


Special Education

Special Education focuses on educating children with unique educational needs. This is accomplished through classes or instruction designed to address their individual differences and needs.

255 Questions

What are some free plant identification apps?

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Asked by bowen

There are several free plant identification apps that can help you identify plants, flowers, and trees. Here are some popular options:

PlantNet: This app allows users to identify plants by taking photos and submitting them to the app's database. It provides information about the plant species and is known for its accuracy and large database.

PlantSnap: PlantSnap offers a free version that lets you identify plants using photos. It covers a wide range of plant species and provides detailed information about each plant.

iNaturalist: A joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society, iNaturalist allows users to identify plants and animals. Users can take photos and upload them to get identification help from the community and AI.

LeafSnap: This app uses visual recognition software to help identify tree species from photographs of their leaves. It provides high-resolution images and detailed information about various plant species.

PictureThis: PictureThis offers a free version that allows you to identify plants by taking photos. It provides detailed information about the plants and care tips.

Flora Incognita: Developed by scientists, Flora Incognita uses image recognition to identify plants. It provides detailed information about plant species and is known for its accuracy.

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Each of these apps has unique features, so you might want to try a few to see which one best suits your needs.

Which is the best coaching center for NEET?

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Asked by Rj Vision

The NEET is the most important medical examinations for aspirants to peruse admissions in medical institutes of the country. Coaching institutes play a vital role in preparing a student crack NEET as they have the practical experience in providing the best guidance to students. Selecting the right coaching institute is important to help the medical aspirant realize their dreams. Hence, the institute’s profile, the course standards, and the past results are important parameters to consider when selecting the best NEET Classes for preparation. EMC is one of best NEET classes in Pune based.

Difference between special education and regular education?

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Asked by Wiki User

To make a long answer short, students who receive special education services are entitled to more help with their studies. This can mean extended time for testing, help reading materials, shortened assignments, and so on.

Students must qualify for special education before they can get these special services, however. There are several categories a student can qualify in and the qualifications are quite similar across the United States, but they are set by the individual states, so they are not identical.

What are the factors behind introduction of special education in Nigeria?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many benefits of special education in Nigeria. The main advantage is the fact that kids with special needs find a way of learning and are therefore not discriminated.

How much does a special education teaching assistant make?

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Asked by Wiki User

Teaching assistants usually get a small salary, plus money for tuition. It can range from as low as $4,000 to as much as $30,000 for a year as a teaching assistant.

But there are so many determining factors that can change your pay, experience effecting it the most.

What can I expect to gain from a special education class?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many benefits. One is more funding for the school itself and a higher reputation in the community. Another benefit is the benefit the students in those programs actually receive which is the same right to education as everyone else. Those children who participate in special education programs are more apt to know how to behave in society later on.

Did Amelia Earhart have a special training or education?

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Asked by Wiki User

She had advanced training as a pilot, though some people still claim she was not a good pilot. They are wrong.

She admitted to being an average navigator though. That is why she had a highly skilled navigator with her when she disappeared.


Regardless of opinion, she had 16 world records in aviation before she turned 40 in 1937. That year she began the training for her world flight in which she disappeared. One instructor, Mark Walker told her aircraft was ill-equipped for the flight.

Later during the flight, severe modifications to her radio in Miami, reduced her transmission range from 2,000 miles to 200, and removed the Pan Am frequency, preventing any communication with most ships and the Pan Am world wide network.

The reason Amelia Earhart disappeared was her radio.

Taken from, Amelia Earhart's Radio

Douglas Westfall, historic publisher

Would college have special need's classes for special need's student's?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nursing because you need to care for eny kids who have strokes or fall and fait a lot allso because nursing is a gentle art thet has been used to help all in need allso get a major in teaching just in case they whant you to teach them things they need to workon or to try ton help them be a little less speical and if you get angry easy don't do it at all.

Would a diagnosis of Developmental coordination disorder qualify a child for special education services?

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Asked by Wiki User

To qualify for special education in most states, you need to prove that there is a discrepancy between intelligence and acheivement. In other words, there is usually a processing deficit that hinders learning. Many simple handicaps do not effect processing or the learning process. If this is the case, then a student with a disability would probably qualify for a 504 plan. These plans often allow for accomodations in the classroom and/or materials, tests, etc. They do not allow for modifications to content that the student is given. You can find out more about 504 plans at

I am having trouble deciding which university to go to?

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Asked by 佐々木愛歌

This is not easy to answer. It depends on several factors that are specific to you and your situation.

