

Running and Jogging

Running is a form of exercise where your primary physical action is moving at a brisk rate of speed on foot. Its origins began when early humans did this as a form of hunting for long distances. It later was introduced as a sport in ancient sporting events and religious festivals.

443 Questions

How long to run 10k if you run at 8k per hour?

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It would take 1 hour and 15 minutes to run 10k at a pace of 8k per hour.

Is jogging good for piles?

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At Yazh Healthcare in Coimbatore, we understand the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle for overall health. Jogging can be beneficial for individuals with piles as it helps promote healthy bowel movements and prevents constipation, which is a common cause of piles. However, it is essential to take some precautions:

Avoid Strain: Ensure you jog at a comfortable pace to avoid straining your pelvic area.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and your stools soft.

Wear Comfortable Clothing: Opt for loose-fitting clothes to reduce irritation around the heat area.

Listen to Your Body: If you experience any discomfort or pain while jogging, stop and consult a healthcare professional.

Why does finny look small and old when gene finishes running on the morning that he finds reserves of energy he never knew he had?

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Finny may appear small and old to Gene because Gene has just had a transformative experience and his perception of Finny has shifted. This could symbolize Gene seeing Finny in a new light, perhaps with more understanding or empathy. It also suggests that Gene's focus is now on his own abilities and growth rather than on comparing himself to Finny.

Who is the current fastest female sprinter?

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The fastest women alive was Wilma Ru;dolph. She had polio when she was young, wore a brace, then one day walked without her cast on, and never needed it again.

Should a person with high blood cholesterol consider participating in an aerobic exercise program such as walking or jogging?

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A person with high blood cholesterol should consider participating in an aerobic exercise program such as walking or jogging. Exercise along with clean eating will help encourage a healthy lifestyle.

How do you find your average speed if you are walking or jogging?

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constantly sprinting if you want to get faster in a particular race like the 200 then i suggest that you run anywhere from 8 to 12 200s at a 32 second pace and im sure after a week of doing that you will see improvement

What mph can the average human run?

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I would say 6 and above. I would say 6 mph and above.

How many calories are burned with 1 hr jogging?

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This depends on how quickly you jog or how high you pick your legs up but generally 3-5 calories a minute can be burned this way.

How many miles will you have run if you run around the track twice?

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1 lap around track = 400 meters = 1/4 mile

What pace do I run on treadmill for 9 minute mile?

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Your time for a mile will be 6 minutes 19.2 seconds.

What is the purpose of jogging?

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Most people jog to either relieve stress, to get the multiple health benefits you get from jogging or to burn calories. It also makes your resting heart rate and blood pressure lower, so it can be used to make those levels lower. The relationship between jogging and low cholesterol is also proven. Jogging is incredibly useful and it helps people with losing weight.

When did jogging first start?

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moving one foot after the other...

How much would a new Bob Revolution jogging stroller cost?

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One may expect to spend in the region of US$150 to US$270 on a Schwinn jogging stroller if purchased online, depending of course on the model required, whether it is a single or a double buggy, and whether or not it is second-hand.

How fast should a 13 year old run 55.1 meters?

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really fast because when i was 10 and i ran in a 55 meter dash all the kids were like lighting but i was prepared so i came in first

What is muscle endurance and muscle strength?

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Muscle strength is the ability to exert force on an object or through movement with the muscles. The ability to build muscular strength is largely due to genetics but age, sex, work ethic, and overall health have an impact as well. The main way to determine someone's muscular strength is through the use of an one repetition exercise at maximum weight. Take note that limb length can play a part in strength. For instance, someone with shorter arms will have an easier time bench pressing than someone with longer arms.

Muscle endurance is the ability to exert a force repetitively or over an extended period of time. Training for endurance can have a negative impact on muscle strength unless some sort of resistance training is also included. To increase endurance one may increase the amount of repetitions or increase the amount of time of the exercise. A dramatic jump in repetitions can have more of an impact on strength rather than endurance and can increase chance of injury. Every jump in time spent training should be low enough to allow the body to adjust.

What is the best exercise- swimming or jogging?

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It depends on what you're looking to accomplish. Jogging will help you lose fat faster and it is easier for most people to stay aerobic longer jogging that swimming. Jogging can be done pretty much any place and any time, making it more accessible than swimming.

If done properly, swimming can quickly buildaerobic capacity

and fitness. Swimming is low impact, and as such is good for people with joint and stress (body not mental) issues. It works a higher percentage of the body's muscles and creates good muscle tone and definition. Other than accessibility, the only draw back to swimming is the large number of people who come to the pool, swim two lengths then sit for 5 minutes, and repeat for 45 minutes. They leave thinking they've done something, but in reality have gotten virtually no benefit (except a nice bath) out of their workout time.

Try to mix up swimming and jogging to get all the benefits

Does running on treadmill make you loose your figure?

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Well, if you're a woman, trying to lose weight, some of that weight will come off your breasts and hips. Can't be helped.

But there's nothing that makes the treadmill particularly bad. Whatever you'd done to lose that weight apart from liposuction would have had the same impact on your figure.

Which is a good dress for jogging?

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You want clothing that is slightly cool relative to the weather, since you should be generating a fair amount of body heat as you exercise. Jogging suits work well, although any loose-fitting cotton clothing such as a loose T-shirt and running shorts also works.

Basically, you want to be comfortable and have enough freedom of movement to actually jog.

What kind of clause is than jogging?

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what kind of clause is than jogging

Do you lose more weight jogging with a bin bag under your shirt?

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The bin bag will make you sweat more, so you'll lose more weight by losing more fluid(=water) from your body.

Trouble is, once done with your run you'll get thirsty. And when you drink you'll put that extra weight lost by the bin bag right back on.

How do you begin a jogging schedule?

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== First you have to know if you prefer to jog alone or prefer a friend with you. Then you have to decide if you enjoy a morning, afternoon or early evening jog and be sure your friend can fit the time into their schedule. By having a friend jog with you it forces you not to miss one day without jogging. I love to jog on the beach and smell the salt air, while others enjoy joking through parks, by rivers or through woods. It's best to have a friend go along to be safe. NEVER wear head phones while joking and always be aware of what and who is around you. If you wear head phones you can't hear anyone coming up behind you whether they intend on hurting you or not. Often when I jog I take my dogs, but on occasion will jog with a friend. At the end of the jog we always looked forward to going to an nice outdoor cafe for a cool green tea drink and just gabbing. I have since come to the conclusion that jogging isn't the best exercise and the body weight on the legs and feet can do more injury than harm, so I have decided to go back to swimming. When I use to go swimming I had better muscle tone and kept my weight down, while keeping my heart rate up. Walk before you run. My track coach told me when I asked him on how to run long distances, he suggested to take it slow. Walk 50 steps, run 50 steps for a determined distance. The next time out, walk 49 steps run 51 steps. The next time walk 48, run 52. You get the picture. I was running continously in about 20 days. Just remember to stretch before you begin any excercise for at least 5 minutes, and the same afterwards until you get used to it. Drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself and this will stop muscle cramps that running sometimes cause. Make sure you wear the proper shoes, with proper arch support as well. Biking is better, it doesnt do the harmful impact that running does. Running is hard on the joints, especially the knees, hip joints and ankles. Wear non constricting clothes and be prepared for blisters the first few times out. Good luck on your new endeavor!