


Supernovas and Novas are terms to describe the massive explosion of a star that has reached the end of its life.

500 Questions

How long can a white dwarf shine?

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Asked by Wiki User

White dwarf stars are calculated to continue emitting energy for incredibly long amounts of time. It is believed that they can do so for longer than the age of the universe, hence, none have cooled off to black dwarf status yet. Some white dwarfs have been found around 100 light years from Earth and are thought to be the oldest known stars at 11 to 12 billion years old.

Can stars explode and die?

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What is the fate of an isolated brown dwarf?

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The fate of an isolated brown dwarf depends on its mass. If the brown dwarf is below a certain threshold (about 13 times the mass of Jupiter), it will cool and fade over time, eventually becoming a cold, dark object called a "rogue planet." If the brown dwarf is more massive, it may undergo fusion reactions and become a star, though this is rare for isolated brown dwarfs.

How do you spell super?

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Asked by Wiki User

S-U-P-E-R The word "super" (colloquial for excellent, superb, or great) is not capitalized. As a prefix, "super-" has the reinforcing meaning "over" or "above". Sometimes used with a hyphen to create neologisms inferring a superior ability. (e.g. "super-strong" glue)

What does Nova Brittania mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

It might be something to do with, Nova Britannia, a provincia of Nova Roma.

See related web site

How do you describe a nebula such as the Crab Nebula?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Crab Nebula is a supernova remnant and pulsar wind nebula.

What are the names of stars in our galaxy?

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Asked by Wiki User

It has been estimated that there are over a hundred billion galaxies. Not all of them have been named.

The most famous galaxies are:

Milky Way Galaxy: The galaxy where our Solar System resides.

Andromeda Galaxy: Our nearest large galaxy.

Large Magellanic Cloud: Brightest patch of nebulosity in the sky.

Canis Major Dwarf: Our nearest galaxy at 0.025 Mly

Others are named for their shape.

Cigar galaxy.

Comet galaxy.

Cartwheel galaxy.

Whirlpool galaxy.

See link for more information.

What is the name for a exploding star?

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Asked by Wiki User

That's called a supernova.

What stage follows the white dwarf stage of star development red giant prostar neutron black dwarf?

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Asked by Nickcoterelfb6689

The Neutron stage follows the White Dwarf stage of star development.

When was White Hole - Red Dwarf - created?

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Asked by Wiki User

White Hole - Red Dwarf - was created on 1991-03-07.

What is the difference of a nebula and a supernova?

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Asked by Gp3173846572673

A nebula contains stars and other matter; a supernova is just a large enough nova, or star that explodes at the end of its life cycle due to spent fuel

How are the sun and a red dwarf similar?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both the sun and a red dwarf are main sequence stars that produce heat and light by fusing hydrogen in their core and turning it into helium.

How is the sun and red dwarf different?

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Asked by Wiki User

1. The sun is bigger then the red dwarf.2. The sun produces bright electric-like light unlike the red dwarfs dim elctric-like light.3. The sun is highly recognized in our solar system, but the red dwarf is not.

What is the biggest super nova?

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What are all of the elements found in the core of a star?

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For stars on the main sequence, Hydrogen and helium.

Why are supernovas so colourful?

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What do you call the big explosion that ends the life of a massive star?

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Asked by Wiki User

The name of the explosion that happens when a massive star dies is called a supernova (-novae, plural). Some stars that have an unusually energetic explosion or are extremely large stars that are subclassified as hypernova (-novae plual).

The reason this explosion only occurs with massive stars (At least 20 solar masses) is because larger stars, when they start to run out of fuel, begin fusing much heavier elements than the smaller star is capable of. The difference between the two is a white dwarf and a neutron star or gravitational singularity.

A star's core is extremely dense, so dense that the only way for a star to counterbalance it's own gravitational pull from collapsing the star into itself is to fuse helium. The star uses the helium to create pressure that causes enough outward pressure on the star that it balances out the star's own gravity.

When a large star is running out of fuel, it starts to collapse. However, this collapse causes the star to become hot enough to fuse the helium that built up in the core when it was young into carbon and oxygen. Once it starts running out of helium, it collapses a little bit again but now hot enough to fuse the carbon in the core into neon, then the neon into more oxygen and, then the oxygen into silicon and finally silicon into nickel which decays into iron. At this point the star is dead, the only thing preventing total collapse is electron degeneracy. If the star's Fe-Ni core is small, under 1.4 solar masses, it will be just a dead star that's hot enough to emit light and solar winds will blow away it's "atmosphere," forming a planetary nebula. This phase is called the red giant.

If the Fe-Ni core is over 1.4 solar masses, it will be too dense and collapses into itself. This collapse happens extremely quickly and when it's a few hundred kilometers in radius, it stops shrinking instantly due to electron degeneracy and all the matter it was taking with it is shot back like a shockwave, That is a supernova. Even denser results in a gravitational singularity with a large accretion disc of the star's remnant matter.

Is a white dwarf smaller than a red dwarf?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, far smaller. A red dwarf is a whole star in and of itself. A white dwarf is the collapsed remnant of the core of a low-to medium mass star. A white dwarf may be about the size of Earth.

What is a neutron star left after a supernova explosion?

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Asked by Wiki User

The name is a bit of a give away really. A neutron star is a lump of matter composed entirely of neutrons, thus containing a large mass (typically between 1.4 and 3.2 solar masses in a very small volume. This matter is so dense that typically one teaspoon of neutron star (5 ml) would have a mass of about 5 and a half billion tons.