

Mathematical Constants

Intriguing, ubiquitous, and at times mysterious, numerical constants set the allowable limits for all universal phenomena. Whether your questions involves π, Avogadro's number, Planck's constant, the atomic mass unit, or any of the other multitudes of immutable numbers used in science, this is the category where they should be asked.

500 Questions

What is 1 with 136 zeros?

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What is 000 000 0000 phone number?

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There is no known phone number that consists of 000-000-0000 because there is no area code 000.

How much zero in 1 trillion?

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Place value.

100 000 000 000 000



12 zeroes, and a one.

Why is pi a approximate number?

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If we were to write the whole thing, we would be here forever(literally!). So, we took it to a simple 3.14 or 22/7.

Why you restrict the argument of a complex number between -pi and pi?

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Because the trigonometric functions (sine and cosine) are periodic, with period 2*pi. If the argument were not restricted, you would have an infinite number of answers.

You could, of course, restrict the argument to any interval of size 2*pi: 3.5pi to 5.5pi, for example.

How is Avogadro's number written out?

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Avogadro's number is 6.022 x 1023.

What is the square root of245 correct to 2 places of decimal?

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√245 ≈ 15.65

Calculate to 3 dp and round using the 3rd dp:

............ 1 . 5 . . 6 . 5 . 2 ⇒ √245 ≈ 15.65 to 2 dp.


....... 1 | 2 45 . 00 00 00

............ 1

............ -

..... 25 | 1 45

............ 1 25

............ -----

... 306 | .. 20 . 00

............... 18 . 36

............... -------

. 3125 | .... 1 . 64 00

................. 1 . 56 25

................. ---------

31302 | ........... 7 75 00

........................ 6 26 04

........................ --------

........................ 1 48 96

Who founded universal gravitational constant?

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Sir. Isaac Newton discovered the formula with the universal gravitational constant.

What are the different ways you can represent pi as a number?

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The only one that I am aware of is the greek letter pi: π.

There are many approximations, such as 3.14 or 3.14159 or 22/7. There are many functions whose solutions involve pi and so can be used to calculate pi. There are also many infinite series that converge to pi or some function of pi. Some are given in the attached link. However, these are all approximations to pi.

What is ideal ratio?

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There are different ideal ratios for different situations. For example, the ideal ratio of hydrogen to oxygen atoms, in water, is 2:1. The ideal ration for sodium and chlorine atoms for salt is 1:1.

What is avogadro number equal to?

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6.0221367 × 1023

Or (less sensibly) 602 213 670 000 000 000 000 000

What is the place value of 3.94 value?

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A digit within a number has a place value, not the entire number - such as 3.94.

Why represented the integers by the symbol Z?

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It's short for Zahlen, which is German for "numbers". Why German? Why not?

What is the imaginary number of square root of -4?

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Either 2i or -2i, when squared equal -4.