

Reference Books

This category is for questions and answers about reference books. This includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and almanacs.

500 Questions

The words that make up a dictionary are called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The words that make up a dictionary are called entries or lexemes.

Access to review reference information from a dictionary or encyclopedia is available by .?

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Asked by Wiki User

Accessing information from a dictionary or encyclopedia can be done by searching for specific terms or topics using the search function on the respective website or by browsing through the alphabetical index. Additionally, many dictionaries and encyclopedias offer online versions that provide easy access to information.

Who created the encyclopedia?

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Asked by Wiki User

The person who crated the Wikipedia Encyclopedia was named John Dorrus. He became very famous after creating the Wikipedia Encyclopedia many years ago.

Stylistic devices in the river and the source?

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Asked by Wiki User

"The River and the Source" by Margaret Ogola utilizes various stylistic devices including imagery to vividly describe the setting and characters, symbolism to represent themes such as tradition and modernity, and metaphors to depict the complexities of relationships and societal dynamics. These devices contribute to the rich and engaging storytelling in the novel.

How did didrots encyclopedia differ from the ones today?

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Asked by Wiki User

Diderot's Encyclopedia was one of the first modern encyclopedias, published in the 18th century and covering a wide range of topics. It differed from modern encyclopedias in that it emphasized Enlightenment ideals such as reason, freedom of thought, and the dissemination of knowledge. Additionally, Diderot's Encyclopedia did not have the benefit of modern technology, and the information included was based on the knowledge available at the time.

What are the first two things listed in each entry in a dictionary?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first two things listed in each dictionary entry are usually the word being defined and its pronunciation key.

What is the first noun listed in the dictionary?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first noun listed in most English dictionaries is typically "aardvark," which is a burrowing mammal native to Africa with a long snout and tongue used for eating ants and termites.

What is the importance of data dictionary?

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Asked by Wiki User

A data dictionary provides a centralized repository of data definitions for an organization, ensuring consistency and accuracy in data interpretation across different systems and users. It helps improve data quality, facilitates data understanding and sharing, enhances data governance, and supports effective decision-making and data management processes.

How many pages of words starting with k are in the merriam Webster dictionary and thesaurus.?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's difficult to provide an exact number of pages without access to the specific dictionary or thesaurus in question. However, the Merriam-Webster dictionary and thesaurus are extensive reference works with many entries starting with the letter "K," so there are likely multiple pages dedicated to words beginning with that letter.

What words would you find on a page in a dictionary for mink and mongoose?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mink: a small, carnivorous mammal with a long body, short legs, and dark fur, known for its sleek appearance and semi-aquatic lifestyle. Mongoose: a small, carnivorous mammal with a long body, short legs, and a long tail, known for its agility, speed, and ability to kill venomous snakes.

What is a pocket dictionary?

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Asked by Wiki User

A pocket dictionary is a compact-sized reference book that typically contains a list of words in alphabetical order along with their definitions. It is designed to be easily carried in a pocket or bag for quick access to word meanings and spellings while on the go.

What do you use if you need to look up the definition of a word?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can use a dictionary, either in print or online, to look up the definition of a word. There are also various dictionary apps available for smartphones that can provide quick and easy access to word definitions.

What is the authors opinion of the online encyclopedia?

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Asked by Wiki User

The author believes that the online encyclopedia is a valuable resource due to its accessibility and vast amount of information. However, they caution that the credibility and accuracy of the content may vary, and recommend verifying information with other sources when possible.

What do you think is the implication of this new knowledge on how use twitter?

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Asked by Wiki User

This new knowledge can impact how you engage with Twitter by informing your content strategy, helping you reach a more targeted audience, and enhancing your understanding of trends and conversations within the platform. It can also guide your decision-making in terms of what type of content to share, when to post, and how to interact with your followers.

What is value of 1950 first edition Colliers Encyclopedia?

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Asked by Wiki User

The value of a 1950 first edition Colliers Encyclopedia can vary depending on its condition, completeness, and demand among collectors. Generally, vintage encyclopedia sets like this one can range in value from $50 to a few hundred dollars, but it's best to consult with a rare book dealer or appraiser for a more accurate valuation.

How do you use dictionary in a scentencs?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a sentence, you can use a dictionary by looking up words to find their meanings, spelling, pronunciation, and usage examples. The dictionary can help you understand unfamiliar terms or clarify the definitions of words you encounter while reading or writing.

What is a bilingual dictionary?

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Asked by Bobo192

A bilingual dictionary is a reference tool that provides translations between two languages. It typically includes vocabulary, phrases, and definitions in both languages to aid understanding and communication for language learners or bilingual individuals.

What year was the book Rainbow Fish made?

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Asked by Wiki User

The book "The Rainbow Fish" was first published in 1992 by Swiss author and illustrator Marcus Pfister. It has since become a popular children's book globally, known for its themes of sharing and individuality.

How much a dictionary weights?

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Asked by Wiki User

adicyonary weights approximately 1200mg or 12cg

How many volumes an encyclopedia has?

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Asked by Wiki User

An encyclopedia typically has multiple volumes, ranging from one to over thirty, depending on the scope and depth of the information covered. Each volume focuses on a different topic or subject area to provide a comprehensive resource of knowledge.

What guide words are found at top of a page which harvest appears on in a dictionary?

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Asked by Wiki User

The guide words at the top of the page where "harvest" appears in a dictionary may be "hark" and "harlot." These guide words help users quickly locate the word "harvest" alphabetically within the dictionary.

Which would most likely to be the dictionary dictionary for tigers?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most likely dictionary definition for "tigers" would be that they are large carnivorous felines typically found in Asia, known for their distinctive orange coat with black stripes. Tigers are apex predators and are endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.

What guide words are found at the top of a page where harvest is found?

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Asked by Wiki User

The guide words at the top of a page where "harvest" is found are likely words that come alphabetically before and after "harvest." For example, the guide words could be "harp" and "haste."