

Niall Horan

Niall Horan is in the band One Direction.

500 Questions

Does Niall Horan bite his nails?

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Yes he does

Do short guys like tall girls?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't think it really matters, depends if the girl doesn't judge a guy by his height, and what he looks, then you both will have a very happy life.

I agree! I for one am a tall girl but i like a short guy. I don't think height should matter as long as you like the guy.

Yes! If the girl likes him, then definately. It's just that the girl cares if the guy feels insecure of his height because of her and that causes some problems.

Yes, I'm 5'6" and my girlfriend is 6'3.

Why does Niall Horan have blonde hair?

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'cus he bleaches it.

How tall is Niall Breslin?

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Niall Breslin is 6' 4".

Does Niall hornan like talkative girls?

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Like most men, he cares about the personality.

Where is hiall horan from?

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Niall horan is from Mulingar in the westlands of Ireland <3 x

Is greg horan 25?

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Yes (:

How old is nail horan?

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What is Niall horn phoen nuner?

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That's private hun. x

Does Niall Horan use drugs?

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Why does Niall from One Direction not get solos?

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He does have solo's ! Have you heard the "Take Me Home" album ? he even starts one of the songs. (:

Does Niall HORANNN go for any ages for girls?

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He tryes to stay in his age grouph

How young will Niall date?

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fourteen babe

Is Niall horn married?

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What does Niall Horan not look for in a girl?

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Well, there is obviously a lot that every guy doesn't look for in a girl. For example, a bad personality, etc. One thing that I know Niall hates is when a girl is too shy to eat in front of guys.

Where did nandos come from?

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