

Simple Machines (engineering)

A simple machine is a mechanical device that can help you change the force applied to help do more work easier. There are six simple machines: Wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, and screw.

500 Questions

What are some current applications of simple machines?

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i don't know if somebody know it tell my ok¿?¿?

What type of simple machines-gears can you find in a kitchen?

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knife, bottle cap, broom, mop, sink handle, sink, oven door, fridge door, can opener, cheese grater, blinds, pizza cutter

What 2 simple machines make up a wheel barrow?

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A wheelbarrow is made up of:

1) Two levers (The handles)

2) A wheel and axle

3) you may also roll it up An inclined plane

A wheelbarrow is an example of a class 2 lever and a wheel and axle.

A wheel and axle

Which 2 simple machines are modified inclined planes?

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wheel & axle and pulley are the two modifications of lever simple machine.







What simple machines are in a faucet?

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The simple machines in a faucet are: # A wheel and axle. # A lever (the handle). # Gears (probably inside the faucet). I'm pretty sure these simple machines are in a faucet, but I'm not sure if there are others. I've never looked into a faucet, no experience. Thanks for reading my answer!

What kind of simple machines is a washing machine?

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a washing machine means that wash the clothes . simple machine that makes work easy
If you are using a combo washer, there is the dryer. You will be amazed of the numerous features of washers today. You might be able to find a sensor in it as well. These sensors work in detecting sud or moisture content in your laundry. This helps a lot in conserving energy and water.
Wheels and belts.
wheel & axle, lever

What are the six simple machines and how do they work?

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There are many different types of machines in the world. Machines help people do work, and make it easier for them. There are six simple machines, and the rest are classified as complex. These six simple machines are:

1) Pulley

2) Screw

3) Lever

4) Inclined Plane

5) Wheel and axle


What are 4 machines that use gears?

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Almost anything that has mechanical movement. Cars, pencil sharpeners, electric drill.... the list goes on and on.

How changing direction of force makes work easier?

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Asked by Sakibkhanallknow

A simple machine makes work easier by reducing the force which it takes to move something. Also it makes life eaiser, but taking shortcuts does not always help.

What is the definition of simple machines?

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simple machines mean how work is being made easier
simple machines are pulleys levers lifts screws wedges wheels i might of covered all them or there might be one or two more

What are uses of machines?

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to make hard work easier for you

A hand held mixer is what type of simple machine?

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yes a manual hand mixer is a simple machine because when they put it together there are gears and levers in the hand machine

What simple machines are in a snowboard?

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The wheel and axle are easily spotted on any skateboard. It could be argued that there is a lever created by the deck and the axle assembly because of the way the truck works. The truck supports the axle hanger on a "pillow" or "cushion" (a pair of bushings, grommets or rubbers -- you choose your own term), usually made of an elastomer, which allows the hanger (the part that the axle runs through) to move relative to the base of the truck, and, therefore, the deck.

The wheels spin on the axles, as is intuitively obvious. The line of the axle is parallel to the flat surface of the deck when the deck is not loaded. When a skateboarder rides the deck, however, the deck can be tilted via the lever action. The line of the axle remains parallel to flat ground, but the plane of the deck tilts to one side or the other. The fulcrum is the fastener (the bolt, called a kingpin) that holds the axle assembly (the hanger) onto the base of the truck. The load is the "resistance" of the bushings. The lever is a 2nd class one, by the way, like a wheel barrow, and not a 1st class one, like a claw hammer being used to pull a nail.

What are the simple machine in a hand drill?

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Wedge, Gear, Wheel and Axle, Screw

What kind of machines are most machines?

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These days there are 4 main types of fax machines:

1) standalone fax machines - these are the "traditional" type of fax machine that sit on a counter

2) multifunction machines - these are fax combined with a printer, scanner, or copier. These can be a small countertop unit all the way up to the size of a big office photocopier

3) online fax services - this is a fax service that is hosted like an webmail inbox - it sends and receives faxes for you (often through your email) and you log into it like a webmail inbox.

4) enterprise fax servers - these are a version of online fax services but run through a large organizaiton's IT department.

What simple machines are in a pinsetter?

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lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane, pulley, screw,and possibly a wedge

What are the simple machines in a camera?

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A visible-light based microscope is basically a series of lances, each multiply the size of the image, let's say tenfold. The resulting image is 1,000 or 10,000 times bigger then reality.

Name the 6 machines?

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The six simple machines are: The inclined plane, the pulley, the screw, the wedge, the wheel and axle, and the lever.

What are the safety measures using simple machine?

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1.Never play with sharp and pointed tools.

2.When carrying sharp and pointed tools like knife,position the pointed edge downward.

3.Keep sharp and pointed tools in a tool box.

4.Check the ladder if it is sturdy before using it.

5.Check the rope if it is in good condition before using a pulley.

6.Be sure that the axle is fastened safely and securely to the wheel before using it.

7.Keep away from places where heavy loads are being lifted by pulleys.

8.Do not leave any object on stairways.

9.Be sure that any tool is in good condition before using it.

10.Always keep small children away when using a sharp tool.

11.When you are through using any tool, put it back in its proper place.

What kind of simple machine is a bike pedal?

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A wedge

A lever

An argument for this answer:

A wedge (the tines of the fork can wedge their way into food)

A lever (The round portion of the fork can be used as the fulcrum and then the fork can be used as a lever, just like the claw of a hammer--the thing on the back of a hammer used to pry nails out)

What type of simple machine is in a broom?

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A standard broom is a lever, which translates some force in the horizontal direction. The motion of one hand uses the other hand as a fulcrum, allowing the force of both hands to be exerted in the same direction. Either hand can be considered as a stationary or moving fulcrum.

With the fulcrum at the top hand, a broom is a class 3 lever (load and force on same side of fulcrum).

With the fulcrum fixed at the middle hand, a broom is a class 1 lever (force and load on opposite sides of the fulcrum).

Push brooms and whisk brooms are not levers.

What simple machines were used to build the great wall of china?

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Simple Machines allowed the builders of the Great Wall of China to build more quickly and efficiently. Machines such as levers and inclined planes allowed the amount of energy spent to do the work to be decreased. Other machines such as pulleys allowed objects to be transported up and down the wall with greater ease. Wedges were incorporated in the hammers that the Chinese used to pound the earth and all the materials of the Wall together.

What simple machines are used in a wheelchair?

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A wheel and axle is standard to all models. If it's motorized, then there's probably also a lever to make it go.