


Linguistics is the study of the form, meaning, and context of language.

500 Questions

How do pronounce kjellberg?

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Asked by Wiki User

Kjellberg= Sheilberg

How pronounce ogres?

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Ogres can be pronounced as "oh-grz" with the emphasis on the first syllable. It rhymes with the word "loggers".

What brain hemisphere excels in linguistics and which brain hemisphere excel in making quick interpretation of language?

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Asked by Wiki User

The left brain hemisphere typically excels in linguistics, including language processing and production. The right brain hemisphere tends to excel in making quick interpretations of language through understanding nuances, emotions, and context. Both hemispheres work together for comprehensive language skills.

Which explanation of human knowledge makes the most sense to you Plato's forms. Aristotle's causes idealism materialism existentialism linguistic philosophy something else Explain why you thi?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plato's Forms make the most sense to me as they propose that true knowledge is based on the existence of abstract, unchanging forms or ideals that shape the physical world. This perspective aligns with the idea of seeking universal truths and understanding the essence of concepts beyond their material manifestations.

What are the linguistic in rhetorical competence in reading?

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Asked by Wiki User

Linguistic rhetorical competence in reading refers to the ability to understand and analyze how language is used to persuade and convey meaning in written texts. It involves identifying rhetorical devices such as ethos, logos, and pathos, as well as understanding the nuances of language, tone, and style to interpret the intended message and audience appeal of a text. Developing this competence enhances critical reading skills and the ability to engage with complex arguments and persuasive techniques effectively.

What problems might result from rearranging groups of people without regard or ethnic or linguistic traditions?

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Asked by Wiki User

The usual result is mostly debate. There could also be war. The world is made up of different people. It generates hate for each others' custom because many aren't tolerant of others.

What are example of linguistic signal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examples of linguistic signals include spoken words, body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and written text. These signals convey meaning and help in communication between individuals.

What is an allofam?

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Asked by Bobo192

An allofam is a term used in archaeology to refer to a culturally related group of artifacts or features that share similar characteristics but are not directly linked to a specific cultural group. It helps archaeologists understand the distribution and characteristics of artifacts within a specific region or time period.

How pronounce parasaurolophus?

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It is pronounced as "PAIR-uh-SORE-uh-LOAF-us."

How do pronounce Raiah?

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Raiah is pronounced as "rye-uh." The emphasis is on the first syllable, "rye."

Noise in linguistic?

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Noise in linguistics refers to any interference or distortion that can affect communication, such as background sounds, environmental distractions, or errors in transmission. This can result in misinterpretation or miscommunication of information, especially in verbal exchanges or written texts. Effective communication strategies can help minimize the impact of noise in linguistic interactions.

What effects does the linguistic devices in the suit by can themba create?

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Asked by Wiki User

The use of linguistic devices in "The Suit" by Can Themba such as repetition, imagery, and irony serve to create a haunting and intense atmosphere that underscores the theme of betrayal and guilt. These devices help to build tension, evoke strong emotions in the reader, and emphasize the impact of the central metaphor of the suit on the characters' lives.

How do pronounce gioachino?

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"Gioachino" is pronounced as joh-ah-KEE-noh, with the emphasis on the second syllable.

What is one linguistic difference between English and spanish?

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Asked by Wiki User

One linguistic difference between English and Spanish is their word order. While English follows a subject-verb-object order (e.g., "I eat an apple"), Spanish typically follows a subject-object-verb order (e.g., "Yo como una manzana").

What are the levels of linguistics description?

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Asked by Wiki User

The levels of linguistic description are phonetics (sounds), phonology (sound patterns), morphology (word formation), syntax (sentence structure), semantics (meaning), and pragmatics (language use in context). Each level examines different aspects of language structure and use.

What words would a linguist pick to demonstrate how lonely and bored Mary maloney is?

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Asked by Wiki User

A linguist might choose words like isolated, desolate, and mundane to convey Mary Maloney's loneliness and boredom. These words emphasize her emotional state of being alone and feeling unfulfilled or uninterested in her current situation.

Components of communication according to Dell Hymes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dell Hymes' model of communication, known as the SPEAKING model, consists of key components: setting, participants, ends, act sequence, key, instrumentalities, norms, and genre. These components highlight the cultural and contextual aspects that shape communication interactions beyond just language structure.

What is signifier at linguistics?

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Asked by Miskatmisu9fb3514

In linguistics, a signifier is a sound, word, or symbol that conveys a specific meaning. It is the physical form of a sign that points to a particular concept or idea. For example, the word "dog" is a signifier that represents the concept of a four-legged animal.

How do you pronounce amoeba?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is pronounced "uh-MEE-buh."

How is language defined in linguistics?

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Asked by Allstate3622

In linguistics, language is typically defined as a system of communication using symbols (such as sounds, words, or gestures) to convey meaning within a community of speakers. It involves a set of rules and structures that govern how these symbols are combined to create meaningful messages. Language is studied at various levels, including phonetics, syntax, and semantics.

What is a word in linguistics?

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In linguistics, a word is a unit of language that carries meaning and can stand alone or be combined with other words to form sentences. Words can be classified into different categories based on their function and structure within a language.

Is there any deference between applied linguistic and linguistic applied?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, "applied linguistics" and "linguistics applied" both refer to the same field that focuses on using linguistic theories and research to address real-world language issues and problems. The terms are often used interchangeably.

How do pronounce eyring?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Eyre" is pronounced as "air".

What are the examples for non-linguistic behaviour?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examples of non-linguistic behavior include gestures, facial expressions, body language, eye contact, posture, and paralanguage (such as tone of voice and vocal pitch). These forms of communication can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions without the use of words.

What do scholars say about linguistics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scholars in linguistics study the structure, meaning, and use of languages. They examine how languages evolve, how they are acquired and processed by the brain, and how they are used in social interactions. Linguistics is a diverse field with different theories and methodologies, and scholars may focus on areas such as syntax, phonetics, semantics, or sociolinguistics.