

Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono is a Japanese singer and artist, but is best known as a peace activist. She was born February 18, 1933. She was married to English musician John Lennon from 1969 until his death in 1980.

199 Questions

What drugs did Yoko Ono use?

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Is Yoko Ono a lesbian?

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I don't think so since she's only been married to men. She's never had a wife and the most recent time that she was dating the person was a man.

How long were John Lennon and Yoko Ono together?

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From the spring of 1968 (marrying on March 20, 1969) until his death in December 1980. They were separated from the fall of 1973 to the early weeks of 1975 (Lennon lived with May Pang, while Ono dated guitarist David Spinozza), but spoke by telephone nearly every day.

Yoko ono was the wife of what famous musician?

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Asked by ShasanrieMyQueenNeefb4494

John Lennon of the Beatles

Does Yoko Ono have a friend called Sundy who may live in Australia?

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No. Sundy lives in Austria. Yoko Ono's best friend since the second grade has been an Austrian citizen for the past 70 years. Sundy is often mistaken for an Australian due to his "crocodile dundee" style hat and affinity for pulling knives out of his pocket that are larger than other people's knives. Sundy also enjoys shrimp, Foster's and kangaroos - but the similiarities between him and the Australian stereotype end there. Sundy is actually native to New Zealand, where he was born in 1876. Sundy has never been to Australia, except for a brief stop at the Sydney airport before departing to Vienna. Some rumors speculate that during this stop Sundy may have told his mate to have a good day. He and Yoko are good friends they can often be found playing Halo 3 on Xbox live.

Why does Yoko Ono sell off so many of John Lennon's personal possessions and original art and handwritten lyrics?

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With the exception of an auction held in the 1980s to raise funds for Yoko Ono's Spirit Foundation charity, Yoko Ono rarely, if ever, sells off any of John's personal posessions (and has never sold off any of John's handwritten lyric sheets).

The John Lennon handwritten lyric sheets that occasionally come up for sale at auction are items that John left behind in the studio, or otherwise discarded or abandoned in hotel rooms, etc. There was little thought that such items had any value back then -- and so they were often simply abandoned or thrown out. Studio employees, musicians, hotel employees and others would find them and keep them. Later, these items would be put up for auction, many of them changing hands through collectors over the years as prices rose.

Yoko also does not sell off any of Lennon's original artwork. John Lennon released a series of signed lithographs (mostly of his nude drawings of Yoko) that occasionally come up for sale -- but all of his other "artwork" that is being sold today are reprints produced by Yoko -- not the original artwork.

Yoko Ono has carefully collected and archived Lennon's personal artifacts, and occasionally has lent some of these items to museums so that Lennon fans around the world get a chance to see them.

What kind of art has Yoko Ono created?

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The kind of art Yoko Ono creates is conceptual art and participatory art. Some of the art she created are "Wish Tree", "Hide and Seek", and "Cut Piece."

What did John Lennon see in Yoko Ono?

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The Song was called 'The Ballad of John and Yoko'

Where did john lennon and yoko ono bury john ono lennon ii?

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The burial site was never disclosed.

What song is it when Yoko Ono Lennon screams?

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Yoko Ono was trained in German Lied singing and other techniques, and soloed with her voice; most people mistook it for screaming. The first record where she used it prominently was "Don't Worry Kyoko", the B-side of "Cold Turkey", in 1969. You may also be thinking of the unreleased (until the third volume of The Beatles Anthology CDs in 1996) "What's The New Mary Jane", where Yoko wails "Whaaaaaaaaaat aaaaaaaaaa shaaaaaaaaaaame!" toward the end.

How did Yoko Ono and John Lennon fall in love?

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i remember something in a documentary about john seeing her doing something for a film but i cant remember what

Is yoko ono a boy or girl?

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A girl

Where and what year did John Lennon and Yoko Ono protest for peace?

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They started protesting together in 1969 and never stopped.

How did Yoko Ono ruin The Beatles?

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Yoko Ono did not ruin the Beatles, but her presence was a contributing factor in their breakup.

The Beatles had had a meteoric ride to international superstardom in a short space of time. The touring schedule had taken its toll and the did their last ever concert in August, 1966, but the demands of writing and recording new material still existed.

They were on average, in their mid-twenties and trying to live their lives, but were so well known, they could not step out in public due to Beatlemania.

Yoko Ono's influence over John Lennon was such that he neglected band duties and responsibilities such as songwriting and turning up for recording sessions. When he was present at sessions and meetings, she was present, she spoke up, and it didn't sit well with anyone else.

How did Yoko Ono learn English?

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Asked by BettyHinman

Yoko Ono likely learned English as a child. Her family moved between America and Japan a lot throughout her childhood, finally settling in Scarsdale, New York where she enrolled in Sarah Lawrence College.

What art movement was Yoko Ono associated with during the 1960's?

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Fluxus, which was a loose association of New York artists and performers.

Is Yoko Ono a heroin addict?

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She and John Lennon were heroin addicts for awhile. They stopped using the drug, but she 'had a lapse' in 1980, after years away from it.

Is Yoko Ono Lennon famous?

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Yes, she's very famous. She's known for being the widow of Beatles member John Lennon. She still performs live with The Plastic Ono Band.

How did John Lennon and Yoko Ono spend their honeymoon?

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Lennon and Ono expected the media would follow and snoop on them during their honeymoon, so they decided to turn things around, and use the event to promote world peace. They spent the week in the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam, and invited the media to come visit them during their "Bed-In for Peace".

The invitation was misinterpreted at first, with many people assuming the couple planned to make love for the public to see. Lennon said later "The press came charging through the door, thinking we were going to be screwing in bed." Instead they found John and Yoko sitting up in bed in pajamas, surrounded by handmade posters reading HAIR PEACE, BED PEACE, GROW YOUR HAIR, I LOVE YOKO and I LOVE JOHN, and the two of them answering any and all questions put to them.

The event was commemorated in "The Ballad Of John And Yoko", one of the last Beatles singles (which featured only Lennon and Paul McCartney playing), and the later Wedding Album, which included a book of photos, another book of press clippings, and a bagged photo of a slice of wedding cake. One side of the record, titled "Amsterdam", was a collection of sounds from the week, including two interviews with the media.

Lennon and Ono wanted to have a second bed-in in America, but Lennon was refused entry to the United States because of his recent arrest for hashish possession. They settled at first for the Bahamas, but found their hotel inhospitable, and they relocated the event to the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal, Quebec. This Bed-In lasted ten days, with the couple speaking by radio and telephone to student protestors in California, and the writing and recording of "Give Peace A Chance".