

Pope Francis

On the 13th March, 2013, at 18:07hrs (local time) the cardinal's of the Catholic Church elected and announced to the world their new Pope. The 266th Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, this was announced to the world by plumes of white smoke rising from the Vatican and with the peeling of St. Peter's bell. He will be known as Pope Francis and follows on from the previous Pope Benedict XVI, who made recent history by resigning as Pope.

500 Questions

What has pope francis accomplished?

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Asked by Wiki User

It doesn't seem like much for someone who is (was) known as "the enforcer". Wars are still happening in the Muslim world and every other world for that matter. Protestant churches are just doin' their thing. The Roman Catholic church seems stagnant. America has not benefited off of his works. He hasn't made a big difference in my life or many others either. Nothing really note worthy in my opinion. I am sure he is under a lot of pressure and headaches and things. What government or religious leader isn't?

Is Pope Francis a modern day prophet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Francis has only been pope for a few shortyears. It is much too early to judge him and his reign until he has had time to adjust to his new responsibilities.

What degrees does Pope Francis have?

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Asked by Wiki User

He attended the technical secondary school Escuela Técnica Industrial N° 27 Hipólito Yrigoyen and graduated with a chemical technician's diploma.In 1960, Bergoglio obtained a licentiate in philosophy from the Colegio Maximo de San Jose in San Miguel, Buenos Aires Province.

What is the sexual orientation of Pope Francis?

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Pope Francis is heterosexual and celibate.

How many popes have there been including Pope Francis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depending upon how you number the previous popes, he would be pope number 266 or 267. Some lists count Pope Stephen II as a pope but he was a priest at the time of his election and had to be ordained as a bishop before he could be a pope. He died about 2 days after election and was never a bishop. Most sources count Francis as number 266.

Who is the Pope of Scotland?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is only one pope and he rules the Church from the Vatican. In 2014 that pope is Pope Francis. Individual countries do not have popes.

Why is Pope Francis a Marxist?

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Asked by Wiki User

He isn’t: he doesn’t stand for the abolition of the wages system and establishment of a classless society.

Why is Pope Francis referred to as the first Jesuit pope?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Jesuits are a Catholic order of priests and other religious people. Pope Francis is a member of the Jesuit order. No other Jesuit has ever been pope, so he is the first Jesuit pope.

How old is the pope?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pope Benedict XIV was born on March 31, 1675 and died on May 3, 1758. Pope Benedict XIV would have been 83 years old at the time of death or 340 years old today.

Does Pope Francis smoke?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Pope Francis does not smoke.

Why did Pope Francis come to America?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pope Francis made an apostolic visit to the United States and made major addresses at a joint meeting of Congress and at the United Nations. He also addressed the World Meeting of Families at Philadelphia. During his time in Washington he also canonized Father Junipero Serra.

What proof has Limbaugh that Pope Francis is a Marxist?

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Asked by Gabby3

It’s a nonsensical claim. No pope would ever advocate the abolition of the wages system, which is what Marxists advocate.

Can Pope Francis be called Peter?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Peter is not his name.

Is Pope Francis from Argentina?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Pope Francis was the Cardinal Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Argentina; the city of his birth as well.

Is Pope Francis in charge of a church?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, he is the leader of the Catholic Church. As bishop of Rome his church is the Basilica of Saint John Lateran. As Pope, his church is Saint Peter's Basilica.

Has the pope sinned?

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Asked by Wiki User

probably, but he probably went to confession for it and was forgiven.

Where and when was Pope Francis born?

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Pope Francis was the eldest of five children of Mario José Bergoglio, an Italian immigrant accountant born in Portacomaro (Province of Asti) in Italy's Piedmont region, and his wife Regina María Sívori, a housewife born in Buenos Aires to a family of northern Italian (Piedmontese-Genoese) origin.

Was Pope Francis guilty of child trafficking?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Pope Francis never took part in child trafficking.