

Twilight Breaking Dawn

Ask questions about Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final book in the Twilight Saga, which was released in 2008.

500 Questions

When is the second part of Breaking Dawn coming out in Cinemas?

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Breaking dawn hits theaters On:

Part 1: November 18, 2011.

Part 2: November 16, 2012.

- These are said to be the offical dates by Author Stephenie Meyer!

Is twilight breaking dawn the last book and movie?

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Breaking Dawn will be the last book from Bella's point of view. Stephenie Meyer is currently writing Midnight Sun, which is Twilight except it is from Edward's point of view. She is also thinking about doing a different series that has the same theme and characters of Twilight, just not with Bella and Edward as the main characters. There is only one more book and it's from Edwards perspective of Twilight it's call Midnight Sun. Stephenie Meyer says she would love to write 20 more Twilight books only she can't. Why? I love twilight!! Blub!

In the book Eclipse of the twilight series when does Rosealie tell Bella her story in how she became a vampire?

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its when Bella's sleeping over, and because the vampires don't sleep, edward buys Bella a bed, and rosalie walks in and they start talking, and then she tells her.

They talk for a long time and after Bella understands why Rosalie doesnt want Bella to change into a vampire.

Is Breaking Dawn appropriate for 11 year old girls?

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Some say it is appropriate and some say it isn't. I would read it yourself to find out if you think it is or is not appropriate for 11 year olds. P.S. It also depends on how mature he / she is!!! - Jamerinsky, Have a good day!

What song plays during the credits on Eclipse?

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I researched online and took information found through other sites and added/corrected information after seeing the movie again. Here's the best order I can come up with, which includes both the Soundtrack and the Score. Songs listed in order of appearance. Bonus indicates it's a track only available on the Deluxe version of the soundtrack.

1. Chop and Change - The Black Keys (SDTRK) Opening scene as Riley leaves the bar.

2. Riley (SCORE) Riley is under attack and undergoes the transformation.

3. Compromise/Bella's Theme (SCORE) Edward and Bella in the meadow discussing marriage.

4. Let's Get Lost - Beck and Bat for Lashes (SDTRK) Bella contemplates seeing Jacob, Edward sabotages Bella's truck when she tries to leave.

5. How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep - Bombay Bicycle Club (Bonus - SDTRK) Cafeteria scene, Jessica goes over her graduation speech and Alice announces a graduation party of the Cullen house.

6. Bella's Truck/Florida (SCORE) I think you actually hear the beginning of this before #5 when Bella and Edward are in the truck discussing werewolves. If so, the second part of the song then would be heard here when Bella is visiting her mom.

7. Victoria (SCORE) Victoria is being chased through the woods by the Cullens and werewolves.

8. A Million Miles an Hour - Eastern Conference Champions (SDTRK) Jacob confronts Edward at school about the Cullens entering their territory.

9. Jonathan Low - Vampire Weekend (SDTRK) Bella leaves with Jacob on his motorcycle.

10. Imprinting (SCORE) Jacob talks to Bella about the Emily/Sam/Leah triangle and the concept of imprinting.

11. The Cullens Plan (SCORE) The Cullens discuss the situation with the newborn army.

12. Atlas - Fanfarlo (SDTRK) Edward drives Bella to the treaty line.

13. The Line - Battles (Bonus - SDTRK) Edward drives off after dropping off Bella at the treaty line.

14. Life on Earth - Band of Horses (SDTRK) Bella and Edward talk about her becoming a vampire.

15. First Kiss (SCORE) Jacob tries to kiss Bella, Bella punches Jacob.

16. Rosalie (SCORE) Rosalie tells Bella about her life as a human and becoming a vampire.

17. Decisions, Decisions (SCORE) Volturi watch over the newborn army, Jane decides whether to get involved or let them continue.

18. Ours - The Bravery (SDTRK) First song playing at party at the Cullen's house.

19. Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever) - Muse (SDTRK) Second song played as Jacob and the tribe arrive at party.

20. They're Coming Here (SCORE) Alice sees vision of army approaching, Jacob and tribe agree to join fight.

21. With You in My Head - UNKLE featuring The Black Angels (SDTRK) Vampires and werewolves train on how to kill the newborns.

22. Jacob Black (SCORE) Plays right after training sequence, Jacob's theme.

23. Jasper (SCORE) Jasper talking about turning into a vampire and how he used to train newborn armies before Alice came along.

24. Wolf Scent (SCORE) Jacob takes Bella up the mountain to see if his scent masks hers.

25. Claire De Lune - George Wilson (Not on either, heard previously in Twilight) Bella comes to the Cullen house to stay the night.

26. My Love - Sia (SDTRK) Bella and Edward kiss, Bella finally says yes to marriage proposal.

27. Rolling In on a Burning Tire - The Dead Weather (SDTRK) Victoria talks to Riley about killing the Cullen clan.

28. Mountain Peak (SCORE) Bella plants her scent as army moves in and Bella is taken to top of mountain.

29. The Kiss (SCORE) After Jacob finds out about Bella's engagement, Bella runs after him and asks him to kiss her.

30. The Battle/Victoria vs. Edward (SCORE) Newborns attack below as Riley and Victoria attack Bella's camp at the mountain top.

31. Jane (SCORE) Volturi arrive after the battle, lay judgment down on Bree Tanner (newborn).

32. As Easy As Breathing (SCORE) Bella sees Jacob after he's been fixed and is healing post-battle.

33. Wedding Plans (SCORE) Bella and Edward discuss the wedding and Bella tells him why she really wants to be a vampire.

34. Eclipse (All Yours) - Metric (SDTRK) Bella and Edward hug, end credits begin.

35. Heavy in Your Arms - Florence Welch + The Machine (SDTRK) 2nd song, end credits.

36. What Part of Forever - Cee Lo Green (SDTRK) 3rd song, end credits.

What was in the lunch box in the movie crank 2?

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Apparently the films creators don't even know. they left it for the viewer to decide..

could be anything from, Ferrets testicles, His friends peice of elbow, some sort of genitalia, who knows.. apparently it was chev's heart at one point in the film.

Was the song it will rain in breaking dawn part one?

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As Edward and Bella are walking out of the Cullen house after the wedding, the guests are applauding which drowns out a very short line of "It Will Rain" (which ends before Bella walks up to her mother). Listen closely and you'll hear it.

Who plays renesmee when she is a teenager in Breaking Dawn?

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Mackenzie Foy plays Renesmee in the Twilight movie Breaking Dawn Part 2.

Who plays Embry Call in The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part I?

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Kiowa Gordon!!!

man he is hawtt!!!!!!!


How do you become an extra in Breaking Dawn?

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Hi I was wondering if anyone knows how i can become a extra in the movie New Moon I dont want any lines just want to be seen maybe contact me at thanks Amber

They have already cast extras.

Is the movie Breaking Dawn inappropriate?

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The books are written for the young-adult audience. They are probably not appropriate for children under 10

I partially agree. I would only allow them to read Twilight and New Moon if theyre under 10. After that, Bella, um... is a little innapropriate with Edward. I am an advanced 5th grader, an on Breking Dawn. Don't believe that its scary either, because it has vampires and werewolves.

Hi I am another answerer... I wasn't as sheltered as most of the people my age. I'm a 4th grader at a high school reading level, so as far as being appropriate for other kids my age I would rate it 3 out of 10. In the last two books, but especially Breaking Dawn because it has some sexual content, I would say at least 10 and up. =]

i agree

When will Breaking Dawn be on the Showtime channel?

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Around august to september

Who plays tanya Denali in Breaking Dawn?

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I think Tanya's only going to be in Breaking Dawn so don't think she's been cast yet. When I first read her character I pictured Anna Lynne McCord playing her. I think she'd be perfect for the role.

