

Oskar Schindler

This category relates to the industrialist Oskar Schindler. During World War II, he was instrumental in saving the lives of over 1200 Jews from the death camps.

500 Questions

What did Oskar Schindler do to save Jewish people?

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== == "Oscar Schindler did what no other German or human being for that matter, at that time,was willing to do to protect a people and save a nation from mass genocide and religious and ethnic persecution."-Karen Gibbs. 1. He bought Jewish owned factories.

2. He negotiated the salvation of 1300 Jews, using the Germans' own ways of operating,through bribes, extortion,lies,black marketeering...

3. He got in touch with remaining wealthy Jews and had them invest in his company exchanging their money for their protecting, by having them work in his factories as skilled or essential labourers. He then paid of Nazis so they would allow the Jews to stay in Krakow.

4. He set up a branch of the Plaszow concentration camp for 900 Jewish workers in his factory and made a list of the workers he would need.

5. He saved most of the workers by moving his factory to Brunnlitz in October 1944. sorry was that more than three!! LOL ^_^

What was made in Oskar Schindler's factory?

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In the movie Schindler's list it was called "DEUTSCHE EMAILWARENFABRIK". It was also called "Emalia" for short.The abbreviation was D.E.F.

He also had another factory where he made artillery shells that were 100% inneffective but i dont know the name for it.

When did Schindler start to save Jews?

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after the raid on theKrakowghetto

Where did Oskar Schindler take the jews?

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He didn't; he made them work in his factory.

How did Oskar schindler buy Jews?

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During the process called selection, right off the trains, Jews were herded into a section before entering a camp. The Nazis were already informed that Schindler, who was a Nazi, wanted some workers for his factory. Of course, they had no idea that he really was SAVING these people, so they thought he would treat them as bad as they would at a camp.

They asked each Jew their names (if they were a family) and wrote it down and gave the list to Stern, Schindler's accountant.

So, the Nazis gave all the "non-essential" workers to Schindler, who dubbed them "essential."

Stern typed up the entire list, and that's how we know who they all are. :)

When did Oskar Ruut die?

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Oskar Ruut died on 1944-08-03.

How old was oskar schindler when he died?

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Schindler died in Germany on 9 October 1974, at the age of 66. His cause death is variously cited as being stroke or liver failure.

When did Oskar Spate die?

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Oskar Spate died in 2000.

Did Itzhak Stern and Schindler get along?

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In the beginning, Schindler saw Stern just as a businesspartner, but over the time, their relationship grew closer until they eventually were close friends. Stern died before Schindler, and Schindler cried in public about his friend.

Why does schindler order the trains to be hosed down?

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It was summer and the people in the train were begging for water. The SS took it as a joke and laughed, but Schindler was trying to alleviate their suffering. Notably, the scene after this act of kindness was Schindler having been arrested for "violation of the law of race and resettlement." (In reality, his violation of the "race law" resulted from his having relations with a Jewess, not his having sprayed the train with water).

When was Sybille Schindler born?

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Sybille Schindler was born in 1942, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Why did the rightous among the nations withdraw the nomination for oskar schindler?

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The nomination was not withdrawn, and he was honoured in this way.

Was Oskar Schindler's life ever in danger?

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Yes, many times.

One example- If Amon Goeth had ever really realized what Schindler was doing and had turned him in, he wouldn't have lived. Actually, if anyone had found out what Schindler was doing, he definitely would have been persecuted.

Another- At the end of the movie Schindler's List, he has a complete mental breakdown and starts crying. He feels as though he could've saved more Jews if he hadn't spent so much more money on non-important things- like wine and women. He was a part of the Nazi party, so he was going to be hunted down even though he is now credited for saving over 1,100 Jews, the Schindlerjuden.

What personal risks did oskar schindler take?

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If Oskar Schindler got caught helping the Jews, he would be killed.

From what camp did Oskar Schindler get the Jews?

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He initially got them from the Krakau ghetto, but they were then moved to the Krakow-Plaszow camp.