. Proper selection and installation of screws is crucial for ensuring structural integrity and stability of the assembled structure.

Which best describes a flat character?

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Asked by Wiki User

A flat character is a character in a story who does not undergo significant change or development. They typically have few distinguishing traits and are often used to serve a specific purpose in the plot.

What determines humanity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanity is determined by the capacity for compassion, understanding, and empathy towards others. It is reflected in acts of kindness, respect, and cooperation among individuals, as well as in the ability to recognize and value the intrinsic worth and dignity of every human being.

How did Erasmus work on humanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Erasmus worked on humanism by promoting the study of classical texts and encouraging critical thinking. He emphasized the importance of education, individuality, and social reform. Erasmus's writings on topics such as religion, ethics, and philosophy helped shape the humanist movement and challenged established norms.

Where does humanism come from?

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Asked by Wiki User


The real answer is that all life today evolved from earlier species. Even most religious people in the world accept this as a valid scientific theory. The story of Adam & Eve is about ethics and tradition, not about science.


In The Bible in the book of Genesis it tells that God created man in his own image. That is what I believe. When God created the heavens and the earth he also created everything else, all animals and man. Have a blessed day.

AnswerThe first human, Adam, was created from the dust of the earth and then God breathed life into him. The first woman, Eve, was created from one of Adam's ribs.

All humans since then trace back to them and are created when a male sperm fertilises a female egg.

That should answer either category of question.