

Natural Selection

Natural selection is a function of evolution. It involves biological traits becoming more or less prominent depending on the needs and environment of a specific species.

500 Questions

Did natural selection give rise to our ability to drive automobiles?

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No, our ability to drive automobiles is not a trait that has evolved through natural selection. Driving is a learned skill and is not influenced by genetic traits that are subject to natural selection.

How was Charles Darwin's theories of natural selection were apllied to social Darwinism?

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Social Darwinism misused Darwin's theory of natural selection to justify inequality and oppression in society. It incorrectly claimed that certain individuals or groups were biologically superior and should therefore dominate over others. This flawed application of Darwin's ideas contributed to harmful ideologies such as eugenics and racism.

What is the major difference between social Darwinism and Darwin's idea of survival of the fittest?

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The major difference is that social Darwinism applies Darwin's principle of "survival of the fittest" to human society, often to justify competition, inequality, and laissez-faire capitalism, while Darwin's idea itself refers to the natural selection process in the biological realm, where traits beneficial for survival and reproduction are passed on to future generations. Social Darwinism extends this concept to human interactions and societal organization.

How does social darwinism relates to natural selection?

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Social Darwinism is a belief system that uses the principles of natural selection to justify social inequality and competition between individuals and groups in society. It draws parallels between the survival of the fittest in the natural world and the "struggle" in human societies. While natural selection explains how traits evolve in a population over time based on their survival and reproductive success, social Darwinism extends these principles to human interactions and societal structures.

When was the theory of natural selection developed?

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The theory of natural selection was developed in the middle to late 1800's by a brilliant man by the name of Charles Darwin. Im not sure of an exact date - but his book Origin of Species was published on November 24, 1859. Of course research and speculation were made much earlier in order to come to the conclusion of his theory of Natural selection and evolution being the root of where and how life came to be and progress so diverse. Hope this helps a little...

What are six examples of natural selection?

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  1. In a population of giraffes, those with longer necks are better able to reach leaves on tall trees for food, increasing their chances of survival and reproduction. Over time, the population evolves to have longer necks.

  2. In a population of insects, individuals with an inherent resistance to a certain pesticide have a higher chance of surviving when exposed to that pesticide. As a result, the population becomes more resistant to the pesticide over generations.

  3. In a population of birds, those with better camouflage are less likely to be seen by predators, increasing their chances of survival. This results in the evolution of better camouflaged birds in that population.

  4. In a population of bacteria, individuals that have developed resistance to antibiotics have a survival advantage when exposed to those antibiotics. Over time, the population becomes dominated by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

  5. In a population of fish, individuals that have a faster swimming speed are better able to evade predators, increasing their chances of survival and reproduction. This leads to the evolution of faster swimming fish in the population.

  6. In a population of plants, individuals that produce more seeds are more likely to have their genes passed on to the next generation. This selects for plants that have a higher reproductive output and may lead to the evolution of plants with more abundant seed production.

Can RNA undergo natural selection and evolve?

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Yes, RNA can undergo natural selection and evolve. RNA molecules can replicate and mutate, leading to variations in their sequences. Those variations that confer a selective advantage, such as improved stability or catalytic activity, are more likely to be passed on to subsequent generations. This process of selection and evolution is known as RNA evolution.

When will natural selection favor altruism?

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Natural selection may favor altruism when the benefits of helping others outweigh the costs to the individual. This can occur in situations where individuals are closely related, as in kin selection, or in reciprocal altruism, where individuals help others with the expectation of receiving help in return. Overall, altruism is more likely to be favored in social species where cooperation and group cohesion enhance the survival and reproduction of individuals.

Why Over time why does natural selection continue to work?

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Natural selection creates a stronger species that is able to live longer and produce more. It continues to work because after a few generations, the traits will become common in the population.

Is the monopoly contrary to the precepts of Darwinism?

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No, a monopoly itself is not contrary to the precepts of Darwinism. In fact, Darwinism describes the natural selection and competition that occurs in nature. However, some argue that monopolies can hinder competition and limit opportunities for adaptation and evolution, which goes against the principles of Darwinism.

What does possible selection words?

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Hi I am a 4th grader and possible selection words are for you to look for more words with ar,er,or and other stuffs

What explains natural selection?

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I'm sure Darwin has a much better technical explaination but after all is said and done it simply means: The weak and stupid die at a much faster rate than the strong and intelligent.

What role does the environment play natural selection?

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toilet paper...... just kidding it helps the plants grow and people live

Why must there be Variation in the population in order for natural selection?

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Without the subtle differences on organisms phenotypes what would natural selection select from?

All organisms in a population are variants and some survive and reproduce better than other against the background of the immediate environment and these are selected by that environmental pressure.

How does overpopulation affect natural selection?

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Natural selection is the process by which forms of life having traits that better enable them to adapt to specific environmental pressures, as predators, changes in climate, or competition for food or mates, will tend to survive and reproduce in greater numbers than others of their kind, thus ensuring the perpetuation of those favorable traits in succeeding generations.

lions of years.

What is the importance of reproduction in natural selection?

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Everything! Survival is the race, but reproductive success is the finish line. Remember; individuals die, populations evolve.

What are three components of natural selection?

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The three parts of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection are struggle for existence (competition), survival of the fittest (those with the best adaptations for the time/environment live and reproduce), and descent with modification (over time the population is more representative of organisms with the best adaptations).

Why is it important to refer a scorecard in actual selection of potential breeder?

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jaguar>ant eatersType your answer here...

What does natural selection cause?

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Which mutations are not subject to natural selection?

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There are on the chromosomes stretches of DNA that do nothing. Their only purpose is provide matching stretches so the chromosomes match-up during fertilization. In here mutations occur but have no 'large' effect on the phenotype of the life-form. (If enough of them occur then the chromosome become of a different length and certain mating pairs can no longer match-up, but that takes a while to get a difference in length that really matters.)

Geneticists use these stretches and the changes in them to track evolutionary path-ways.