


Physical and emotional reactions to events or circumstances experienced in everyday life.

500 Questions

What propaganda technique is used in Hubert was always too incompetent to handle stressful situations?

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Asked by Wiki User

The propaganda technique used in this statement is likely "name-calling," where negative labels or descriptions are used to create a negative perception of the subject. In this case, the term "incompetent" is used to discredit and belittle Hubert's abilities.

What is the importance of Alderfer's ERG theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alderfer's ERG theory suggests that human needs can be categorized into three levels: existence, relatedness, and growth needs. It is important because it introduces the concept of frustration-regression, where individuals may move back and forth between different needs levels. This theory acknowledges the complexity and dynamic nature of human needs in a work environment.

Why shopping is the best way to manage stress?

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Asked by Wiki User

Shopping can provide a temporary distraction and outlet for stress, as the act of browsing and making purchases can trigger the brain's pleasure centers. However, relying on shopping as a primary way to manage stress can lead to financial strain and make the underlying issues causing stress worse in the long run. It's important to use a variety of coping mechanisms to address stress, such as exercise, mindfulness, or talking to a therapist.

Compare and contrast Maslow's and McClelland's theories?

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Asked by Wiki User

Maslow's theory of motivation emphasizes a hierarchy of human needs, with individuals striving to fulfill lower-level needs before progressing to higher-level ones. McClelland's theory, on the other hand, focuses on the three primary motivators of achievement, affiliation, and power as drivers of behavior in the workplace. While Maslow's theory is more generalized and applies to various aspects of life, McClelland's theory is specific to work motivation and the factors that influence productivity and performance.

How can you tell your parents that you want to see someone about your depression?

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Asked by Wiki User

You could try sitting down with them in a calm and private setting, and express your feelings openly and honestly. Let them know that you've been struggling with your mental health and think that speaking to a professional would be helpful. Emphasize that seeking help is a positive step towards feeling better.

Which personality disorder best fits Mr Collins?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice may exhibit traits of dependent personality disorder, as he relies heavily on the approval and guidance of others, particularly Lady Catherine de Bourgh. However, some may also argue that he shows signs of narcissistic personality disorder given his inflated sense of self-importance and lack of empathy towards others.

When stress is linked to increased psychological disorders it is referred to as?

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Asked by Thegaboy5

When stress is linked to increased psychological disorders, it is referred to as a stress-related mental health issue or a stress-induced psychological disorder.

Reaction to HIV and AIDS in adults?

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Asked by Wiki User

HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system leading to AIDS, a condition where the immune system is severely compromised. Early diagnosis, access to antiretroviral treatment, and education on prevention are crucial to controlling the spread of HIV and improving the quality of life for affected individuals. Stigma and discrimination continue to be major barriers in addressing the HIV epidemic in adults.

Should cutters hide their old scars?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is up to the individual to decide whether to hide their scars or not. If they feel more comfortable or safe doing so, then that is their choice. However, it may also be empowering to show scars as a way to break stigma and raise awareness about mental health and self-harm.

Describe which type of motivation you are most likely to respond to and utilize Explain your answer?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • I believe a good type of motivation would be laying out the pros and cons of a situation and explaining every detail of the decision

What kind of stress results from a death?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grief and mourning are common responses to death, which can lead to emotional stress, sadness, and feelings of loss. Additionally, the logistical aspects related to dealing with a loved one's passing, such as funeral arrangements and estate matters, can also contribute to stress.

When do you feel stress?

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Asked by Wiki User

I may experience stress when I am overloaded with tasks or facing unexpected challenges that require quick adaptation. This can affect my ability to focus and respond effectively.

What is the purpose of defense mechanisms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies that individuals use to cope with stressful situations and protect themselves from anxiety or discomfort. They help individuals manage internal conflicts, reduce feelings of guilt or shame, and maintain a sense of security. Defense mechanisms can be either adaptive or maladaptive, depending on how effectively they address the underlying emotions and stressors.

How is PTSD diagnosed?

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Asked by Wiki User

PTSD is typically diagnosed through a clinical interview where a mental health professional assesses an individual's symptoms, history of trauma exposure, and the impact of those symptoms on everyday life. The diagnosis follows criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) which includes symptoms such as intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in mood and cognition, and arousal/reactivity. Other assessments and tools may also be used to confirm the diagnosis.

Is stress an emotion?

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Asked by Martiendejong

Stress is not an emotion. It is a physiological response to a perceived threat or challenge. Emotions such as anxiety, fear, or frustration can result from stress.

Dissociative Identity Disorder person have it more than 6 years?

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Asked by Wiki User

Individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder typically have symptoms for many years, with the average time to diagnosis being six to seven years. It is a complex disorder that often develops as a coping mechanism for severe trauma experienced in early childhood. Treatment involves therapy to address underlying trauma and integrate the different identities.

Is it possible to be just sick mentally?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible to have mental illnesses without any physical symptoms. Mental disorders can affect a person's thoughts, emotions, behavior, and overall well-being without any apparent physical health issues. It is important to seek professional help and support if you are experiencing mental health challenges.

What happens to children who are not being accepted?

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Asked by Wiki User

Children who are not being accepted may experience feelings of rejection, isolation, and low self-esteem. This can have long-lasting effects on their mental health and well-being. It is important for these children to have support from adults or professionals to help them navigate these challenges.

What causes Neurotic disorders?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neurotic disorders are generally thought to arise from a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Traumatic experiences, chronic stress, low self-esteem, and certain personality traits may contribute to the development of neurotic disorders. Additionally, an imbalance of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin, may also play a role in the manifestation of these disorders.

Phobia of being afraid to say no?

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Asked by Wiki User

This fear is known as "assertiveness phobia" or "confrontation avoidance." It may stem from a fear of conflict, rejection, or displeasing others. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be an effective treatment to help overcome this fear by teaching assertiveness skills and changing negative thought patterns. Practice setting boundaries and saying no in low-risk situations to build confidence.

What is more important IQ or EQ?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both IQ and EQ are important, but their importance can vary depending on the situation. IQ (intelligence quotient) is important for cognitive abilities like problem solving, reasoning, and decision making, while EQ (emotional quotient) is crucial for understanding and managing emotions, building relationships, and making social connections. In many situations, a balance of both IQ and EQ is ideal for success.

Is it ok to fight back a little when someone is constantly being downright rude to you for something that isn't even your fault and they know that and they're just using you to vent their feelings?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to address the situation calmly and assertively, setting boundaries about acceptable behavior. Engaging in retaliatory behavior may escalate the conflict further. Communicate your feelings and try to resolve the issue through open dialogue.

Biological factors that influence the formation of personality?

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Asked by Wiki User

Biological factors such as genetics, brain structure, and neurotransmitter levels play a role in shaping personality. Genetic predispositions can influence traits like temperament, while brain structure and neurotransmitters impact cognitive processes, emotional regulation, and behavior, all of which contribute to personality development. Additionally, hormonal fluctuations can also influence aspects of personality such as aggressiveness or sociability.

Any good sites that help teen girls with low self esteem?

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Asked by TwilightGirlk

Yes, some good resources for teen girls with low self-esteem include websites like Ditch the Label, ReachOut, and The Trevor Project. These platforms offer support, resources, and advice for building self-esteem and improving mental well-being.

What is meant by a 'prank call' to someone?

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Asked by Wiki User

A prank call is a type of practical joke where the caller deceives the person who answers the phone with a hoax or a made-up story in order to trick or annoy them. It is usually done for amusement or to get a reaction out of the person receiving the call.