


Zucchini is a very popular and versatile summer squash. It can be fried, boiled, baked, grilled, and broiled, and its many uses include breads, cakes, and casseroles.

500 Questions

How much do zucchinis cost?

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Can you plant cantaloupe by zucchini?

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Yes, you can plant cantaloupe by cucumbers.

They do NOT cross-pollinate as they are different species. Only species fof the same species or closely related species may cross. Non-species crosses are extremely rare and usually sterile.

Cukes and pickles cross with each other. Cukes do not cross with melons, canteloupe, honeydew, guords, squash or pumpkins.

Canteloupe and honeydew can cross.

Pollination doesn't affect the fruit of a plant because the genetics of fruit production is set in the plant which is grown from the seed of the previous year. Cross-pollination within species would affect the fruit of the seeds in the subsequent year. In other words, rogue pollination of your cukes by your neighbors nasty pickles would not affect you current year crop of cukes, but you wouldn't want to save and plant those seeds expecting the same variety as you will have a hybrid which may or may not even be similar in taste.

How far apart do you plant zucchini?

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like far away man, but close too, but only close enough to be far enough away from each other

Is Zucchini a root or tuber?

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vegetable a green veggi similar to sqash

How many cups in a 3lb zucchini?

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About 2.368 cups.

Can you use zucchini bread recipe for muffins?

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Actually, Italian squash is zucchini. Just another fancy name. :) I was confused too, because the organic ones at the store are tiny and seem to be different from zucchini. They aren't though.

How many calories in zucchini squash?

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Squash in general are from 40 ... 80 calories per cup.

What happens if you forgot the salt in zucchini bread?

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It will lack flavor

Where can you purchase zucchini flowers in south Florida?

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== == Zucchini flowers come from the plant. They are also know as squash blossoms and are used in cooking.

Can Horses eat zucchini?

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I havn't heard of any horse liking them but i am sure some have got to.

Are green squash the same as zucchini?

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Zucchini are a type of squash, specifically listed as being a type of summer squash. It will taste different from the other squashes out there, though. Zucchinis have also been called Italian squash and just for an fyi (the name is French, it seems) courgette.

How many calories in zucchini pie?

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In uncooked zucchini (also known as courgette) including the skin, there are:

  • approx 72 calories as an average in one pound of zucchini.

This works out at 4 to 5 calories per ounce.

Is zucchini vegetable?

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yes, and so is corgette

What does zucchini look like?

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its green and long and it could be yellow and it's wide:)

How many zucchini equals 1 cup shredded?

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zucchini come in many sizes so this is unknowable -- however 1.5 average-sized zucchinis are probably about 1 cup after shredding

Botany of a zucchini?

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Cucurbita pepo Origin Italy, 19th century (?)

Zucchini (pronounced /zuːˈkiːni/ in North American and Australian English) or courgette (/kʊǝrˈʒɛt/ or [kɔːˈʒɛt] in New Zealand, South African, and British English or French) is a small summer squash. Along with some other squashes, it belongs to the species Cucurbita pepo. The zucchini can be yellow, green or light green, and generally has a similar shape to a ridged cucumber, though a few cultivars are available that produce round or bottle-shaped fruit.

In a culinary context, zucchini is treated as a vegetable, which means it is usually cooked and presented as a savory dish or accompaniment. Botanically, however, the zucchini is an immature fruit, being the swollen ovary of the female zucchini flower.

  • 1 Flower
  • 2 History and etymology
  • 3 Cooking
  • 4 Nutrition
  • 5 Cultivation
  • 6 References
// [edit] FlowerFlower of Zucchini
Inside a Zucchini flower

New Zucchini Fruit

The female flower is a golden blossom on the end of each emergent zucchini. The male flower grows directly on the stem of the zucchini plant in the leaf axils (where leaf petiole meets stem), on a long stalk, and is slightly smaller than the female. Both flowers are edible, and are often used to dress a meal or garnish the cooked fruit.

Firm and fresh blossoms that are only slightly open are cooked to be eaten, with pistils removed from female flowers, and stamens removed from male flowers. The stem on the flowers can be retained as a

How many carbohydrates are in zucchini?

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approximatley 400

What color is zucchini?

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Light tan color with a yellowish cast to it.

Where is zucchini grown?

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it is grown in the USA

Can zucchini be cut ahead of time or will they turn brown?

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yes you can and to make them not turn brown or anything thing (like sliced apples) ex. just put them in water and add some sort of an acid like lemon juice; that will stop them from browning.

I agree with answer #1. A little lemon juice, orange juice, or anything acidic will keep apples, etc, from turning brown. This is a must when making guacamole salad which will turn dark very quickly. Tossing guacamole pieces in lemon juice first will keep the salad a beautiful green for a long time.


When preparing the fruit or veg for a dish you are busy with you can cover with plain water.

You can cover with slightly salted water or add something acidic to the water, if you will only be using the fruit or veg later. When adding apples to a savoury / spicy dish like curry I would use salt, although the salt won't go well with desert.


all of these are correct, but for sweet potatoes, among many things, i'd recommend using tartaric acid (cream of tartar) with water. it doesn't take much at all, it is cheap, and it won't alter your flavor like citric acid or salt will.

Can you bring fresh zucchini on plane for domestic travel?

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no i woudnt try it you can be fined or jailed unless your items are declared and even then they can confiscate it if its fresh or has life within it or on it but even declared it might be hazardos to the country you are going to visit or work in im not and expert i just watch australian border security al`ot5

hope this helped ~Pj~

How can you get rid of squash bugs on your zucchini without using a pesticide?

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"You eat them" is just being rude.....Squash bugs can be eliminated by using Green light Neem solution (Found at gardening stores), or just mix 2 gallons of water, and 1/4 c. dish soap. (You can add some neem oil according to bottle directions, too). Spray the leaves, UNDER the leaves, too, and stems in the morning. The soap makes the bugs wet, then die. The Neem oil stops breeding, too, and most of the time feeding. Remember, to hand pick all of the eggs laid by the bugs, checking every other day or so. TRASH THEM, trying not to squish them. I am doing the same thing now with my garden! (Poor zucchini plants!)

How many cups of zucchini are in 2 medium sized zucchini?

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Cups of shredded zucchini in 2 medium Zucchini?