


Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung(s) caused by infection. The three main causes are fungi, bacteria and viruses. All questions concerning symptoms, causes and treatments can be found here.

500 Questions

Can you be a carrier of pneumonia?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes you can, just dunk your testicles into a vat of ice cream for 22.45 seconds precisely and you will wake up the next morning with pneomonia. Hope this was helpful!

If you get pneumonia once are you more susceptible if you get it again?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes. bec if you still practice the same practices or still stay in the same place you have before you are more likely to get or (worst) experience on a higher- stage pneumonia.

by that time, you need to have a higher dose of medication, higher quality. ( or different brand; better than the first one. )

How long does it take for zithromax to work for pneumonia?

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It is essential that a full, proper course of antibiotics like azitromycin be taken to reduce the likelihood of relapse and resistance. The standard dosage of this drug is 500mg on the first day and 250mg for the next 4 days. Other dosages and time periods may be used for more severe cases.

Should someone who has already had pneumonia get the pneumonia vaccine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, if you are otherwise a candidate for the vaccine (there are age and health considerations as well as whether you have been vaccinated for it in the past), you should get vaccinated since pneumonia can be caused by different microbes, some types are viral, some types are bacterial, and even some more rare types are fungal. The type of pneumonia you had may be different than the types that are protected by the currently available pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine (aka the "pneumonia vaccination").

Pneumococcal pneumonia is caused by pneumococcus bacteria. There are more than 80 different types of this bacteria that can cause pneumonia. The most common 23 of these types are included in the current vaccination. So even if you had one of the types of pneumonia that was caused by this bacteria, you can still be susceptible to the other types.

Is it possible to get pneumonia just from being in the cold and wet too long?

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Asked by Carebear1112

I would be more worried about hypothermia, but yes.

How many Americans die from pneumonia?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

40,000-70,000 die from it

Is there such a thing as brain pneumonia?

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Asked by Vmpoe08

I'm not 100% sure if it actually exists but i did read that there is a brain abcess called Pneumocystis pneumonia. I'm not sure if this is what your looking for! Maybe someone else can answer it better then me. :-) This is a website link for more info. Good luck i hope you find what your looking for!

Can a baby get pneumonia?

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Yes, a fetus can have congenital pneumonia.

One type would be early-onset GBS (group B strep) disease, which can develop into pneumonia. It is what took my own child's life.

Is the pneumonia present today?

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Yes. Pneumonia is present today n very prevalent in developing countries is a common respiratory infection in these countries. It can also occur as a complication of other diseases. Now it's incidence are increasing with AIDS due to immunocompromised state.

Is the treatment for viral pneumonia palliative in nature?

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False, if the organism is viral the patient is given supportive care, such as antipyretics, fluids, and oxygen, until the immune system can control the spread of the virus.

What did griffith find out when he accomplishd his experiment on streptococcus pneumoniae?

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The amount of thymine equals the amount of adenine in DNA.

What does superimposed pneumonia mean?

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Superimposed pneumonia means that a person was initially diagnosed with pneumonia but then contracted some sort of infection. This most likely occurred because of a weakened immune system and a predisposition to infection because of the pneumonia.

Swimming after pneumonia?

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You could but I would never. Pneumonia can get worse if you get cold or strain yourself so don't do it!

What is double pneumonia?

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Bilateral pneumonia.

How common is pneumonia in the US and other places around the world?

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Pneumonia affects children and families everywhere, but is most prevalent in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

What is the recovery time for serious double pneumonia with pleurisy?

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Asked by Wiki User

For me it took two weeks to feel like my old self, after 8 days in the hospital. I had it in both lungs also, and had to stay in the hospital until my oxygen saturation on room air improved to above 90% (when I took off the oxygen thing it would drop to between 80% and 85%) and I was able to keep solid food down. My regular doctor, who I saw about two weeks after my discharge from the hospital, told me to not do any exercise that caused me to get winded for a few more weeks.

Please see "discussion" for further info.

Who discovered pneumonia and when?

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Dr. Felton has found a method of precipitating and concentrating the antibodies in anti-pneumococcus serum. This concentrated solution has been used with encouraging results in about 60 cases at the Boston City Hospital and in about 60 more in hospitals in New York and Brooklyn.

What is the common name of pneumonia?

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Asked by Wiki User

pneumonia ---- As stated above the primary and most common name of pneumonia is just that, pneumonia. However there are lay terms that are also used to refer to this inflammation, irritation and sometimes infection of the main part of the lungs (not including the bronchial tubes or other types of tissue). Some of these are:

Lung infection

Lung inflammation

Fluid in the lungs

Walking pneumonia

Lung abscess

Chest infection

What do lungs look like with pneumonia?

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pneumonia is not made up of cells. pneumonia is fluid buildup in the lungs.

Is pneumonia dangerous for a 11 year old?

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yes, it is deadly for any age, unless you get treatment. the sooner you get the treatment, the better. it is best that you do not do any sports or anything that causes you to use your lungs because as you use your lungs more and more than it can handle, then the infection will become worst.

Is the influenza virus vaccine the same as pneumococcal vaccine?

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No, they are different infectious diseases of the respiratory system. However, they can be associated since bronchitis and pneumonia are common complications of influenza. Influenza is caused only by influenza viruses, but bronchial pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory infections can also be caused by other infectious agents such as bacteria and fungi.

What type of pneumonia is the most deadliest?

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The worst kind of pneumonia is the Viral type. This is where the virus has to run through your body until it ends compared to bacterial pneumonia which can be treated with antibiotics and medication.