

Whooping Cough

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, it is a highly contagious respiratory infection. All questions concerning symptoms, diagnosis, causes, transmission, treatments and prevention may be found here.

500 Questions

A vaccine is something that is used to?

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produce antibodies to help kill germs

What shape is whooping cough?

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the shape of whooping cough

Which nation did whooping cough come from?

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It has been in the world for a long time and it didn't come from one nation. A recent outbreak came from Australia.

Can a whooping cough be trated by antibiotics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. While prevention via vaccination is recommended, if one does contract Whooping Cough (AKA Pertussis) antibiotics are administered to shorten the duration of the infection.

Three of the main antibiotics prescriped for Whooping Cough are Azithromycin, Erythromycin, and Clarithromycin

Can you play sports with Whooping Cough?

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No. After suffering from the 100 day cough, I played a ten minute game of rugby and nearly died. I ended up in hospital for a week and had a Tracheostomy so you should definitely not play sports with Whooping Cough.

What is the physiology of whooping cough?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

B. pertussis causes its most severe symptoms by attaching itself to those cells in the respiratory tract which have cilia.

What famous people had whooping cough?

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Lucy Jefferson, daughter of Tomas Jefferson, died of whopping cough.

Where is whooping cough located?

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Whooping cough is a disease that affects the lungs and airways of the body. A deep cough starts and gets progressively worse and is very hard to stop and cure.

Is whooping cough contageous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Whooping Cough known in the medical community as Pertussis is not "curable" by definition. There are medications with antitussive properties that can be given to mitigate the symptom of coughing. There is a vaccines out there that is very effective however as with all vaccines there is no 100% guarantee. Having Whooping Cough can last several months as it is colloquially known as "The 100 Day Cough." But eventually all will subside.

What is the most common victim of the whooping cough?

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people who are mostly around sick people like nurses

and doctors

Is whooping cough an osha recordable?

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Asked by Wiki User

I will answer your question with another question.

Have you ever seen the list of things that are not an OSHA recordable?


Here is the long and short of it. If your employee is on a leave of absence in a faraway land, and they are flossing and experience discomfort at the moment the floss contacts their gums when slipping between their teeth, if they claim they were thinking about you when it happens, it's a recordable.

Why can't you see the whooping cough bacterium?

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Because it is small.

What foods should I avoid with Whooping cough.?

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For whooping cough you have to normally take ginger with honey and also the recommended natural medicine would be to goggle using hot water with bit of salt. It can also be given some antibiotics prescribed by doctor. You will not die when you eat these food.

Is it possible to have pertussis without cough?

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The early stage of pertussis (the catarrhal stage) is characterised by a fever, achiness and runny nose. People will usually but not always have a cough.

The later stages (mostly the paroxysmal stage) are what are famous for severe coughing.