

Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes was a major voice of the Harlem Renaissance. He authored poems, plays, children's books, novels, and short stories. 'A Raisin in the Sun' and 'The Weary Blues' were among his accomplishments. His simple and straightforward style helped him become popular among ordinary people.

500 Questions

How was Langston Hughes' relationship with his mother?

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thats for him to tell u

What was the ballad of Booker T about by Langston Hughes?

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The ballad of Booker T is a tribute to Booker T. Washington, an influential African American leader and educator. Langston Hughes wrote the ballad to honor Washington's accomplishments in advancing the rights and education of African Americans during a time of intense racial discrimination.

What are 3 things Langston Hughes was devoted to?

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Langston Hughes was devoted to promoting equality and social justice through his poetry, to celebrating African American culture and heritage, and to advocating for civil rights for all marginalized communities.

When was little old letter by Langston hughes made?

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"Little Old Letter" by Langston Hughes was first published in 1956 in his collection of poems called "Selected Poems of Langston Hughes."

Why do you think people should learn about Langston hughes?

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Learning about Langston Hughes is important because he was a prominent figure in the Harlem Renaissance, a pivotal moment in American culture. His poetry and writings focused on the experiences of African Americans, addressing themes of identity, racism, and social justice. By studying his work, we can gain insight into the struggles and triumphs of the African American community in the early 20th century.

Who is the author of all Langston Hughes books?

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Langston Hughes is the author of all Langston Hughes books. He was a prominent American poet, social activist, and playwright known for his work during the Harlem Renaissance.

Why did Langston Hughes write winter moon?

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Langston Hughes wrote "Winter Moon" as a beautifully crafted poem that captures the serene and contemplative atmosphere of a winter night. The poem reflects his skill in evoking sensory experiences and creating vivid imagery through his words. Hughes often explored themes of African American identity, the human experience, and the beauty of nature in his works, and "Winter Moon" is an example of his reflective and introspective style.

What are the literary devices in Ballad of the Landlord by Langston Hughes?

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Some literary devices used in Langston Hughes's poem "Ballad of the Landlord" include rhyme scheme, repetition, irony, and imagery. The poem's structure, with its regular rhyme pattern, helps to underscore its theme while repetition emphasizes key points. Irony is present in the contrast between the landlord's power and the tenant's vulnerability, while vivid imagery vividly depicts the injustice faced by the tenant.

How do you respond to the poem mother to son?

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Asked by Yoshi1030

I appreciate your interest in the poem "Mother to Son." It is a powerful piece that conveys the message of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. The mother's words of encouragement and wisdom resonate strongly, reminding us of the challenges we may face in life and the importance of resilience.

What were Langston Hughes' goal as a young person?

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As a young person, Langston Hughes aimed to become a successful writer and poet, expressing the experiences and voice of African Americans. He sought to use his poetic talent as a form of cultural and political expression for the Black community, advocating for social justice and equality through his work.

What languages could Langston Hughes speak?

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Langston Hughes was fluent in English and also had a working knowledge of French and Spanish. He was a prominent figure in the Harlem Renaissance and used his multilingual abilities to incorporate various cultural influences into his writing.

Did Langston write stories?

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Yes, Langston Hughes was a prolific writer and poet, known for his works like "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" and "Montage of a Dream Deferred." He often incorporated themes of African American experiences and culture in his writing.

Why did Langston hughes mention Abraham Lincoln in his poem?

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Langston Hughes mentioned Abraham Lincoln in his poem to highlight the contrast between Lincoln's ideals of freedom and justice for all, and the ongoing reality of racial inequality and discrimination that existed in America during Hughes's time. By referencing Lincoln, Hughes was pointing to the gap between the promise of equality and the lived experience of African Americans.

What did Langston Hughes mean when he says he learned to distinguish between decent and reactionary?

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Langston Hughes meant that he learned to differentiate between people who were open-minded and progressive in their thinking (decent) and those who were narrow-minded and resistant to change (reactionary). This distinction helped him navigate relationships and interactions with others.

How did Langston Hughes discover his talent?

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Langston Hughes discovered his talent for writing poetry at a young age while living with his grandmother in Kansas. He was inspired by the rhythms of African American music and the storytelling of the blues, which influenced his unique poetic style. Hughes continued to develop his craft through his experiences and relationships with other writers of the Harlem Renaissance.

What is an example of Hughes' use of the apostrophe in Theme for English B?

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An example of Hughes' use of the apostrophe in "Theme for English B" is in the line "You are white—yet a part of me, as I am a part of you." Here, the apostrophe is used to show possession or belonging, highlighting the interconnectedness between the narrator and the instructor.

What was Hughes main purpose in salvation?

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Langston Hughes's main purpose in "Salvation" was to explore the conflicting expectations and pressures placed on him as a young boy grappling with spiritual beliefs. The essay reflects his struggle between personal faith, social expectations, and the desire for acceptance within his community. Ultimately, Hughes uses his experience to critique the gap between organized religion and personal spirituality.

What is the main problem of Thank You M'am by Langston Hughes?

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The main problem in "Thank You M'am" is the attempted theft by the young boy, Roger, and the subsequent intervention by Mrs. Jones. Roger's actions reflect his desperation and lack of guidance, while Mrs. Jones serves as a mentor figure who teaches him a valuable lesson about trust and compassion.

How do you explain troubled woman by Langston hughes?

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"Troubled Woman" by Langston Hughes is a poem that explores the struggles and sorrows faced by the protagonist, a woman who bears the weight of societal oppression and discrimination. Through vivid imagery and powerful language, Hughes conveys the woman's inner turmoil and resilience in the face of adversity, ultimately illuminating the harsh realities of her experience.

What is the main point of narration in salvation by Langston Hughes?

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The main point of the narrative in "Salvation" by Langston Hughes is to convey the internal struggle and disillusionment experienced by the author as a young boy grappling with conflicting expectations of religious faith and personal experience. The story explores themes of innocence lost, societal pressures, and the complexities of belief.

Why was the setting in thank you mam at night?

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The setting in "Thank You, Ma'am" is at night to create a specific atmosphere and mood for the encounter between Mrs. Jones and Roger. The darkness and solitude of the night emphasize the vulnerability and raw honesty of their interaction, adding tension and depth to the story.

What commercial has Langston Hughes poem I too?

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The commercial featuring Langston Hughes' poem "I, Too" is by Proctor & Gamble as part of their "My Black is Beautiful" campaign. This powerful ad showcases the struggles faced by African Americans and emphasizes the message of empowerment and pride in one's identity. The poem highlights the importance of equality and representation in society.

What does it mean by shoe got by devilish ways will burn your feet inThank you m'am by Langston hughes?

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In Langston Hughes' short story "Thank You, M'am," the phrase "a shoe got by devilish ways will burn your feet" is a metaphor suggesting that things obtained through dishonest or unethical means will ultimately lead to negative consequences or harm. Mrs. Jones uses this expression to teach Roger a lesson about the importance of honesty and integrity.

Is there any allusion in Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes?

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Yes, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" by Langston Hughes contains allusions to various rivers, such as the Euphrates and the Nile, connecting the Black experience to ancient civilizations and highlighting the timelessness of their struggle. The poem uses these rivers symbolically to explore identity, history, and resilience within the Black community.