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500 Questions

Why is understanding evolution especially important today now that people can travel easily?

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Asked by Wiki User

Understanding evolution is crucial today because the ease of travel facilitates the spread of diseases, making it important to comprehend how pathogens evolve and adapt. Additionally, with increased global movements, it is essential to appreciate how species can adapt to new environments and potentially become invasive. Understanding evolution also helps in addressing issues like climate change and antibiotic resistance.

What are the ways the indigenous people affected the lives of the spanish colonizers?

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Asked by Wiki User

The indigenous people affected the Spanish colonizers by resisting colonization through armed uprisings, introducing new foods and agricultural practices to the colonizers, and influencing their culture and language. They also played a crucial role in the survival and adaptation of the Spanish colonizers in unfamiliar environments.

How does fiction help people understand history?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fiction can provide a more personal and emotional connection to historical events, making them more relatable and engaging for readers. By exploring historical themes and settings through the lens of characters and stories, fiction can offer new perspectives, insights, and empathy towards different time periods and events. It can help people grasp the lived experiences, societal norms, and complexities of the past in a way that traditional historical accounts may not.

What does the setting at school teach us about the town and its people in to kill a mockingbird?

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Asked by Wiki User

The setting of the school in "To Kill a Mockingbird" showcases the racial prejudices and social hierarchies that exist within the town. It illustrates how these attitudes are ingrained in the younger generation through their education, highlighting the pervasive nature of racism and discrimination in the community. Additionally, it demonstrates the challenges faced by those who seek to challenge these prejudices, such as Atticus Finch and his children.

What does Forrester mean when he tells Jamal People are always talking about my book but never saying anything about it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Forrester is expressing frustration that people are quick to discuss his book but do not provide meaningful or insightful commentary about its content or themes. He may feel that his work is being superficially acknowledged without true engagement or appreciation.

Which two people were the most famous transandentalist writers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are considered the most famous transcendentalist writers. Both authors were influential in promoting individualism, self-reliance, and a deep connection to nature in their works.

Did Anne Frank meet any very interesting people?

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Asked by Wiki User

While in hiding, Anne Frank interacted with the members of her family and the other occupants of the Secret Annex, including the Van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer. She did not have the opportunity to meet many people outside of the Annex due to being in hiding during the Holocaust.

Should artists and inventors be paid for the inspirationshould people be allowed to freely copy the works of others?

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Asked by Wiki User

Artists and inventors should be compensated for their creative work to incentivize innovation and protect their intellectual property rights. While it's important to allow for inspiration and influence from existing works, individuals should not be allowed to freely copy and profit from the original ideas of others without permission or compensation.

In his book a kind of rapture Robert bergman included photographs of people he encountered on the streets of America. why does toni Morrison not dwell on this fact?

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Asked by Wiki User

Toni Morrison may not have dwelled on the photographs included in Robert Bergman's book "A Kind of Rapture" because her focus as a writer may be more on storytelling and the written word rather than visual arts. Additionally, Morrison may have chosen to prioritize the themes and narratives that resonate with her own writing style and artistic vision, rather than commenting on the work of other artists.

What famous people have the initials WP?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some famous people with the initials WP include Woody Allen, William Powell, and Walter Payton.

Why did the publication of uncle tom and cabin infuriated people in the south?

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Asked by Wiki User

One reason that the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin infuriated people in the South was that southerners felt that it was an inaccurate depiction of Southern life (Stowe had never been to a Southern plantation).

What is a characteristic of Grendel that is mentioned in the story A. He cannot be seen in the dark. B. He is immune to the power of man-made weapons. C. He has the power to read people's minds. D. He?

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Asked by Wiki User

B. He is immune to the power of man-made weapons. In the story, Grendel possesses a supernatural resilience to weapons crafted by humans, making him a formidable adversary.

What to generalizations about people does twain make from Toms whitewashing incident the adventures of Tom Sawyer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Twain emphasizes the human tendency to view undesirable tasks as more appealing when someone else is doing them, as seen when Tom tricks his friends into whitewashing the fence for him. He also illustrates how social status and peer pressure influence behavior, as the boys want to participate in whitewashing once it is presented as a privilege.

Why does James gleick imply that most people do when they really read a book?

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Asked by Wiki User

James Gleick implies that most people actually skim or only partially comprehend a book when they believe they are reading it deeply. This is because our brains have become accustomed to quickly scanning information due to the abundance of content available online, leading to a decrease in prolonged focused reading.

Who are the characters in a story a little people?

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Asked by Wiki User

In "A Little People" story, the main characters are usually small mythical creatures or beings, such as fairies, gnomes, or elves. These characters often have magical abilities and live in hidden, enchanted realms. The story may focus on their adventures, relationships with humans, or struggles to protect their world.

Why do people ask questions while reading?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asking questions while reading helps with comprehension and engagement by promoting active thinking and reflection. It also can stimulate curiosity and critical thinking, leading to a deeper understanding of the text. Additionally, asking questions allows readers to clarify confusing or complex information.

Which type of literary work provides practical advice to people of teachers a moral or religious lesson?

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Asked by Wiki User

This type of literary work is known as a didactic literature. It aims to instruct or teach readers a moral or religious lesson, often through examples and practical advice. Examples include fables, parables, and religious texts.

Why was the prayer the people were saying in the book night unusual?

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Asked by Wiki User

The prayer that people were saying in the book "Night" is unusual because it is a prayer for the dead, recited by those facing imminent death in the gas chambers. It reflects the extreme circumstances they were in and their desperate need for comfort and connection to their faith in the face of such horror.

What were windows made of when were used to instruct illiterate medieval people in religion?

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Asked by Wiki User

In medieval times, stained glass windows were often used in churches to visually depict religious stories and teachings. These windows contained colorful imagery and symbols that helped to convey biblical narratives and teachings to a mostly illiterate population.

Qualities of Successful Self-Employed People?

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Asked by Wiki User

Successful self-employed people typically possess qualities such as self-discipline, resilience, strong problem-solving skills, adaptability, and a willingness to take risks. They are often highly motivated, organized, and able to manage their time effectively. Building strong networks and maintaining good relationships with clients or customers is also important for their success.

Who were some important people that impacted Betsy Ross's life?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mom and Dad

Her children

Her husbands

How might the way people use water in pasco affect the water in longview?

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Asked by Wiki User

How might the way people in pasco affects the water in Longview?

This is the term that is used to describe the percentage of people in a country who have the ability to read and write?

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Asked by Detrevious Burns

The term used to describe the percentage of people in a country who have the ability to read and write is literacy rate. It is often measured by the percentage of people aged 15 and above who can read and write in their native language.