

Ice Makers

An ice maker, sometimes referred to as ice generator or ice machine is an appliance which makes ice. They are available as small units to be mounted inside the freezer compartment of a refrigerator, or to make larger amounts of ice as a stand-alone machine.

500 Questions

Did Jacob Perkins invent the ice machine?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes, Jacob Perkins invented the ice machine.

When did Jacob Perkins invent the ice machine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jacob Perkins invented the ice machine in 1834

What causes black flecks in automatic ice maker ice cubes?

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Asked by Wiki User

The black flecks seen in icemakers are quite rare.They are a strain of bactirum that are known carcinogens(cancer causing agents).These flecks enter and infect other foods through the air and are undectected by the human eye,unless of course on the ice.Treatment for exposure to this usually ranges from simple chemotherapy and agressive radiation to complete organ Transplants.have a nice day =)

word of advice dont trust google

Can you make flavored ice in an ice maker?

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Asked by Flair128512

I really like Coca-Cola. And we are doing a school project where we all have to make an invention. And I hate how whenever I go to Sonic, and I order my Cola, they always put ince in it. And if I put it in my frigde, or even just leave it out, the ice melts, and then the flavor of my Cola is all watery because the ice melted. So what I am doing, is making an invention that can make your drink, into the ice cubes so that even after the cubes melt, it still tastes like my Coke. So I need to know one thing before I pour a cup of Coca-Cola into my ice machine, I need to know, will this mess up my ice-maker? My mom and I are thinking that the sugar in the Cola might clog up the Ice Machine. PLEASE! Help me.

If you search for flavored ice maker in Google Patents you will find a patent for "Flavored Ice Maker Cartridge" . So, a patent for what you're trying to do has been issued.

If you pour Coke into your ice maker, you'll need to make sure the water to your ice maker is turned off. Once the ice maker has emptied of ice you can pour the Coke into the ice maker. Once the Coke is frozen, the ice maker will automatically empty. Then you can keep pouring Coke or whatever liquid you want into the ice maker every time it has harvested the ice.

Once you've turned water back on to the ice maker for normal operation, you'll probably be having Coke flavored ice for a while, but other than that you shouldn't have any problems.

Why do ice cubes from the ice maker smell?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your ice maker likely has mold, dust or something else in it causing the smell and needs to be cleaned

Will magnets on refrigerator door mess up ice maker?

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Asked by Wiki User

My dad told me that I should not put magnets on my refrigerator door that it makes the door rust form the inside out? Is there any truth to that?