

Sumatran Tigers

Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is native to Sumatra, Indonesia. It is the smallest surviving tiger subspecies. Around 400 to 500 wild Sumatran tigers were thought to exist in 1998, but this number has continued to drop.

500 Questions

What does Sumatran Tigers food web look like?

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this is probably not much help but i know that the sumatran tiger is at the top of its food web and it eats larger ungulates, like wild boar, tapir and deer, and sometimes also smaller animals, like fowl, and fish somtimes Orangutans. try looking for the food web of the sumatran rainforest. sorry if this isn't much help

What color is a Sumatran tiger?

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the sumatran color is blue

What does a sumatran tuger eat?

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A sumatran tiger eats mammals and grass cos that is all 4 legged animals medicin

When did First Sumatran Expedition happen?

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First Sumatran Expedition happened in 1832.

What colors can Sumatran tiger have?

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The sumatran tiger can be orangish yellow with darkish black stripes.

What is the habitat of the sumatran?

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They are found only on the Indonesian island of Sumatra off the Malaysian Peninsula. Their habitat ranges from lowland forest to mountain forest and includes evergreen, swamp and tropical rain forests.

How big is a male tiger?

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Male Siberian Tigers are the largest wild cats you'll find on the planet. Tiger fans (I'm one of them) always try to make the Tiger look bigger and stronger than it really is, but I know my facts. Really, the Tiger on average is 500ibs but its pretty common for it to reach 700ibs and even more at times.

· Siberian Tiger also known as Amur, Manchurian, Altaic, Korean or North China tiger (panthera Tigris altaica)- Siberian in Russia

o Males weight 300 kg + (419 to 675 lbs) record weight 384 kg

o Male body length 190 to 230 plus cm plus tail of about 60 to 110 cm long (10.9 ft)

o Female weight 100 to 167 kg (200 to 370 lbs)

Do Sumatran tigers migrate?

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No, they have a limited habitat.

How many Sumatran Tigers does it take to make one rug?

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it takes 3-6 tigers to make 1 rug