

Persian Gulf

The Persian Gulf is a a body of water that provides an outlet for numerous Middle Eastern countries, while separating Iran from the Arabian Peninsula. It was the site of numerous recent conflicts as well as one of the most important hubs for petroleum in the world.

500 Questions

The success of U.S. naval operations in the Persian Gulf was marred by what?

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accidental destruction of an Iranian airliner by USS Vincennes

Where is the Arabian gulf?

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The Arabian gulf extends from Kuwait to Oman

What country is surrounded on three sides be the Persian gulf?

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Israel, Japan,Egypt, Antarctica,Jordan,and Saudi Arabia

How far is Dubai from the Persian gulf?

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Dubai is right on the Persian Gulf.

How many oil tankers enter the Persian Gulf every day?

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The Straight of Hormuz allows oil tankers to enter and leave the Persian Gulf.

What body of water does the Persian gulf empty into?

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No "bodies of water" except the rivers Tigris and Euphrates empty into the Persian Gulf.

What land form lies between the sinai peninsula and the Persian gulf?

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That is the Arabian Peninsula.

Name the six countries that surround the Persian Gulf?

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Qatar, UAE (United Arab Emirates), Omen, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran

What was the name of the Persian Gulf in the old testament?

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it has always been the Persian gulf, because the Persians were the first to explore the area of , so they named it the PERSIAN gulf. as you can see in the memorial wall of rome (The other big civilization of that time) , the name is spelled as "Golfo Persico" which means the Persian gulf.

Where are Persian gulf and Oman gulf located?

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They are located at the northwest of the Arabian Sea

What is the Persian gulf and where is it located?

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The Persian Gulf is located in the Middle East. Location is at 28N, 51E.

The Persian Gulf lies between Iran and Saudi Arabia, for the most part. It begins at the delta of the Shatt-al-Arab waterway (which represents the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers), and ends at the Strait of Hormuz, between the Musandum Peninsula and Iran.

Which oil producing country does NOT border the Persian Gulf?

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Venezuala does not border the gulf.

What is the capital of the country whose south eastern border is the Persian gulf?

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Iraq's south eastern border is the Persian Gulf. It's capital is Baghdad.

How many miles is it from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea?

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it is 300,295,549 miles apart but i am just kidding i do not know i just wanted to do this do not use this asnwer EVER

Which countries have Persian gulf coastlines?

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Countries with a coastline on the Persian Gulf, called the Persian Gulf States, are (clockwise, from the north): Iran (Persia), United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar on a peninsula off the Saudi coast, Bahrain on an island, and Kuwait and Iraq in the northwest

List the 10 countries of Persian gulf region?

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Saudia Arabia

United Arab Emirates

Why is the Persian Gulf important to Iran's economy?

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It is important because it is a major body of water for ships to come through. In the middle east, a country by the name of Qantar (KAN-tahr) is a main source of oil and therefore is important to be accessible.

Why did Congress vote for military action in the Persian Gulf?

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Although reluctantly authorized by Congress, the first Persian Gulf War (1990-1991) was a reaction to the threat against oil supplies in the Middle East, after Saddam Hussein of Iraq attacked and occupied Kuwait.

What two rivers empty into the persian gulf?

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The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers flow into the Persian Gulf.

What is the country located at the northern end of the Persian Gulf?

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Iran forms the majority of the northern coastline of the Persian Gulf.

Which city-state lies closest to the Persian Gulf?

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It depends what you mean by "city-state". If you are referring to Emirates (Arab Tribal Principalities), then the largest in area is Kuwait, which sits on the Persian Gulf.

If you are talking about historic city-states, there are several historic city-states in the Mesopotamian valley, like Akkad or Sumer. Additionally, as the Persian Gulf lies between modern day Saudi Arabia and Iran, the closest Ancient Greek city-state would have been Knossos, where the Mycenaean Greeks lived.

How how did the area around the Persian gulf come to be rich source of petroleum?

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When sea creatures died their remains sank to the bottom. Over long periods of time mud and sand and other materials were deposited on top of the remains. The heat and pressure form the covering materials changed the dead matter into petroleum, or oil