The distance between Honolulu, Hawaii and the Republic of the Marshall Islands is approximately 2500 miles. In order to get there you either need to go by boat or fly to Guam then do some short ranged island hopping to finally get to the Marshall Islands. There are also direct flights from Waikiki to Majuro.
There are approximately 4800 miles between the countries' capital and largest cities, Bangkok, Thailand, and Majuro, Marshall Islands.
That is similar to the distance between London, UK, and Dallas, TX, or between Barrow, North Alaska, and Jamaica in the Caribbean.
This could change depending on where in these countries you measure from. The distance from the Thai-Laotian
border (near Ubon
and the Ujelang
Atoll, Marshall Is., is only about 3730 miles.
The distance from the Thai-Burmese
border (near Mae Chaem)
and the Knox Atoll, Marshall Is., is over 5100 miles.
So, depending on where you are in these countries, the miles from Thailand to the Marshall Islands will range between 3730 and 5100, but chances are that it will be around 4800 miles.
The main and biggest island of the Marshall Islands is called Kwajalein. All of the Marshall islands are located not far but southwest of Hawaii.
They are the Marshall Islands.
It is in the equator of Los Angeles and Japan Marshall Islands' located southwest of Hawaii. It's about 2,286 mi southwest of Honolulu. Marshall Island is a 7th smallest countries.
The Canary Islands are off the Northwest coast of Africa.
In the south Pacific Ocean, between Hawaii and the Marshall Islands.
In 1956 , the atomic Energy Commission regarded the Marshall Islands as " By far the most contaminated place in the world " .
Kwajalein Atoll is about 2100 miles southwest of Hawaii, and 1400 miles east of Guam. It is part of the Marshall Islands.
No. Hawaii is a group of Islands far out in the Pacific Ocean. It is not part of any continent.
The canary Islands are in the Atlantic ocean- but Hawaii is the only one that is a state of the US.
In addition to the State of Hawai'i, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is an island, as are the territories of the American Virgin Islands, and protectorates (Guam, Marshall Islands, etc) and millions of other islands.
Hawaii is made up of islands, so you could say they are all at the ocean and so at no distance from it.
Marshall Islands, Maldives, Mariana Islands, Marquesas Islands.