


Questions about Kazakhstan on such topics as its population, demographics and culture

439 Questions

Are there any volcanoes in Kazakhstan?

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Yes, there are volcanoes in Kazakhstan, particularly in the eastern part of the country near the border with China and Russia. The most notable volcanic range in Kazakhstan is the Irtysh-Karaganda volcanic belt, which includes numerous volcanic cones and crater lakes.

What do you call a person from Kazakhstan?

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A person from Kazakastan is a Kazakastani, as a person from Oman is an Omani and a peron from Bengal is Bengali.

What do Estonia Latvia Lithuania Ukraine and Kazakhstan all have in common on the map?

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These countries are all located in Eastern Europe or Central Asia, and share borders with Russia. They were all part of the Soviet Union and gained independence in the 1990s. They are all members of the United Nations and the European Union, with the exception of Kazakhstan.

What is the latitude and longitude of Astana Kazakhstan?

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The latitude and longitude of Astana, Kazakhstan is approximately 51.1694° N, 71.4491° E.

Kazakhstan participating in which sport?

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Kazakhstan participates in a variety of sports, but some of their most successful ones include ice hockey, boxing, weightlifting, and wrestling. They have also had success in sports like cycling, athletics, and figure skating.

What seas are around Kazakhstan?

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Asked by Visis

Kazakhstan is a landlocked country, so it does not have any seas surrounding it. However, it does have two large inland bodies of water: the Caspian Sea to the west and the Aral Sea to the south.

Inland sea that borders Kazakhstan?

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The Aral Sea is an inland sea that borders Kazakhstan. It was once one of the four largest lakes in the world, but due to water diversion for irrigation, it has significantly shrunk in size over the years.

What is global environment and domestic external environment in kazakhstan?

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The global environment in Kazakhstan refers to the external factors that impact the country's economy, politics, and society on an international scale, such as trade agreements, geopolitical relations, and global economic trends. The domestic external environment in Kazakhstan encompasses factors within the country's borders that influence its development, such as government policies, social issues, and cultural dynamics. Both environments play a critical role in shaping Kazakhstan's future and determining its place in the world.

Why is the literacy rate of Azerbaijan Kazakhstan and Tajikistan higher than in other Muslim countries?

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Asked by Wiki User

Answer 1
Because these countries were occupied and the occupiers were notinterestedto offer any kind of education or culture upgrading to Muslim communities.

Answer 2
All of these three mentioned countries were former Soviet States. In the Soviet Union, there was a huge push towards integrating the different peoples and republics under the Russian banner. Therefore, a lot was invested in teaching the people how to read and write Russian. After independence, these countries used the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets to write their own distinct languages. During the 20th century, no Muslim country in the Arab World or in South Asia pushed for a similar high degree of literacy as the Soviets did.

We can also see the power of the Soviet influence in the difference between Azeri literacy in Azerbaijan and Azeri literacy in Iran, just over the border.

Answer 3
That's mainly due to Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan being part of former USSR that used to invest in education system substantial amount of funds.

What countries has the largest area - Argentina Kazakhstan Australia or Brazil?

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Australia has the largest area among the countries listed, followed by Brazil, Kazakhstan, and then Argentina.

Is kazakhstan a state or a country?

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Kazakhstan is a country. It is the world's largest landlocked country, located in Central Asia. It gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Who dedicated the poetry to Nursultan Nazarbayev?

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The poetry dedicated to Nursultan Nazarbayev was written by Arkadiy Manskov, a Russian poet. He wrote several poems praising Nazarbayev during his time as the President of Kazakhstan.

When did Respublika - Kazakh newspaper - end?

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Respublika, the Kazakh newspaper, was shut down by the government in December 2002 after it published articles critical of President Nursultan Nazarbayev's administration.

How do you say you look beautiful in kazakhstan?

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ademi jigit (handsome young man), ademi erkek (handsome man)

How do you say good bye in kazakhstan?

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Good bye!(english) - 1. Sau bolynyz!(kazakh) 2.Hosh bolynyz!(kazakh) Bye!(english) - Kosh!(kazakh) See you later.(english) - 1. Kelesi kezdeskenshe.(kazakh) 2.Koriskenshe.(kazakh)

What traditions are in Kazakhstan?

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Asked by Wiki User

Kazakhstan's food and traditions are a reflection of our country's unique ethnic and religious composition. With people of more than 100 ethnic groups practicing 46 different religious teachings, one can only imagine a wide variety of cuisine art and cultural rituals that form the rich mosaic of our everyday life. What's most remarkable is that such diversity brings to life the intertwining and mutual enrichment of cultures and cuisines. People of all ethnicities come to enjoy the traditional Kazakh dish 'beshbarmak' (see article below), the pilav (the traditional oriental dish with meat and rice), Russian pelmenis and blinys, Korean spicy salads and the noodles of the Uighurs

Our people welcome their guests to try their food and to enjoy our hopitality.

It is common in our traditions to welcome guests to their houses, to treat them to our best cuisine and, generally, to treat each other with genuine respect and appreciation.

Which world region is Kazakhstan in?

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Central Asia

The inland sea that borders Kazakhstan?

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The Aral Sea borders the countries of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The Syr Dar'ya River runs into the Aral Sea and runs through the southern part of Kazakhstan.

The Caspian Sea

What is the area of Kazakhstan in square kilometers?

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The area of Kazakhstan is about 2,724,900 km2 or 1,052,100 sq mi. Kazakhstan is the 9th biggest country in the world. It also has the longest land border in the world with Russia.

Who are the ten richest people in kazakhstan?

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Firstly, it wrights not like u have to. It will be from big letter, and it writes in a different order: Kazakhstan.

In what continent can you find Kazakhstan?

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Kazakhstan spans both Europe and Asia:

The Ural River forms part of the border between Europe and Asia, between the Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea. A small portion of Kazakh land is on the west bank of the Ural River, making part of Kazakhstan officially in Europe. However, about 90% of Kazakhstan is in Asia.

What is the name of the body of water between kazakhstan and Iran?

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Of course old "Russia" has been divided into several independent countries. Many of these and Iran border on the Caspian Sea. Check the related link for a good map of the area, which also shows the former territory of "Russia."

The majority population in the north of Kazakhstan?

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The majority population in the north of Kazakhstan is primarily Russian.

What are all of the main exports of kazakhstan?

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Asked by Karaleekirk

Kazakhstan exports mainly wheat, textiles, and livestock.

What holidays are in Kazakhstan?

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National holiday: Independence Day - 16 - 17 December; The state holiday: New Year - 1 - 2 January; The international women's day - 8 March; Nauryz(Nevruz) - 22 March + 23,24 March (now) Holiday of unity of the people of Kazakhstan - 1 May; Day of a Victory (World War II) - 9 May; The capital's Day - 6 July; The Republic Kazakhstan constitution day- 30 August; Day of Republic - 25 October.