

Humpback Whales

The humpback whale is one of the most well-known whale types. They are known for their stocky bodies with obvious humps and black dorsal coloring. They are found in every ocean in the world. Everything about features, diet, and more are found in this category.

500 Questions

How much do humpback whales weigh in pounds?

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Humpbacks get to a whopping 40 TONS and range from 40 to even a huge 50 feet!
45-38 tons
How much do Humpback Whales weigh? Weight: 35-45 tons (equal to the weight of 500 people!) Speed: 16 mph maximum. Status: Endangered. Humpback whales have a distinctive pigmentation pattern ... -
A humpback whale can weigh 30-50 tons.
a 40 footer weighs around 25 tons. a 55 footer weighs around 51 tons. (give or take a few)

How do humpback whales breath under water?

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Well, they don't, no whale can breath under water. For they are they only water mammal. They have blow holes on the top of them. Once down for a period of time, they will re-surface and breath. If there is anything more you wish to know E~mail me at Please state that you are from answers and your question.

Do humpback whales live in heards?

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Not always. Fifty million years ago, there were no whales. Their ancestors were land animals who evolved slowly. Baleen whales begin to evolve from their toothed ancestors about 30 million years ago.

Does the humpback whale live in the sunlight zone?

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yes, a killer whale or the orca sometimes live in the sunlight zone

Why do humpback whales migrate to the waters of Hawaii?

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Hawaii and the carribean

Who is the whales enemy?

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Adult blue whales have no natural predators. They are too big and too strong to be attacked and killed by any animal. However, Orca's (Killer Whales) are known to attack and kill youngsters. A group of Orca's can easily hunt a baby blue whale if its mother is not around. Otherwise, they have no natural predators

Humans are the biggest threat to blue whales. Nearly 90% of the world population of these animals were wiped out over the past century by humans by whaling.

How are humpback whales adapted to their environment?

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Humpback whales have many diverse adaptations. They have flukes which are tail fins that propel them faster. This is especially important to the whales during migration. They also have throat grooves which help them filter water away from their prey.

How long is the longest whale and what kind of whale was it?

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most blue whales live for 80-90 yrs. the oldest one known of was 110 yrs. old.

hoped this helped!

What is the length of big whale?

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The length of a whale depends on what species of whale. Blue Whales have been known to grow up to 100 feet. Whereas dwarf sperm whales can only grow to 9 feet.

How many kilograms of food do humpback whales eat everyday?

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60,000 i dont think that but if u write humpback whales in google u will find answer in there or or wilkapedia. if u dont like it that answer please relplay the right answe please thanx you?

Where is Humpback Whale's habitat?

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The humpback whale habitat is in all the oceans in the world.

Does anything eat humpback whales?

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Yes. Occasionally, belugas encounter killer whales, polar bears and Greenland sharks. Ice can be a shelter from these predators; killer whales, with their tall dorsal fins, usually don't follow belugas beneath the ice pack. But ice can be dangerous too! Belugas can get trapped under ice without a breathing hole. Humans also hunt belugas for food.

What do Humpback whales teeth look like?

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Humpback whales have enormously long flippers (about 1/3 of its body length) and usually have many barnacles on their skin. They have a small dorsal fin toward the tail on their back that usually has a small bump on it, giving the whale its name.

Do humpback whales eat fish?

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The humpback is a predator, taking krill and small schooling fish, such as herring, salmon, capelin and sand lance as well as mackerel, pollock and haddock in the North Atlantic. Krill and copepods have been recorded from Australian and Antarctic waters. Humpbacks hunt by direct attack or by stunning prey by hitting the water with pectoral fins or flukes

Do humpback whales live in salt water or fresh water?

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Generally in fresh water.

The island Orango, Bijagós Islands, located 60 kilometers (38 miles) off the coast of mainland Guinea-Bissau, has a sizable colony of saltwater hippopotamuses.

How many humpback whales are there in Antarctica?

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there are none bacause they don't live in Antarctica

What on a humpback whale is larger then any other whale?

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The flippers on humpback whales are larger than any other whale... (on the internet it said this... but not sure....) But probably the blue whales have larger _______ than any other whale because blue whales are the largest mammal so far... Hope this helped... (bb_sweetlollipop)

What time of year are humpback whales born?

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Humpback whales mate and give birth in warm, tropical waters during winter and early spring after an eleven to twelve month gestational period.

What is the difference between a blue whale and a humpback whale?

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First off Killer whales are odontocetes, or toothed whales, meaning literally "whales that have teeth", where as the blue whale and the humpback whale are balleen whales, instead of teeth, they have long rough strands of balleen in their mouth, made out of the same material as a human fingernail. Killer whales may get up to 25 feet long and weigh up to 12,000 pounds of more, males are usually larger than females. Humpback whales can get up to 60 feet long and weigh up to 83,000 pounds, females are usually larger. Blue Whales are the largest animals to have ever lived, even larger than the largest dinosaurs, they average 90-100 feet in length, and can weigh up to 400,000 pounds! Seeing as how both the Blue Whale and Humback Whales are Balleen whales, they feed primarily on microscopic organisms such as krill and plankton. Killer whales, depending on the population they belong to, will eat Salmom, Herring, Sharks, Birds, Seals, SeaLions, Turtles, Stingrays, and even other Whales and dolphins.

How far do the humpback whales travel?

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Humpbacks are widespread in almost every ocean in the world. They are found in good numbers in the following oceans.

  1. 18000 or so animals in North Pacific Ocean
  2. About 12000 in North Atlantic Ocean
  3. Around 50000 in the total southern hemisphere

How does a humpback whales travel?

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whales always know where they are in the sea. also they're migratory, that means they swim great distances each day.

How much blubber does a humpback whale have?

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Adult narwhals have an approximate 4 in. layer of blubber under their skin.

Are humpback whales the same as sperm whales?

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The gray whale and the grey whale are the same whale however, depending on if you are American or English there is a different spelling. UK English uses the spelling "grey" while American English uses the spelling "gray".

How long is the average female humpback whale?

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Adult humpback whales are usually between 12 to 16 meters in length. That is approximately 40 to 50 feet in length. They also weigh approximately 36000 kilograms or 79000 pounds. They are one of the large species of Whales.

How high do humpback whales breech?

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Beluga whales do not breach.