

Sharon Draper

Sharon Draper in an African-American author of young adult fiction. She is a two time winner of the Coretta Scott King Award, and is best known for her novel Darkness Before Dawn.

500 Questions

How do the devildogs finally impose their beliefs on romiette and julio?

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In "Romiette and Julio" by Sharon Draper, the Devildogs try to impose their beliefs on Romiette and Julio through intimidation and threats. They target the couple with acts of vandalism and violence, trying to scare them into conforming to the gang's rules and expectations. Ultimately, Romiette and Julio stand up to the Devildogs, refusing to be intimidated and showing that love and courage can overcome hatred and fear.

How long have Sharon Draper and larry draper been married?

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Sharon M. Draper and Larry Draper have been married since 1970.

When is blooming time for a rose of Sharon?

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Rose of Sharon typically blooms in late summer to early fall, usually from July to September. The exact timing can vary depending on the specific variety and location.

What are the characteristics of melody in out of your mind by Sharon Draper?

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"Out of My Mind" is a novel written by Sharon M. Draper, so it does not have a melody. However, the book does have a lyrical and emotional quality in its writing that resonates with readers. The author's use of figurative language, descriptive imagery, and strong narrative voice creates a distinctive "melody" in the story.

Whats the first event in The Battle Of Jericho?

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The first event in the Battle of Jericho is the Israelites crossing the Jordan River led by Joshua with the Ark of the Covenant. This marked the beginning of their military campaign to conquer the city of Jericho.

Was there a movie named Battle of Jericho based on the novel from Sharon M Draper?

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There is no movie specifically titled "Battle of Jericho" based on a novel by Sharon M. Draper. However, Draper's novel "The Battle of Jericho" was published in 2003, but to date, it hasn't been adapted into a movie.

Who are Sharon osbornes children?

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Sharon Osbourne has three children: Aimee, Kelly, and Jack Osbourne. They have all been involved in the entertainment industry to varying degrees and have been featured on television shows alongside their mother.

How many chapters does the battle of Jericho have?

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The story of the Battle of Jericho is found in the book of Joshua in the Bible, specifically in Joshua 6. It is described in one chapter.

What is the plot of romiette and julio?

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"Romiette and Julio" is a young adult novel by Sharon M. Draper that reimagines Shakespeare's classic tragedy with a modern twist. The story follows Romiette Cappelle, a teenage African American girl, and Julio Montague, a Hispanic boy, as they fall in love but face challenges from their families, gangs, and their community. Their relationship is put to the test as they navigate issues of race, identity, and societal expectations.

Why are bodies exhumed before dawn?

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Bodies are sometimes exhumed before dawn to minimize public attention and maintain privacy for the deceased and their families. It is also to prevent any potential disturbances or emotional reactions that may occur during daylight hours. Additionally, cooler temperatures in the early morning can help preserve the body's condition during the exhumation process.

Who did Don Draper marry?

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Don Draper married Megan Draper.

What are some importat quotes from the book November blues?

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  1. "The world is not a wish-granting factory."
  2. "Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book."
  3. "What's the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable?"

Who is Dr hoskins in copper sun?

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Dr. Hoskins is a character in the novel "Copper Sun" by Sharon Draper. He is a kind and compassionate doctor who helps Amari, the main character, after she is enslaved and goes through a traumatic experience. Dr. Hoskins provides medical care and emotional support to Amari throughout the story.

Who is Monty in tears of a tiger?

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In the book "Tears of a Tiger" by Sharon M. Draper, Monty is a friend of the main character, Andy. He is part of the group of friends that includes Andy, Tyrone, and Rob. Monty is known for his carefree and fun-loving personality.

What role did Olivia play in November Blues?

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In the book "November Blues" by Sharon Draper, Olivia is the girlfriend of Josh, the best friend of the main character, November Nelson. Olivia becomes an important figure in November's life as their friendship deepens and they support each other through hardships. Olivia also plays a role in providing different perspectives and insights for November as she navigates the challenges she faces.

Who was the protagonist in the book Darkness Before Dawn?

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The protagonist in the book "Darkness Before Dawn" by Sharon M. Draper is a teenage girl named Keisha Montgomery. The story follows Keisha as she navigates challenges such as relationships, loss, and racial issues while finding her voice and standing up for what she believes in.

What is the plot of darkness before dawn?

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"Darkness Before Dawn" by J.A. London is a young adult novel set in a post-apocalyptic world where vampires rule the Earth. The story follows a young girl named Dawn who discovers a way to break free from the oppressive vampire regime and fight for a better future for humanity. As Dawn navigates dangerous alliances and challenges, she must confront her own inner strength and resilience.

In copper sun what was Polly and reply when Teenie said they she could leave Amari and Tidbit and have a chance to be free?

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Polly replied to Teenie that she would never leave Amari and Tidbit behind because they were like family to her, and she couldn't bear to abandon them in their time of need. She believed in standing by those she cared about, even if it meant sacrificing her own chance at freedom.

How does Jonathan use his influence to persuade Keisha darkness before dawn?

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Jonathan uses his influence by appealing to Keisha's emotions and highlighting the benefits of waking up early. He may share personal experiences, offer encouragement, and provide practical tips to help Keisha see the value in experiencing the darkness before dawn. By painting a compelling picture of the rewards waiting for her in those early hours, Jonathan motivates Keisha to embrace the darkness as a precursor to the light of a new day.

What happened to Sharon Kemp?

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There is no publicly available information on an individual named Sharon Kemp that would allow me to provide an accurate answer.

What is Sharon cuneta vocal range?

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Sharon Cuneta's vocal range is categorized as a contralto, which typically spans from around F3 to F5. She is known for her rich, deep voice and ability to convey emotion in her singing.

In the book copper sun why were the men with the white skin welcoming med in Amari's village even though they smelled of danger?

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The men with white skin were likely slave traders who appeared welcoming to infiltrate the village and capture Amari and her people for the slave trade. Despite their seemingly friendly demeanor, their true intentions were to deceive and harm the villagers for profit.

In the book copper sun Whom does amari meet at cape coast castle Why is this person important to her?

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Amari meets a fellow captive named Polly at Cape Coast Castle. Polly becomes important to Amari as they form a close bond and support each other through their shared hardships as slaves. Polly offers Amari friendship and strength, helping her to endure the challenges they face together.

Who was Mary draper?

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captain draper

Darkness Before Dawn has some of the best acting of any movie this year. Which is the most relevant counter-argument to this thesis?

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While the acting in Darkness Before Dawn may be commendable, some viewers or critics may argue that the overall storyline or script is weak, and the quality of acting alone may not be enough to make it a standout movie of the year. Additionally, they may point out that other movies released this year have stronger performances, making it subjective to claim it has the best acting.