


Lexapro is the trade name of the antidepressant drug escitalopram. Approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration, Lexapro is used to treat anxiety and major depressive disorders. The drug’s side effects include dizziness, insomnia, constricted pupil, constipation and fatigue.

500 Questions

Is citalopram an maoi?

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No, it is not a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI).

Can too much drinking and taking lexapro cause death?

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Yes, it's unhealthy and ignorant to think other wise.

Can I take Lorezepam and Lexapro together?

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My doctor actually put me on .05 mg of Lorazapam and 20 mg of Lexapro at night. and I take Lorazapam in the morning same dose.

What does Nocte stand for in medicine?

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Asked by John123john

Nocte is the Latin term for night. Nocte on a prescription would mean that the medication is to be taken in the evening, or night time.

Can you take alka seltzer and Lexapro?

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Can you take alka-seltzer

plus cold formula and you take ValiumsCan

Side effects of going off lexapro?

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Asked by Greenage

extreme dizziness, suicidal thoughts/behavior, nausea, body aches, fatigue, headaches, heart pomputations, mood swings and memory probs.

I got off lexapro and stopped cold turkey. Was prob one of the worst feeling ever!! I would seriously suggest to ween yourself off slowly to not experience these effects!

Good luck!

Can synthroid and Lexapro tbe taken together?

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If ordered by you physician...yes.. Synthroid is a thyroid supplement given when you thyroid gland is not producing as it would be the same as a person with a normal functioning thyroid gland taking valium.

When you stop taking lexapro will your sex drive come back?

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I used to have amazing orgasms (when I wasn't taking an SSRI). It took me no time, no fantasy was required, just intense, brilliant, full-body, muscle contracting long lasting orgasms (with or without a partner). When I started taking Lexapro, that stopped. I wasn't concerned as that was usually the case on SSRI's, and I knew it would go back to normal after I stopped taking it. It's been over a year now since I stopped taking Lexapro and I still can't have an orgasm. Nothing. I have a libido, sexual stimulation, but NO orgasm. I keep thinking I'm crazy, that it can't really be true, so I try, and try, and try. Nothing. I keep hoping that maybe it's just going to take a while, and it will gradually return to normal, but it's not. There isn't even a glimmer of anything resembling an orgasm. If there was one thing I could undue in my life, it would be this. My sex life is forever changed. I NEVER would have taken this drug if I knew that the potential for permanent sexual side effects existed. I think that this is criminally unfair. I can't believe the kind of sex life I used to have is just quickly becoming a distant memory instead of an ongoing and beautiful part of my current life and future. Devastating doesn't come close to describing how I feel. I WOULD DISCOURAGE ANYONE FROM TAKING LEXAPRO!

Why have I gained weight on Lexapro?

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While some people gain weight after starting an antidepressant, the antidepressant isn't always a direct cause. There are many factors that can work together to contribute to weight gain during antidepressant therapy. For example:

  • Overeating as a result of depression can cause weight gain.
  • Some people lose weight as part of their depression. In turn, an improved appetite associated with improved mood may result in increased weight.
  • Adults generally tend to gain weight each year, regardless of the medications they take. Getting regular exercise and watching what you eat will help you maintain a healthy weight whether you take an antidepressant or not.

If you gain weight after starting an antidepressant, discuss your concerns with your doctor. If your antidepressant seems to be the culprit, it may help to adjust the dose or switch medications.

Can Lexapro be taken long term?

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My best friend is a doctor, and says yes, it can be taken indefinitely. However, I have been taking 20mg for four years now, and don't know how advisable it would be to take it forever. I tried tapering off it two years ago with really ugly effects, and had to begin taking it again just to function. I now feel that it is no longer working as it once did, and frankly my life has evolved to a point where I no longer feel I need it. I am going to make the informed choice to withdraw from it entirely this year, but first will seek the guidance of a psychiatrist who is sensitive to the withdrawal of this specific drug. Most G.P.'s and internists frankly are not.

What will happen if you take a Lexapro 20 mg?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nothing other than you'll be jittery.

If you're seeking attention...see a shrink.

Does Vitamin D help depression?

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Anything that helps your help is good. There are no vitamins or food which will cure depression, but getting enough Vitamin D is important for absorbing calcium for healthy bones. When you're depressed, you don't take care of yourself, and taking a good multi-vitamin will help with that. Don't take more Vitamin D than recommended - and remember it is usually found in milk also.

Is Esipram and Escitalopram the same?

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Yes they are both the same, used with the same ingredients.

Can you take panadol with Lexapro?

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No, Lexapro is an SSRI antidepressant. It is not related in any way to any OTC or prescription painkiller.

Is hair loss a side effect of lexapro or Wellbutrin?

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Not that I know of. I've seen mostly anxiety, nervousness, and irritability from suddenly stopping SSRIs such as lexapro or wellbutrin. This answer is incorrect. Hair loss is a known side effect of Wellbutrin.

How effective is Lexapro for treating alcohol abuse?

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Lexapro will not treat alcohol abuse. Once someone is sober, Lexapro will assist with the recovery of healthy seratonin levels in the brain. After periods of alcohol abuse, the brain's chemistry is affected, and seratonin levels become low. Supplementing a recovery program, e.g., 12-step program, with an SSRI, such as Lexapro, is an option to help find serenity. Serenity is the medicine addicts need to stay off of drugs and alcohol.

Lexapro has been shown to be of benefit to some people in the clinical treatment of alcohol addiction when it is combined with other treatment and therapy. It's theorized that in some way it reduces the discomfort caused by low levels of certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, that are depleted by alcohol use, and that it makes the transition to sobriety easier.

Because everyone's brain chemistry is different, psych drugs of all kinds tend to be selective. Some people need to try several in order to find one that works. We also need to be aware that with many psych drugs it is necessary to take them for prolonged periods before seeing results, especially if our brain chemistry has been disrupted by addiction. The effects of alcohol and other drugs on the brain can persist for months, even for a couple of years.

I took Lexapro for 6 months and this drug is very effective in reducing alcohol consumption. I may have an occasional beer or a drink, but I was unable to do so while taking Lexapro. The side effects with alcohol are horrible. As with any drug, side effects depend on the person who is taking the medication.

Lexapro is an antidepressant and will not help with preventing abuse. I might help with help someone to not think that they need to drink so often.

Lexapro might offer some benefit if the underlying cause of the alcohol abuse is depression.

Unfortunately, it isn't always easy to tell, even by professionals, if the alcoholism stems from depression or if the depression is caused by the alcoholism. This is the case with one of my family members; he's fought with both for many years...and he's losing.

I've been on Lexapro for depression (not alcohol abuse) fora little over a month. It hasn't seemed to do much so I've had my dosage increased. It still has not seemed to do much.

The way it was explained to me by my Dr. is that Lexapro isn't mood-altering. It simply maintains your seratonin levels so that you don't get rock bottom depressed or stay there.

Being that I'm having a hard time "believing" that Lexapro treats depression, I'd have an even harder time believing it would help someone suffering from alcohol abuse -- unless the abuse were specifically caused by the person's inability to produce seratonin -- a highly unlikely (in my opinion, anyway), "cause" of alcohol abuse.

I have found that a drug called Topamax, a drug used as a treatment for biploar, cluster headaches and more, has truly helped me control cravings to binge drink and to binge eat. I don't drink nearly as much as I used to. I's been amazing!

What are side effects of taking lexapro and adderall?

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It depends on whether you take the drug alone or with other drugs. try eHealthMe may have the answers specific to your case.

Can keppra and Lexapro together?

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yes if your insane an want constipation and hostility

What is an anticholinergic effect?

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Anticholinergic medications are bronchodilators which affect the muscles around the large airways in the lungs. They stop those muscles from tightening, which makes breathing easier.

Can you take st johns wort and doxycycline at the same time?

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No the two interact. If you Google doxycycline you can find a pdf download all about it and it says these two medications should not be taken together.

Ask your doctor if it can be taken two hours apart, because sometimes they do that if drugs interfere.

Does Lexapro cause acne?

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The PI sheet for Lexapro doesn't list acne as a side-effect, but many who've taken the drug state that, for them, it has resulted in moderate to severe acne. This is true for me. I had relatively clear skin -- only the occasional pimple -- before starting this drug. Now I've broken out across my back and have developed cystic acne around my chin. Big, deep, painful nodules. I've never had this problem before. It's depressing.

What does Lortab withdraw symptoms feel like?

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you feel like throwing up sometimes, you feel different pains this is your head telling you to get more, don't eat shitt alot I get runny nose, i see those true life on MTV about pill addiction and it makes me want it everything that's fun makes me want it there is a pill called saboxone that stops your withdrawl and gives you a buzz so you don't want lortabs it really helps some call it a miracle drug and its true give it a try

Is nausea a symptom of quitting Lexapro?

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Oh, yes it is a very big side effect. Well at least for me it is. Stomach felt bubbly after taking 10mg pill it helps when I laid on my side or stood/sat up. Also try taking some nausea medicine or things for sour stomach.