

Papillon Dogs

Papillon, which means butterfly in French, is a slender spaniel type of dog with ears either erected or dropped, and black-spotted brown to white coat. The name Papillon is derived from its butterfly-like ears with long hair.

214 Questions

Could you introduce the film of Le Papillon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not for kids! the movie Papillon ( means butterfly in French) is based on the autobiography of Devil"s Island Escapee Henri Charriere. this is the only film with this title I am aware of, it is heavy going and not for kids, what with a prison escapee as the primary character.

What do the colors green red and black mean to black people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Green is for the earth. Red is for the blood shed. Black is for the people.


The African Flag.

It means red, green, and black?