

Kristen Stewart

Kristen Jaymes Stewart, born April 9, 1990, is an American actress. She is known for roles in films such as Panic Room, Zathura, In the Land of Women, Adventureland, The Messengers, Snow White and the Huntsman, and Twilight.

500 Questions

How old was Kristen Stewart when she started acting?

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she started acting when she was 11 (:

I heard that her agent now discovered her in her school Christmas Pageant when she was 8. and she was twelve in Panic Room, but that was her second movie. shes only 18, and shes been in 18 movies!!!!! i love Kristen btw shes sooooo awesome!!!!

-She is actually 19 now. Btw.

What is Kristen Stewart's waist size?

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Why the hell do u wanna know my waist size!


Who is Kristen Stewart married to?

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right now she lives with her parents in LA but her and rob are house hunting together...

They Already Banged

Does Kristen Stewart own a house in la?

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Her whole life

Is there any movies that Kristen Stewart is going to act in for the upcomming year 2010?

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Yes. She will be in The Yellow Handkerchief, The Runaways, Eclipse and Welcome to the Rileys.

Where did Kristen Stewart study acting?

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Kristen Stewart first started when she was found by an agent singing and acting at her school play she then went for an audition. and then later auditioned for panic room but didnt get the part she wanted instead Hayden heroes gPanettiere ofot it.But because Hayden had a busy schedule she dropped out of filming and Kristen Stewart got the part.


Is Emily Osment hot?

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Girls wouldn't consider Emily Osment hot, unless they are gay, but girls might call Emily Osment pretty. But most boys think she is hot.

How old is Kristen Stewart today?

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She was born April 9, 1990, So She's 20 years old.

What should you do when you are tensed?

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this depends on what has upset you in the first place, if it has something to do with the parents or at school then the best way to address this is an open talk with the person you are at odds with, if this is not possible , then try a councilor at school, they have great insight as to how you feel.

Are Robert and Kristen together again?

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Yes. I would bet that will reconcile sometime within the next two months. I don't think Rob will walk away from a 4 year relationship without giving her a 2nd chance. This was a make-out session, but a slap in his face, for sure. If Rob truly loves Kristen, then he will give her a second chance. After all they have been through together, it is unlikely he can stay separated from her visa versa. Hopefully, she has learned her lesson and not make the same mistake twice. I would say everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect. I think he will be smart enough to see that and give her a second chance. If she blows it again, then that is on her. They seem to have a pretty tight bond though.

How much did Kristen Stewart make in Jumper?

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yes, she played the part of Sophie

Did Kristen Stewart play in a movie called Thirteen?

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No, but Nikki Reed wrote it and stared in it too.

Are kristin stwert and Robert pattinson getting married?

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No they are not getting married as of today 2/18/11

Can Kristen Stewart play tennis?

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No, Robert Patterson does. Taylor's a champion martial artist =)

Is there any Kristen Stewart nudity?

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NO... where did you hear that

How tall was Kristen Stewart as a kid?

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probably the average height as any other kid her age ?

How many tattoos does Kristen Stewart have?

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Yes, of course she does! She has a tattoo of a peace sign on one of her fingers, a heart on another finger, and a lot more that I'm not aware of.

Check it out on Google Images and you'll see!

Are Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson having problems?

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They are not together anymore. But they are having stress between them because of the whole "Kristin is pregnant" thing.

Is Bella Swan and or Kristen Stewart a vegetarian?

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Yes, she is.

If you noticed, it never mentions Bella is a vegetarian in the twilight books, yet in the movie she orders a 'garden burger'. This means that Kristen Stewart herself must be a vegetarian. She also plays a vegetarian in The Runaways because Joan Jett is a vegetarian. I did my research and I think it's cool she's a vegetarian in real life, too.

No, she says she always orders chicken at restaurants, once in an interview.
Yes, she is a vegetarian

Does Nikki reed like Kristen Stewart?

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Yes because everytime i see them together, Bella always looks awkward around zendaya and frowns everytime zendaya talks. then zendaya doesnt let her ya i think they totally hate eachother....and bella has another best friend i saw in some yea bella and zendaya totally hate eachother.

Are Kristen Stewart and BooBoo Stewart friends?

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Very close friends. Kristen and Dakota have been in many movies together, and have created a bond.

Is Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart dating?

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Most people don't think Taylor and Kristen are together. But you can see in thier photoshoots and interviews that they truly love eachother. They just won't admit it. Just like thier relationship in twilight!