


Pufferfish are a highly toxic type of saltwater fish. They are found in warm waters, and blow themselves up like a balloon as a defensive mechanism.

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What Japanese delicacy can be deadly if not prepared correctly?

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Fugu, which Japanese for Puffer Fish, can be quite deadly if any of the tetrodotoxin in the organs contaminates the meat during cleaning of the fish and/or during preparation of the meal.

How do porcupine pufferfish behave?

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Pufferfish are actually very friendly and smart fish! Although, you have to be careful about what other fish you put in the tank. Puffers are carnivorous! They will eat other fish! But when it comes to people they are an awesome pet to have! They will learn to recognize you over time and actually show excitement when they see you! Sometimes you can actually pet them if they'll let you! I have done it many times with my pufferfish! If your puffer does allow you to pet him wash you hands IMMEDIATELY after petting him! Their skin is very poisonous! If you forget to wash you hands and accidentally put your finger in your mouth later it can be harmful! Puffers are the second most poisonous animal in the world!

Can you die from a pufferfish bite?

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Yes you can, Puffer's toxin evolved as a response to aquatic predators such as larger fish, rather than for use against humans. Although a puffers toxin can kill humans. Note also, not all puffers are poisonous; Takifugu oblongus, for example, is one of the fugu puffers that is not poisonous. However, it should be noted that puffer's neurotoxin is not necessarily as toxic to other animals as it is to humans, and puffers are eaten routinely by some species of fish, such as lizardfish and tiger sharks

Why pufferfish eat lemons?

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because they like the citricness woooooooooooooooooooo

because they like the citricness woooooooooooooooooooo

because they like the citricness woooooooooooooooooooo

What types of pufferfish are salltwater?

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The short answer is all of them. The one you see for sale in aquarium store should be in brackish water, which is a mixture of ocean and fresh water. More like marsh water. If you see them in "Pet$mart" remind them that that puffer fish need to be in brackish water and not the same water that all the other fish are swimming in at the store.

As far as I know, there is no variety of classic puffer fish that lives in pure fresh water.

What do pufferfish eat?

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you will need to feed them pieces of scallop,crab legs,oysters also gut loaded ghost shrimp,brine shrimp,blood worms and snails.

How do you get a pufferfish plushie in animal jam?

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complete the crystal reef journey book,trade for it,or have someone send you one.

What color is a pufferfish?

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they are brown or grey they may have stripes. by sandy and maria or nany

What is the fear of pufferfish called?

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Tetroadontiphobia is the answer!

By the way, Diodontiphobia is the fear of porcupine fish!


How do you feed a cherrystone clam to green spotted pufferfish?

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To feed a cherrystone clam to a green spotted puffer fish, you just give it the whole clam. Puffer fish are able to crack open the clam and eat what is inside.

What is the differences between the blowfish and the pufferfish?

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They are the same, just different names.

What is the biggest pufferfish inthe world?

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Arothron stellatus (Starry Puffer) gets about 4 feet long.

Why are pufferfish poisonous?

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to protect its self from other preditors

Does the pufferfish belong to the class osteichthyes?

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Not exactly. They belong to the class Actinopterygii. Osteichthyes is the Superclass which includes Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) and Sarcopterygii (fleshy-finned or lobe-finned fishes).

Do pufferfish hibernate or migrate?

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Puffer fish migrate to warner waters or they will freeze to death. Some colors are tan, white, brown, green , blue, and grey.Their body covering can be spiny and slick.

Is a pufferfish bigger than a clownfish?

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Yes because a pufferfish puffs really big.