

Stephen King

Stephen Edwin King (born September 21, 1947) is an American writer of contemporary horror fiction, science fiction, fantasy literature, and screenplays. In 2003 the National Book Foundation awarded King the Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters.

500 Questions

Was signet the publishing company for Stephen King 1981?

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Yes, Signet was one of the publishers for Stephen King's books in 1981. King's novel "Cujo" was published by Signet in 1981, along with some of his other works during that time period.

Who is Steven King's wife?

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Stephen King married to Tabitha Spruce in 2 January 1971

Did Stephen King have a face-lift?

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No, Stephen King has not had a face-lift.

Does Stephen King own a cell phone?

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Stephen King does not own a cell phone and prefers to communicate via landline or email. He has mentioned in interviews his aversion to cell phones and the distractions they bring.

Why is roland seeking the dark tower?

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Roland is seeking the Dark Tower because he believes it is the key to saving his dying world. He hopes that reaching the Tower will allow him to restore balance and order to his decaying universe. It is also a personal quest for him, deeply intertwined with his identity and sense of purpose.

Is the book rose madder a historical fiction book?

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No, "Rose Madder" is not a historical fiction book. It is a psychological thriller written by Stephen King, focusing on a woman who escapes an abusive relationship and discovers a painting with supernatural powers.

What is the ending to Stephen kings salems lot?

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In the ending of "Salem's Lot," the protagonist, Ben Mears, and his companions manage to destroy the head vampire, Barlow, along with the other vampires in the town. The survivors flee the town, which is left in ruins, but there is a suggestion that evil may still linger. Ben and his love interest, Susan Norton, leave together, planning to start a new life elsewhere.

What obstacles did Stephen King face?

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He has Lou Gehrig's disease.

What genres does Stephen King write about?

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Stephen King primarily writes in the horror, supernatural fiction, and fantasy genres, often with elements of thriller and psychological suspense. He has also ventured into science fiction and mystery genres in some of his works.

Which main character died in Stephen king's it?

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In Stephen King's "It," the character Eddie Kaspbrak dies in the final confrontation with the creature, Pennywise. Eddie sacrifices himself to help his friends defeat Pennywise and save the town of Derry.

What is the Stephen King's favorite drink?

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Stephen King has mentioned that his favorite drink is Diet Coke.

What inspired Michael grant to write gone?

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Michael Grant was inspired to write "Gone" after he and his wife, author Katherine Applegate, discussed the idea of a world without adults. They were interested in exploring how children would survive and govern themselves in such a scenario, which ultimately became the premise of the book.

Who are the main characters in Desperation by Stephen King?

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The main characters in "Desperation" by Stephen King are David Carver, a writer, and Mary Jackson, a physician. They, along with several other characters, find themselves trapped in the town of Desperation, Nevada, where they must battle a malevolent force known as Tak.

Which Stephen King movie is not based on a short story or a novel?

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"Creepshow" is a Stephen King movie that is not based on a short story or a novel. It is an anthology horror film directed by George A. Romero and written by Stephen King.

What font does Stephen King use?

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Stephen King uses a variant of the typeface Plantin for his books. It is a classic serif font that is easy to read and has been commonly used in book publishing.

What role did Stephen King play in the silver bullet?

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Stephen King wrote the novella "Cycle of the Werewolf," which served as the basis for the film "Silver Bullet." King was also involved in the screenplay adaptation of his work for the movie.

Did John Ritter play in this movie Stephen King it?

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No, John Ritter did not appear in the original 1990 TV miniseries 'It' based on Stephen King's novel. The miniseries starred Tim Curry as Pennywise the Clown and Richard Thomas as Bill Denbrough.

Does Stephen King have Dyslexia?

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Yes, Stephen King has spoken publicly about his struggles with dyslexia. He has mentioned how it has impacted his writing process and how he overcame it to become a successful author.

Does Stephen King live on kezar lake?

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Yes, Stephen King owns a house on Kezar Lake in Lovell, Maine.

What state does Christine by Stephen King take place in?

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"Christine" by Stephen King takes place in the state of Pennsylvania.

Which movie did Stephen King direct?

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Stephen King directed the movie "Maximum Overdrive," which was released in 1986.

Where does Stephen King write his books?

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Stephen King writes his books in his home office located in Bangor, Maine. He has described his writing process as disciplined and routine, often starting his day early and aiming for a specific word count goal.

Where does Stephen King appear in his 2 part movie Bag of Bones?

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Stephen King makes a cameo appearance in the second part of the TV miniseries adaptation of his novel "Bag of Bones" (2011). He plays the role of a pharmacist named Rogette.

Who are the main characters in pet cemetery by Stephen King?

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The main characters in "Pet Sematary" by Stephen King are Louis Creed, his wife Rachel, their daughter Ellie, their son Gage, and their neighbor Jud Crandall. The story revolves around the family's move to a rural town and the dark forces they encounter after discovering a mysterious burial ground in the woods.

Is Stephen King right handed?

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Yes, Stephen King is right-handed.