


The Crucible (play)

The Crucible is a 1952 play written by Arthur Miller in response to Congress' actions towards accused communists. In his play, he compares the hunt for communists to the famed Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Despite the connection, the Crucible cannot be considered a factual depiction of the witch trials

500 Questions

How long did the persecution last in The Crucible?

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By my judegment i would say it began in March or April because the farmers are starting to plant the seeds. John Proctor is hung in the late fallish area i would imagine because it talks about it getting cold. so within a year. also it might help knowning that Elizabeth is pregnant and at 3 months by the time John is hung so i dont know how much more precise one would be able to go. if you ask me, which you did, id say around 7 to 8 months. A VERY long time for mass histeria to last.

Why was Giles Corey convicted of witchcraft?

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Some People thought it may have been because:
1. Of his high temper
2. His wife had as well been accused of witchcraft that could also be one reason
3. He had ben guilty for one case of murder
4. He was threatened his neighbors
5. He was accused to have set John Procter's house on fire but there wasnt any evidence.

Some Facts; The things written on top are also facts to use
1. He had been crushed to death
2. Only person to be crushed to death
3. Crushed to death because he wouldn't cooperate with the court
4. His death took 3days
5. Was stripped naked in his death process and neighbors watched his death
6. His wife Matha Corey was hung to death
7. She died on September 22, 1692
8. Third wife of Gile Corey

;P hope i helped

Why do girls argue about whether or not to tell the truth in crucible?

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because they don't want to tell the truth

What are the differences between Arthur Millers The Crucible by Arthur Miller and the Salem witch trials?

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The main difference is that McCarthyism was a real political period in the United States when Senator McCarthy tried to scare the people that Communism was leaking into our government whereas The Crucible is a play about the Salem Witch trials.

When did mercy Lewis die?

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What do you learn in the exposition of the play the crucible about the events in the forest?

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According to Arthur Miller, there is no doubt that witchcraft was being practiced in Salem in 1691-1692. However, this does not mean that demonic possession took place or that actual magic had transpired.

Through Abigail's dialogue with her girls, it is revealed that they did, in fact, dance naked, drink a charm to kill Elizabeth Proctor, attempt to conjure the seven deceased children of Ann Putnam, and drink blood.

Again, however, this does not mean that they were successful in communicating with demons, devils, or the dead.

Why did putnam oppose proctor?

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pg. 33 Proctor says to Giles that he is going to take his lumber home, but Putnam objects and says that the part of the Forrest that he got the lumber from was a tracts in his bounds. But Proctor argues that Goody Nurse's husband sold it to him, and the Putnam says that he had no right to because it was part of his grandfathers will.

In The Crucible what is Mary's argument to Abby?

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Mary's argument to Abby in 'The Crucible' is in regards to confessing what they have done. Mary wants them to say they were also dancing so that their punishments can be a whipping instead of a hanging.

When did Elizabeth proctor die?

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Her husband John Proctor was executed as a witch in 1692 during the Salem Witch Trials and Elizabeth was sent to prison but later released. == ==

Why does proctor remind her of the angel Raphael?

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'The Crucible' by Arthur Miller, John Proctor is trying to bolster an obviously weakened Mary Warren. He speaks the words of the Angel Raphael from the Bible. "Do that which is good and ho harm shall come to thee." This reminds her of Proctor.

Why is Mary warren afraid to tell the truth in the crucible?

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Mary has seen first hand how cruel Abigail is and knows that she will not hesitate to use her new found power to destroy anyone who crosses her. Mary is fairly weak willed, and this step shows a lot of personal strength for her.

What is the shorter version of reverend?

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Without the apostrophe, yes; thus: Revd. John Smith. If you're seeing "rev'd" it could be an abbreviated form of "revised" (depending on the context, of course!)

Why is reverend Hale in Salem?

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In the story "The Crucible," Reverend Hale goes to Salem because he is an expert on demonic arts, and Reverend Parris wants him to examine Betty.

The reason for why he returned was because He came back to try and get the people who are about to be hanged to confess in order to save their lives. He tries to get Danforth to postpone the hangings as well. Hale now knows the trials were lies started by teenage girls who got caught doing something wrong. He is mostly concerned for Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor who are the first of the town's upstanding citizens to be hanged. He wants them to confess so they won't hang. He's trying to save their lives. Act four- Danforth: "You baffle me, sir. Why have you returned here? Hale: "Why, it is all simple. i come to do the devil's work. I come to counsel christians they should belie themselves. there is blood on my head! can not see the blood on my head!!" To pray with the people who are condemned to hang.

How has Elizabeth changed since we first met her?

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She took an arrow in the knee or it could of been cats.

Yours sincerely Brandon

What do you think of Abigail and what would you have said to her if you had been present at the end of act one?

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That Abigail is the bad person who lies and cheats out her friends to get what she wants which is john proctors wife dead so Abigail and him could be together.

What secret does John openly admit to Danforth in The Crucible?

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He tells danforth that he had an affair with Abigail because he knew Abigail would bring it up anyways in court

What character in The Crucible by Arthur Miller experiences a character arc?

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Abigail Williams is the protagonist of THE CRUCIBLE. She is the one who gets the ball rolling about the whole witchcraft and witch hunting. She is the person who pushes the story forward to a climax and even a resolution.

What did Abigail Williams revealed to john proctor Elizabeth remind hom of this?

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That she is a bad helper and worker and spread rumors about her

What does Mary tell danforth?

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Mary seems to become infected with the hysteria of the other girls and starts screaming too

Why has proctor avoided attending the church?

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In "The Crucible", John Proctor does not attend church regularly because he does not like, or agree with, the Reverend Parris. Because of this, he also refuses to have his last child baptized.

Who is charged with murdering goody putnam's babies?

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She thinks that something supernatural happened to them

What was Abigail Williams personality like?

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obnoxious and disliked by 2nd continental congress watch movie "1776"