

Powdered Sugar

Confectioners sugar, commonly known as powdered sugar is sugar that has been finely grown into powder. It is easily dissolved in liquid and is ideal for making icing and frosting, or used alone as a dusting over baked items and fruits.

500 Questions

What is the difference between granulated sugar and brewing sugar?

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Asked by Wiki User

As far as I can make out brewing sugar is dextrose and ordinary granulated sugar is mainly sucrose.

Apparently sucrose is a disaccharide and the dextrose is a monosaccharide. The yeast first has to use enzyme action to break up the sucrose molecules before it can ferment them to produce the alcohol so fermentation is quicker with dextrose.

There are some reports of the fermentation being cleaner i.e. less residue during the fermentation but I cannot see how this works. Some people report a slight difference in taste.

How much is 200 grams of confectioners sugar?

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Asked by Wiki User

20 grams is a metric measure.

Does powdered sugar taste the same when baked as granulated sugar?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because powdered sugar is so fine and has cornstarch in it, it is not going to be as sweet as regular sugar. I'm guessing, but it would take like a cup and a half or more of powdered sugar to sweeten the same as 1 cup of regular sugar. The cornstarch would be a factor also possibly making the cake denser or tougher.

2 cups sugar is how much powdered sugar?

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Asked by Wiki User

Just about 2 1/3 cups of granulated sugar = 4 cups of powdered sugar. Use the blender method.

How many cups of confectioners sugar makes 2 pounds?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's one of those funky things that settle after a while, so you can't just measure it and call it done. You'll need a scale.

Is the muscovado sugar can be a substitute for the powdered sugar?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, you can't. Muscovado is another name for minimally processed or "raw" sugar. I nickname that stuff "eye-boogers" because it looks like the stuff you wipe out of your eyes when you wake up lol. Because of muscovado's coarseness, massive size granules and lack of thickener (in comparison to powdered sugar), it is NOT a suitable substitute in recipes that call for powdered sugar. You can TRY to make powder of it with 2 parts sugar/1 part cornstarch IF and only if you have a food processor. But I can't recommend it as that's something even I have never tried before. I can't really help much further because you didn't describe what recipe you're trying to substitute powdered sugar for or why you need to substitute it.

How many cups are in 1 box of confectioners sugar?

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Asked by MrsMillerInKy

3 1/2 cups confectionery sugar = 1 pound

answerd at



Tiny Cinnamon Rolls?

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Asked by Wiki User


  • 1 8 oz. can refrigerated
  • crescent rolls 1 1/2 ts Granulated sugar
  • 1/2 ts Ground cinnamon
  • 1/3 c Confectioners sugar
  • 1 ts Milk
  • 1 dr Vanilla extract
  • Unroll dough, and separate into 4 rectangles; pinch seams to seal. Stir together granulated sugar and cinnamon, and sprinkle evenly over rectangles. Roll up, jellyroll fashion, starting with a long side; press edges to seal. Cut each log into 5 slices; and place in a lightly greased 8 inch round cakepan.
  • Bake at 350F for 12 minutes.

Stir together confectioners sugar, milk, and vanilla in a small bowl until smooth; drizzle over warm rolls.

Can you substitute powdered sugar for granulated sugar in a pound cake?

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Asked by Wiki User

In general, the type of sugar used will affect the end product in baking, and substitutions don't tend to work well.


if you are making the baked kind i think granulated might be the best to use, but if ur making the non baked kind powdered sugar is definitely the best..

Convert granulated sugar to powdered sugar?

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Asked by Wiki User

eHow (and confirmed by Domino) says 1c graunular sugar can be substituted for 1 3/4 c confectioner sugar, but comments say way too sweet and recommendations were made to not substitute in puddings/sauces as powdered sugar has a bit of cornstarch.

What causes butter and powdered sugar and milk glaze to curdle?

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Asked by Wiki User

curdling is the process of lactic acid bacteria processing the protein called casein in milk to make cheese. butter is the fat from milk but it will still have traces of the protein, casein. if left at a comfortable temperature and good conditions, some species of bacteria from the family of streptococcus(family of lactic acid bacteria) can still process the casein in the butter.

Can you substitute powdered sugar for granulated sugar in a pecan pie recipe?

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Asked by Wiki User

I guess you could - just use twice as much. But it might make the filling cloudy-looking. MUCH better to substitute the same amount of brown sugar (1 c. if the recipe calls for 1 c. of granulated sugar). Brown sugar has a hint of molasses that makes the pecan pie richer.

Can you use powdered sugar in stead of granulated sugar in kool aid?

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Asked by Wiki User

a half cup made some just now taste really good -_-

How much granulated sugar is equal to one pound of powdered sugar?

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Asked by Kathysherman


1 US teaspoon of granulated sugar contains 4.16 g

4.16 g of of powdered sugar = 1 2/3 US teaspoons

Is confectioners' sugar same as pure sugar?

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Asked by Wiki User

Confectioners sugar (also called Powdered sugar) differs from "regular sugar" (Granulated sugar) in two ways. Confectioners sugar it's milled to a much finer grain and, and it has cornstarch in it to prevent caking.

If you run of of Granulated sugar, you can substitute with Confectioners sugar. Multiply the amount of granulated sugar needed by 1.75. It takes 1 3/4 cup of powdered sugar to substitute for 1 cup of granulated sugar.

Can you substitute confectioners sugar for granulated sugar in cookies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can use caster sugar instead of granulated sugar. However, be careful on the measurements. Use a little less caster sugar. Caster sugar is finer granulated sugar. It is not as fine as powdered sugar, but it is in between granulated and powder. Caster sugar dissolves more easily,so it is very beneficial in making meringues.