

Walt Whitman

Walter "Walt" Whitman was an American poet, essayist and journalist. A humanist, he was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, incorporating both views in his works.

500 Questions

Why is the high school named after Walt Whitman?

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The high school is likely named after Walt Whitman because he was a renowned American poet whose works have had a lasting impact on literature and society. Whitman is often taught in schools as a pivotal figure in American poetry, making him a fitting namesake for an educational institution.

Which would most interest Walt Whitman?

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Walt Whitman would most likely be interested in exploring themes of democracy, the beauty of nature, individualism, and the diversity of American culture. He was known for his free verse poetry that celebrated the common man, the soul, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Who was Walt Whitman's fellow poet?

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One of Walt Whitman's fellow poets was Emily Dickinson. Dickinson is known for her unique style of poetry, focusing on themes of nature, death, and immortality. Whitman and Dickinson are often considered two of the most influential American poets of the 19th century.

Is there a build a bear in Walt Whitman mall?

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Yes, there is a Build-A-Bear Workshop located in the Walt Whitman Shops mall in Huntington Station, New York.

How old was Walt Whitman when his family moved to Brooklyn?

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Walt Whitman was 4 years old when his family moved to Brooklyn in 1823.

Why could Walt Whitman be considered the first truly American poet?

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Walt Whitman is often considered the first truly American poet due to his groundbreaking use of free verse, his celebration of democracy and individualism, and his focus on themes and subject matter that reflected the American experience and landscape. His work epitomized the spirit of America and helped define a uniquely American poetic voice.

Does Walt Whitman Mall Huntington NY have a Pacsun?

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Yes, Walt Whitman Mall in Huntington, NY does have a PacSun store located within its premises.

What ideas does the narrator in Daughter of invention use from Walt Whitmans poetry?

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The narrator in "Daughter of Invention" references Walt Whitman's ideas of self-reliance and individualism. She draws inspiration from Whitman's poetry to assert her own identity and express her unique voice as she navigates her immigrant experience and struggles with cultural expectations within her family.

How do you pay a missed toll on Walt Whitman brideg?

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To pay a missed toll on the Walt Whitman Bridge, you can typically do so online through the bridge's official website using the missed toll payment option. You will need to enter your license plate number and possibly other relevant information to process the payment. Alternatively, you can also contact the bridge's customer service for assistance in paying the missed toll.

What key event happened in Walt Whitman's life?

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One key event in Walt Whitman's life was the publication of his groundbreaking collection of poems, "Leaves of Grass," in 1855. This work was a departure from traditional poetic forms and themes, and it solidified Whitman's reputation as one of America's most innovative poets.

What genre did Walt Whitman write his poems?

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Walt Whitman is known for writing in the genre of American poetry, specifically free verse poetry. His work often explored themes of democracy, the individual, and the interconnectedness of all things.

What was Whitman's view on nature?

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Walt Whitman celebrated the beauty and power of nature in his poetry, viewing it as a source of inspiration and spiritual connection. He believed that nature was a vital force that could rejuvenate the human spirit and provide a sense of freedom and harmony. Whitman's view on nature emphasized its role in fostering self-awareness and interconnectedness with the world.

How can you get in contact with Slim Whitman or his agent?

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You can try contacting Slim Whitman's agent or management team through his official website or social media accounts. Another option is to reach out to music agencies or booking agencies that may represent him. Additionally, you can attend his concerts or public appearances to try to speak with him directly or his team.

What are the literary devices in a noisless patient spider?

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In "A Noiseless Patient Spider" by Walt Whitman, one of the literary devices used is personification, where the spider is given human-like qualities such as being "ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing filaments." Additionally, the repetition of the word "filament" creates a sense of unity and connection between the spider's web and the human soul, emphasizing the poem's theme of solitude and longing for connection. The extended metaphor of the spider's web as a representation of the speaker's search for meaning and connection in the vast universe is another key literary device in the poem.

How many poems did the first edition of Leaves of Grass have?

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The first edition of Leaves of Grass, published in 1855, contained 12 untitled poems.

What are some problems Walt Whitman dealt with?

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Walt Whitman faced criticism for the explicit content in his poetry, as well as for his unconventional use of free verse. He also experienced financial struggles throughout his life, leading him to work various jobs to support himself. Additionally, Whitman faced personal challenges, such as coping with the deaths of family members and lovers.

What is the kelson of creation?

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The Kelson of Creation is a term used in astrology and metaphysics to refer to a theoretical point in space that represents the center of creation or the origin of all things. It is believed to be a powerful energetic focal point that influences the alignment and balance of the universe. Its exact nature and significance vary depending on different spiritual and philosophical beliefs.

Why did Walt Whitman write the unexpressed?

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Walt Whitman wrote "Leaves of Grass" to express his ideas about democracy, individualism, and the interconnectedness of all people. He wanted to capture the diversity and contradictions of American society through his poetry. Whitman believed that by embracing and celebrating the complexity of life, he could inspire others to appreciate the world around them.

What are the places that Walt Whitman name's in his poem a promise of California?

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In his poem "A Promise of California," Walt Whitman mentions various specific locations, such as the Sierras, the Golden Gate, the Central Valley, and the Sacramento. These places symbolize the promise of hope, opportunity, and renewal that California represents to him. Whitman uses imagery of the landscape to evoke the idea of a better future and the beauty of the region.

WHY might Whitman have called his experiences nursing in the Civil War and ldquothe most profound lesson and of his life?

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Whitman found his experiences nursing in the Civil War deeply impactful because he witnessed the stark realities of war and saw the suffering and sacrifice of the soldiers firsthand. This experience allowed him to connect with humanity on a profound level, fostering empathy and understanding that stayed with him for the rest of his life.

How does the dream of every member of the younger family differ ang agree with one another?

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The dream of every member of the Younger family in "A Raisin in the Sun" revolves around achieving a better life. While they all desire financial freedom and a brighter future, they differ in their specific goals and motivations. For example, Walter wants to invest in a business and improve the family's financial status, Beneatha aspires to become a doctor and defy societal expectations, and Mama dreams of owning a house where her family can thrive. Ultimately, their dreams align in their pursuit of upward mobility and a better life for themselves and future generations.

What was Walt Whitman motivation to be a poet?

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Walt Whitman's motivation to be a poet stemmed from his desire to capture the essence of American life and democracy in his writing. He aimed to express the diversity, individuality, and interconnectedness of the American experience through his poetry, helping to create a national cultural identity. Whitman viewed poetry as a tool for social progress and as a way to connect with and elevate the human spirit.

What did Walt Whitman and intense patriotism cause him to do?

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Walt Whitman's intense patriotism led him to volunteer as a nurse in military hospitals during the American Civil War, where he comforted wounded soldiers and wrote about his experiences in poetry. Whitman's dedication to his country and its people influenced much of his work and his belief in the democratic spirit of America.

Why did the cayuse murder the Whitman and?

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The Cayuse tribe killed Marcus and Narcissa Whitman in 1847 because of cultural tensions, including resentment towards missionaries and settlers. Additionally, the spread of disease and competition for resources also played a role in the conflict.

In Walt whitmans poem i heard?

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Walt Whitman's poem "I Heard You Solemn-Sweet Pipes of the Organ" reflects his experience listening to music that evokes deep emotions and spiritual connection. The poem celebrates the power of music to uplift the soul and create a sense of unity and harmony among listeners. Whitman uses vivid imagery and lyrical language to convey the profound impact of music on the human spirit.