


Scientific Method

The scientific method is the basis of scientific investigation. A scientist will pose a question and formulate a hypothesis as a potential explanation or answer to the question. The hypothesis will be tested through a series of experiments. The results of the experiments will either prove or disprove the hypothesis. This category should contain questions and answers regarding the scientific method.

500 Questions

What type of metal is aluminum foil made from?

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Aluminum foil is made from aluminum, which is a lightweight and versatile metal known for its malleability, resistance to corrosion, and ability to conduct electricity.

What is the difference between the scientific approach and the scientific method?

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The scientific approach refers to the general process scientists use to investigate a topic, which involves observation, experimentation, and analysis. The scientific method is a specific step-by-step process within the scientific approach that involves formulating a hypothesis, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. Essentially, the scientific method is a systematic way to test hypotheses within the broader framework of the scientific approach.

Is the distance from the top of one crest of a transverse wave to the top of the next crest in that wave?

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Yes, the distance from the top of one crest to the top of the next crest in a transverse wave is called the wavelength. It represents the length of one complete cycle of the wave.

What are the three differences between hydrogen and carbon dioxide?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Chemical composition: Hydrogen is composed of one hydrogen atom, while carbon dioxide is composed of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.
  2. State at room temperature: Hydrogen is a gas, while carbon dioxide is also a gas but can be liquefied at low temperatures and high pressure.
  3. Role in the environment: Hydrogen is a clean energy source and can be used in fuel cells, while carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming when present in excess in the atmosphere.

Which or the following decontamination method is not recommended for removing vesicants from casualties?

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Decontamination by washing with soap and water is not recommended for removing vesicants from casualties. This method can spread the vesicant agent further and should be avoided. Instead, the recommended method is to use specific decontamination solutions and procedures designed for vesicants.

What is the next step from being a data capture?

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Asked by Wiki User

The next step from being a data capture may involve analyzing the captured data to derive insights, trends, and patterns. This could also include creating reports, visualizations, or dashboards to present the information in a meaningful way to make informed decisions based on the data.

The laboratory is the only place where the scientific method can be used properly?

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While laboratories provide controlled environments conducive to scientific experimentation, the scientific method can be applied outside of the lab as well. Observations, hypothesis testing, data analysis, and conclusions can be made in various settings, including field research, clinical trials, and even everyday situations. The key is to adhere to the principles of systematic observation, experimentation, and evidence-based reasoning in order to apply the scientific method effectively.

What can you use to make a displacement can?

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To make a displacement can, you can use a can or container that is transparent or semi-transparent. Fill the can with water, and slowly submerge an object in the water. The difference in water level before and after submerging the object will show the displacement volume, which is equal to the volume of the object.

Does HCL react on burned Mg?

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Yes, when hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to burned magnesium (Mg), a chemical reaction will occur to form magnesium chloride (MgCl2) and hydrogen gas (H2). This is an example of a neutralization reaction between an acid and a base.

What is the shhort term for carbon dioxide and oxygen and water and glucose and starch?

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The short term for carbon dioxide is CO2 oxygen is O2 water is H2O starch is C12H24O12 glucose is C6H12O6.Answered by Grant

Can metal absorb solar energy?

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Yes, certain metals can absorb solar energy by converting sunlight into heat. This heat can be utilized for various purposes such as water heating or electricity generation through solar thermal systems. Certain metal alloys are also used in photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight directly into electricity.

What are the advantages of phytomining compared to the traditional method?

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Phytomining involves using plants to extract metals from the soil, which can be a more environmentally-friendly and sustainable method compared to traditional mining practices. It can help remediate contaminated sites, reduce soil erosion, and require less energy and resources. Additionally, phytomining can be done in areas where traditional mining is not feasible or economically viable.

Was there more or less syrup in the cup with the egg?

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Asked by Wiki User

There was less syrup in the cup with the egg, as some of the syrup had been displaced by the egg when it was added.

How did the methods of scientific inquiry help in the search for elements?

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Asked by Wiki User

The methods of scientific inquiry, such as experimentation, observation, and data analysis, played a critical role in the search for elements. Scientists used these methods to isolate and identify new elements based on their properties, behavior, and interactions with other substances. By applying these systematic approaches, scientists were able to gradually uncover and categorize the vast array of elements that make up the periodic table.

Does Swiss roll use a whisking method?

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Yes, Swiss roll cakes typically use a whisking method to incorporate air into the eggs, creating a light and fluffy sponge. This method helps the cake to rise and have a delicate texture suitable for rolling without cracking.

How does matter change when it is burned?

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When matter is burned, a chemical reaction called combustion occurs. This releases energy in the form of heat and light, transforming the original matter into different chemical compounds like ashes, gases, and smoke. The burning process breaks down the molecular structure of the matter, resulting in a change in its physical and chemical properties.

How do you attach motor to a battery for newton's disc?

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You can attach a motor to a battery by connecting the positive terminal of the battery to the positive terminal of the motor using a wire, and connecting the negative terminal of the battery to the negative terminal of the motor. This will allow the motor to receive power from the battery and start spinning when turned on.

What is NaH3O2?

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NaH3O2 is not a commonly known compound. It appears to be an incorrect chemical formula as it doesn't follow typical conventions for naming ionic compounds. It is best to double-check the formula or provide more context to clarify the intended compound.

What is the equation density if cold drink 5G occupies 4Cm?

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The equation density of the cold drink is 1.25 g/cm^3, calculated by dividing the mass (5 g) by the volume (4 cm^3). This value represents the amount of mass per unit volume of the cold drink.

Is the state of air in an air in an isolated room completely specified by the temperature and pressure?

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No, the state of air in an isolated room is not completely specified by just temperature and pressure. Other factors, such as humidity and composition (e.g., presence of pollutants or gases), also play a role in determining the state of the air in the room.

What did the amyl alcohol do for you in the hydrometer method experiment?

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Amyl alcohol was used in the hydrometer method experiment to help ensure that clean separation of the layers occurs after the hydrometer reading is taken. It also aids in reducing surface tension and minimizing the risk of hydrometer sticking to the glass container.

What does the term 'pressure area care' mean?

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Pressure area care refers to the prevention and management of pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores. It involves regularly repositioning patients, using specialized mattresses or cushions, keeping the skin clean and dry, and ensuring proper nutrition to reduce the risk of developing pressure ulcers.

Physical differences between organic and inorganic compound?

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Organic compounds are generally composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms, often with other elements like oxygen and nitrogen. Inorganic compounds, on the other hand, can contain a wider range of elements including metals and non-metals. Organic compounds are typically associated with living organisms, while inorganic compounds are commonly found in non-living matter. Organic compounds tend to have covalent bonds, while inorganic compounds can have a variety of bonding types, including ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds.