

Usain Bolt

A Jamaican sprinter, Usain Bolt has won three Olympic gold medals and holds World Records in the 100 meters, 200 meters, and the 4x100 meters.

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Is usain bolt from Kenya?

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No, Usain Bolt is from Jamaica. He is a Jamaican sprinter who is widely regarded as the fastest person ever.

Who is the Fastest man on the planet?

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The fastest person not using artificial means of propulsion (i.e. running) is generally regarded as Usain Bolt of Jamaica, who ran 100m in 9.58s in (Berlin, 2009).

The fastest humans were the Astronauts of the Apollo missions, whose capsules went to the moon at peak speeds in excess of 10km/s. On 26th June 1969, the Apollo 10 astronauts (Cernan, Stafford and Young) travelled at 11,107 m/s while at 122 km altitude during re-entry.

In fiction, the fastest man alive is The Flash

How did Usain bolt become the fastest man in the world?

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Usain Bolt became the fastest man in the world through a combination of natural talent, intensive training, and dedication to his sport. He has a unique combination of height, stride length, and speed that give him a competitive advantage over other sprinters. Additionally, his focus and mental strength have played a key role in his success on the track.

What did Usain Bolt say about breaking the world record?

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Usain Bolt said, "I want to be remembered as one of the greatest who have ever lived." He also mentioned that breaking the world record was always his goal and motivation, and that he had trained hard to achieve it.

What was the men's 100m world record before usain bolt broke it in the Beijing Olympics finalworld?

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The men's 100m world record before Usain Bolt broke it at the Beijing Olympics final was 9.69 seconds, set by Bolt himself in the 2008 Reebok Grand Prix.

How many 100m world records has Usain Bolt broken?

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Usain Bolt broke the 100m world record three times in his career. He first set the record in 2008, then broke it again in 2009 and finally in 2009 at the World Championships in Berlin with a time of 9.58 seconds.

Could Usain bolt beat a horse over the world record distance?

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No, it is highly unlikely that Usain Bolt could beat a horse over the world record distance. Horses are built for endurance and have superior stamina compared to humans.


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Usain Bolt has 6 Olympic gold medals. He also won 8 golds and two silvers in the World Championships.

How long does Usain Bolt take to run a mile?

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Well, since it is Usain Bolt, it would take him 2.36 minutes to run 1 mile.

Why was usains bolt nick name lightning bolt?

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The lightning bolt sdfjsakl;dsfajsfe;fa;sd/a;'dfka;'df

Why did Usain Bolt want to run?

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Usain Bolt was inspired by a former teacher. His teachers name was Lorna Thorpe. She was his Physical education teacher.

How many times Usain won Laureus sportsman award?

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Muhammad Ali won the Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year Award once, in 1974.

When was Usain Bolt discovered?

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He was discovered at the age of 14 years old at a football game.

How many people are in Usain Bolts family?

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he has 5 members in his family. dad,mom,brother,sister and him.

What is the first job Usain Bolt had?

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yes he is a pro athlete and a Dj. (he likes fried chicken)

Where does usan bolt live?

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he lives in jamica well that what many people say

What does Usain Bolt Endorse?

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Puma & Digicel are the 2 that comes to mind.

What is Usain Bolt's longest run?

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usaind bolts longest run was 40000m when he ran a marathon in jamaca

What country does Usain Bolt represent?

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Phelps swims representing the United States of America.

How old was Usain Bolt when he won his first medal?

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His first medal was when he was a kid, he won a tournament in cricket for the most homeruns forit.

How fast can Usain Bolt run the 40?

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Most experts believe he can run the 40 yards in under 4 seconds.

How does Usain Bolt run so fast?

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It is a medical phenonemon. Scientists are still trying to figure it out.