

Reconstruction Era

The Reconstruction Era was the period of time directly following the Civil War, during which the Southern United States faced great changes politically, economically, and socially. While most historians consider Reconstruction to have been a failure, it was an impactful chapter in the history of American civil-rights.

500 Questions

Why was the south under bayonet rule?

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Because the Confederate States was conquered militarily by the US government and occupied by US troops for many years to insure the policies of the Federal government were enforced.

What time frame was the Reconstruction Era in?

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Asked by Wiki User

It started in 1865, right after the civil war ended, and the Union started to rebuild the south and the country as a whole. With the compromise of 1877, and the election of Rutherford b. Hayes, it ended.

So it lasted 1865- 1877. :)

Who would have been MOST likely to have a Carpetbagger during the Reconstruction Era?

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Asked by Wiki User

a New York businessman who relocated to Mississippi

Why was reconstruction era important?

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It more or less united the war torn country. Wasn't a complete success, hatred between races and north and south still, but all states united under flag again.

What happened under President Johnson's plan for reconstruction?

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African Americans' rights were limited by black codes

Who lost the most as a result of the Compromise of 1877?

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Asked by Wiki User

African Americans, who lost federal protection of their civil rights

Who did the reconstruction?

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Abraham Lincoln did the reconstruction

What was life like for many freedmen in the South after the Civil War?

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Asked by Wiki User

somewhat like there lives before they were freed

What were the problems during the Reconstruction Era?

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Asked by Wiki User

There was lots of problems the main problems was the mistreatment of the African American population during this period.

How has the Reconstruction Era affect us today?

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Asked by Wiki User

I only know ONE of the reasons that the Reconstruction Era affects us today. And that is because of the recession. In 1873 the Panic of 1873 happened, thanks to a company named Jay Cooke and Company, a major investor in railroads and the largestfinancier in the Unions Civil War group, went bankrupted. Many people started loosing money and soon became unemployed. In 1874, the Democrats gained control of the House of Representatives.

If you know any more, please improve this answer with another TRUE reason about this topic.

How did the Reconstruction Era begin?

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Asked by Wiki User

I take a chance and suppose you mean the European Renaissance of the 14th to the 16th Centuries. It began in Florence in the late middle ages and later spread through Europe. It was instrumental is supporting widespread educational reform in art, politics, science and religion reviving things from ancient Latin and Greek that had fallen into obscurity. The Renaissance has been viewed as a bridge between the middle ages and modern times

Where was the most Political corruption during the Reconstruction era?

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Asked by Wiki User

im not an expert but after the war congress banned former confederates from voting and holding office. so many of the people who did get into office were unquailfied.along with carpetbaggers(often con men) and radical rebpublicans the south's politics degraded into embezlement,fraud and other such offences. so in my opinion most corruption was in places of power.go figure;)