Here are 6 factors to consider when choosing the college or university you should go to:

  • Geographic Location
  • Academic Quality
  • School Size
  • Overall Cost
  • Campus Environment
  • Resources and Support Systems

Geographic Location

Location is by far one of the most significant factors in choosing a college.

Academic Quality

Despite what people want you to believe, no school can offer the best programs in all fields of study.

School Size

While small schools may not offer as many program options as large universities, they do often provide specialized degrees — including self-designed majors — and a plethora of hands-on learning opportunities.

Overall Cost

Choosing a college near your hometown generally means you'll get lower tuition rates.

Campus Environment

Depending on your interests, you may want to look into schools with a strong commitment to Greek life, or a vibrant art scene.

Resources and Support Systems

Make sure the school can accommodate your spiritual life and any medical conditions or special learning requirements you may have. Many students experience homesickness and other emotional challenges when starting college, so it's a good idea to check the availability of counseling services and health and wellness programs ahead of time.

How do I indicate master's degree beside my name for education counseling and special education?

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Asked by Wiki User

You don't put your MA after your name. The only proper use of a degree after the name is a doctorate. Putting your MA is not proper and would show that you are not up to speed on the proper use of it.

What education do special education teachers need?

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Asked by Wiki User

With the most recent authorizations of the Individuals with Disabilities Act, it has been suggested that all Special Education teachers become highly qualified to teach in their field. To accomplish this new teachers have to complete a 4 year- BA program in Special Education-General Curriculum with an add-on state teaching license. Teachers already in the field have the option to take courses to complete a certification add-on or to simply take the Praxis II in the area of Special Education. Mostly, new teachers are completing 4 year programs, but it not, they can complete a 2-year BA program in Special Education with the concentration on General Curriculum to become a Special Education teacher It depends upon if you add other endorsements. You SHOULD be able to accomplish it in 4 years. I needed a summer in the middle but I added SPED late. If I may ~ a reading endorsement would be incredibly helpful at this point as well!

Do you capitalize the words special education law in a sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends. If it is part of a title, yes. If speaking generally, no.

Special Education Law 44526-A helped thousands of students.

Thousands of students benefited from the revised special education law.

Should a 5th grader have a cellphone or is 5th grade too young for a cellphone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes ,be cause for sports and Middle School can be sometimes dangerous. So i recemend your middle schooler kid should have a phone just for safety!

Is there special education school for teachers?

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Asked by Wiki User

It means special education. This is education for those with disabilities.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of inclusive special education?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages are that the student is with peers depending on the severity of the handicap they could do very well with the in class support provided. Disadvantage could be that the in class support does not support and the child flounders or fails. In special education it all depends on the person in the room, the classroom teacher and the way the program is set up. best of luck

Why do they call it special education?

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Asked by Wiki User

Special Education is 'special' because each and every person apart of a Special Education program was born with unique and different qualities. Though, they are in some way unable to complete tasks that someone without a disability could easily complete, the are special programs for these people. Each and every person born with some disability or impairment has special criteria that allow them extra time with various activities. I feel as though humans born with and placed in Special Education categories deserve the most care and special attention. They're the people in the world who will give you a lasting friendship. They're special inside and out, no matter what the disability.

What are the three of the most controversial issues surrounding Special Education?

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Asked by Wiki User

Just three?

1. Inclusion

2. Reading Programs -- whole language/natural/ etc

3. Medicating

History of Special Education in 1908-1916?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dorothea Dix was an activist for the mentally ill - she started mental institutions and got the mentally ill out of jails,she also reformed prisons

What is the educational needs for a vetnarian?

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Asked by Wiki User

You have to go to vet school. Not like a regular college vet school. Because they don't have those classes. So you just have to complete vet school.

You can go to regular college for 4 years.
Take biology and math courses. =]

Tori is gay! =]
as a veteran, i don't know of any class you must serve in the army, air force, navy, marines, coast guard and some merchant marines in ww 2. if there is a class i have never heard of this. even taking rotc did not make me a veteran.

Can you join the marines with a special education diploma?

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Asked by Wiki User


Special diploma is made for the disabled students. If you graduate with special diploma, you will have options being removed. A good of example of the options would be joining the military. With a special diploma, you won't be allowed in a university, even if you take the SAT/ACT. But you are still allowed in a community college, which you only need to do is to take the CPT (College Placement Test), even an old person in their 90's can go to a community college. It is better to get GED (General Education Development) diploma.

If you get a GED, then you are allowed to join the military. You don't have to be a student to get a GED. There are certain places you can go to study for the test and take the test.

To get information about getting a GED, please go to this site below. It will help you.