Or i think Blake Lively could play the part perfectly.

Who dies in Breaking Dawn?

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actually yes Irina does die but an important non main character called Bree dies from which Stephanie created another book based on.
Irina, a vampire of the Denali Clan, she lied to the Vulturi and then was killed.

Who is jodelle ferland's boyfriend?

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WikiAnswers strongly believes that celebrities are grately entitled to keeping this kind of information secret and private. Especially for young female celebs who have tons of obsessive male fans like Jodelle Ferland it would be dangerous to release any infos about a relationship.

Can you die of breaking your nose?

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Not only can you die from a broken neck; it is difficult to survive one. It is possible, but difficult.

What is a theme of the novel Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer?

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The main theme of 'Eclipse' as with the other books in the Twilight series is love. However, this book is marked out by a conflict that Bella feels between her love for Jacob and her love for Edward. It is a book about choices and about how we must accept the consequences of our actions.

Is Robert pattinson going to play edward in the eclipse?

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Edward Cullen for sure.

Edward Cullen definitely!! I love Edward Cullen! But not Robert Pattinson. They probably did a lot of airbrushing and stuff to make Robert Pattinson look hot as Edward Cullen but it was worth it cause Edward is so hot!

Edward 4 sure i don't like Robert because he said he doesn't like kids. Go Edward!<3

I love both but i would prefer to have Robert Pattinson! And anyway he didn't say he doesn't like kids, just that he doesn't like to be near them... He was saying that he would never date one (for obvious reasons) in an interview! But he would like kids!

Yeah totally Edward! Theres just something about his uber paleness that is so super sexy to me! And p.s. I can't wait for Breaking Dawn to come out!

Where can you download the eclipse script?

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Well you can't buy it so try finding it online or ask around but good luck because Jaskson Rathbone lost his and some dork put in online now him and Jaskson A.K.A Jasper are in trouble

Why did Bella marry edward in breaking dawn?

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the whole section of Rosalie's call is on Stephenie Meyer's website.

  • click on the tab on the top that says: Twilight series
  • click on New Moon
  • click on extras
  • click on Rosalie's News for Edward's version of the call, or Miscalculation for Rosalie's version.

What is the Breaking Dawn about in the twilight movies?

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its about Bella and Edwards "physical" romance (ooh!!) and when Bella becomes pregnant (hopefully they wil skip the nasty birth scene) and then part of the book is in Jacob perspective and how he deals with the fact that Bella will never be his but in the end she becomes his...mother in law makes no sense but read the book and youll understand . then when tanyas sister (tanya is like part of carlises extended family and had a crush on edward) anyway she sees Bella's daught and thinks an immortal child (wich is illeagal in the vamp world) and brings the volturi in to kill them all and Bella gets powers when turned into vamp. blah blah blah end of story. pros-lots of bellward action

more sexy Jacob

pretty wedding

cons-Jacob falls for an infant

the baby rips up Bella's tummy

and rosalie tries to kill Bella


What happens in the honeymoon scene in Breaking Dawn?

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In Breaking Dawn, Bella and Edward have a 'normal' honeymoon. They make there marriage 'official'. They spend time together and such. But of course complications occur. The honeymoon happens in Breaking Dawn, not Twilight. I would suggest you read it to get your answer.

Can you give a summary on chapters 16-20 in breaking dawn?

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THOSE chapters get interesting. Okay it's in Jacob's point of view at first. Ch. 16-Too-Much-Information Alert--Jacob, Leah, and Seth are circling "as wolves" an area near the Cullen house, looking for Sam's "other" pack. Blah.... Okay, then he's human. Renesmee broke Bella's pelvis bone. Edward learns he can her the baby's thoughts. Ch. 17-What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead. Take mine. Take everything I have.--

Does Jacob get hurt in twilight Breaking Dawn?

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Yes, he ran away when he got Bella's wedding invitation in Eclipse. But is Breaking Dawn he comes back.