


Panama Canal

A ship canal crossing the Isthmus of Panama in the Canal Zone and connecting the Caribbean Sea with the Pacific Ocean.

500 Questions

What countries can use the Panama Canal?

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The first serious attempt to build a canal to join the Atantic and Pacific Oceans was made by France. They gave up in 1893 and, starting in 1904, the U.S. began the completion, which took ten years. The land that made up the Canal Zone was purchase by the U.S. from Colombia for $25 million.

What are the positive and negative effects on the panama canal?

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It caused many people to die but also led to the incresed industry of the sex trade.

Was the Bubonic plague the biggest health obstacle during building the Panama Canal?

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It is estimated that around 27 500 workers died in the construction of the Panama Canal. The Bubonic plague accounted for some of them, but malaria and yellow fever were far more prevalent, and killed considerably more workers.

What were the physical obstacles were faced when they built the panama canal?

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Obstacles might include mudslides, passing through a mountain range, different levels of land and lakes, diseases that affected workers, and the opposition of the Colombian government to the presence of the United States in the region. Engineers had to build a dam, design and build locks, and remove huge amounts of earth and rock. A medical obstacle is that scientists had to develop vaccines and medications to treat the disease malaria that affected many workers. A political obstacle was that the government of Colombia did not allow the United States to build the canal. The United States helped Panama revolt against Columbia, and Panama gave the United States the permission it needed.

How long does it take a ship to cross the panama canal?

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According the Panama Canal Authorities, it takes 8 - 10 hours to cross.

What country is the Panama Canal going through?

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Nicaragua. I found that out in my report for the Panama Canal. =D

What city is located near the southeast entrance to the Panama Canal?

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The city of Colon is the entrance to the Panama Canal. It lies at the northern most end of the canal.

Why does canals lowered shipping costs so dramatically in 1818?

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They lowered the costs of shipping goods across New York from $100 a ton to $5 a ton.

How didn't the US get access to the Canal Zone in panama?

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An initial attempt by France to build a sea-level canal failed after a great amount of excavation was carried out. This was of use to the United States, which completed the present Panama Canal in 1913 and officially opened it in 1914.
Along the way, the State of Panama was created through its separation from Colombia in 1903, due to a US backed revolt, so the US could then get control of the Canal project area.
After construction, the canal and the Canal Zone surrounding it were administered by the United States.
On September 1977, U.S. President Jimmy Carter signed the Torrijos-Carter Treaty, which set in motion the process of handing over the canal to Panamanian control.
The treaty provided for a twenty-year period during which Panama would have increasing responsibilities for Canal operations, culminating in complete U.S. withdrawal in 12/1999.
The Canal Zone is now run by the Panama Canal Authority.

What do shifts in the American public opinion of the Panama Canal indicate about historical content?

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Answer this question… Historical context can change rapidly based on international political factors.apex

What is the sea and the ocean that are connected by the panama canal?

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The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
Pacific & Atlantic Oceans

How did the United States succeed in building the Panama canal?

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When I was in primary school I read that it was the famous French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps who successfully built the Suez Canal, but when he had a go at Panama, the isthmus was too expensive and difficult to dig, malaria killed most of the workers and corrupt contractors stole lots of the money.

The Americans (or rather, the U.S. Army) succeeded years later because:-

(i) the link between mosquitoes and malaria had been discovered, so the mosquitoes were killed with fire and by draining the swamps where they bred, and

(ii) It was a military project with inexhaustible supplies of public money. The U.S. Navy wanted to be able to join its Atlantic and Pacific fleets without going around Cape Horn).

Poor old De Lesseps' attempt was only a private capital venture and he had greedy shareholders to please.

Once again the United States has proved that compared to state controlled projects, Capitalist enterprise is puny, short-sighted, weak and next to useless. See also the Hoover Dam.

Interestingly the Panama hat actually comes from Ecuador.

How far is the south pole from the panama canal?

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About 870 miles at the closest.

Who owned the area of the Panama Canal?

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Panama owns the Panama Canal. Although the US had control over the Canal Zone from 1903 to 1979, the treaty was eventually amended in 1977.

Does the sun set in the west?

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The sun sets in the west because the earth rotates on its own axis west to east.

What are the advantages the Panama Canal provided the US?

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Because that way US boats can get through to the Caribbean or Pacific ocean without going around the entire continent of Africa.

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How far is the Panama Canal from Hawaii?

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what is the distance from panama canal to honolulu

What was the first major canal project?

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The first major canal project in the United States was the Erie Canal. It connected the St. Lawrence River with the Great Lakes bring commerce to the center of the new nation.

How do you say Panama Canal in spanish?

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Panamanian in spanish is panameño. Don't forget the tilde!!

Why was the US so intent on building the panama canal?

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Dat boi Dewict he stinky

Is the Panamal Canal a river?

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There's a list on Wikipedia...à, the solution to your problem. :)

What region is the Panama Canal located in?

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The Panama Canal is in the country of Panama in the region of Central America.