

Little House (on the Prairie)

There are several books and spin offs from the Little House series. The Laura Years is the most popular part of the series, and consists of Little House in the Big Woods, Farmer Boy, Little House on the Prairie, On the Banks of Plum Creek, By the Shores of Silver Lake, The Long Winter, Little Town on the Prairie, These Happy Golden Years, and The First Four Years. The television series, Little House on the Prairie, was based off of those books.

500 Questions

Who wrote of the little hose on the prairie?

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Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote the "Little House on the Prairie" book series.

Where is the Laura Ingalls Wilder Trail in West Virginia?

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The Laura Ingalls Wilder Trail is not located in West Virginia. It is actually a historic trail that follows the life and travels of author Laura Ingalls Wilder, best known for her "Little House" book series. The trail mainly covers the Midwest and Great Plains regions of the United States.

What are some good things to put in a biography box for Laura Ingalls Wilder?

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Laura Ingalls Wilder was an American writer best known for her "Little House on the Prairie" series of books. She chronicled her childhood experiences growing up in the Midwest during the late 19th century. Her books continue to be popular and have inspired multiple adaptations in various forms of media.

In season 1 of little house on the prarie how old was Mary Laura or Carrie and amp what grade's were they all in?

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Mary was around 14 years old and in 8th grade, Laura was around 12 years old and in 4th grade, and Carrie was around 5 years old and not yet attending school.

How old was Melissa Gilbert on Little House on the Prairie season 6?

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If you mean the first season of Little House on the Prairie, Season 1 aired in 1974 and Melissa Gilbert was born on May 8, 1964. So that would have made her about 9-10 years old when filming for season 1 took place.

How do you read 'Little House on the Prairie' online?

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yes you can there are many site to read, download and buy on-line just go on go-ogle and search ( little house in the big woods on-line books ) and look at the results

How many copies of little house in the big woods were sold?

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It's not known exactly, but the books were published initially from 1932 to 1940, and have never been out of print. "Millions" would not be an exaggeration.

What is Mr Olson's name on Little House on the Prairie?

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Pa Ingalls is named Charles. Mary is married to Adam, and Laura is married to Almanzo, who everyone calles "Manny."

Did nellie oleson really exist?

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From what I have heard, the was a combination of some of Laura's real life friends

Who is deceased from Little House on the Prairie?

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Michael Landon and Merlin Olsen. Not sure about anyone else.

What are the seven Little House on the Prairie books?

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Little House in the Big Woods (1932)

Farmer Boy (1933)

Little House on the Prairie (1935)

On the Banks of Plum Creek (1938)

By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939)

The Long Winter (1940)

Little Town on the Prairie (1941)

These Happy Golden Years (1943)

What was the school teachers original name in Little House on the Prairie?

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Miss Beatle, later in season 4 Mrs. Simms after she gets married is played by Charlotte Stewart.

What killed jack the dog on Little House on the Prairie?

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Actually Laura did take care of Jack because her mother told her to do it in which Laura finally obeyed her. As Charles explained to her daughter Laura, Jack died of old age and tiredness. Laura has a hard time dealing with her guilt because of the things she said about Jack being no good and worthless. She also felt bad that she wasn't with Jack when he died. As I watched this episode this morning, (January 28 2022) I cried like I did when I watched it when I was 15. I even had to hold my dog and tell her how much I love her. 62 years old and this show still makes me cry.

Who is the actor who played Mary in Little House on the Prairie?

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Melissa Sue Anderson Did you know: Melissa Sue Anderson (born September 26, 1962) is best known for playing Mary Ingalls on the NBC television series Little House on the Prairie, which aired from 1974 until 1983.

What happened to Mrs Olsens on Little House on the Prairie?

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They said she was in the Hospital in Minneapolis, but I don't know why.

What time period does On the Banks of Plum Creek take place?

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The setting is on the prairie and in Minnesota.

Why did Laura Ingalls Wilder write little house in the big woods?

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You can go to any library or book store. She has written the entire story of her life in a series of books, they are The Little House Series. The first one is The Little House in the Big Woods.

Did ray bolger ever play on Little House on the Prairie?

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Yes, he played Tobby Noe. He appeared in " There's no place like home" and comes back in "Dance with Me"